I was just in Book Mountain which has been operating in SFe primarily as a paperback exchange since 1980 (just before I moved to the area) and discovered that the owner, Peggy Frank intends to shut down, probably sooner rather than later.  Here is an article about her move and rejuvenation of the store a couple of years ago:


The new digs and layout were a modest upgrade from what she had going before, and has a somewhat wider range of books shelved now, though the emphasis is still on high-turnover paperback.  She has one of the most extensive collections of Science Fiction I think you fill find this side of Powells (Portland) or Tattered Cover (Denver).

I probably unloaded 1/4 of my "2 cords of books" leftover from *my* bookstore (Hunt and Gather circa 2006) on her for trade (my credit is much too large to begin to drain in the short term).

What I am hoping is that one of her customers or someone in the book loving circle would swoop in and buy it outright.   I have already talked to some of the other booksellers in town and she has already approached them offering to sell them her inventory, but the ideal would be for it to remain a viable business.  Her current setup/inventory/curation works and is by far more valuable than the mere inventory (which would need to be sorted, shelved, etc. again).

If anyone here knows of anyone suitable for taking on such an operation I highly recommend it, but I suspect the time is short. Peggy is just coming out of some health-challenges and I sense she will not be willing/able to wait very long.    I am holding out a slim hope that one of the other used-sellers in SFe might pick it up as a satellite (Op Cit already has had multiple locations).

In any case, spread the word if you can.   Maybe there is a coop model or multiple-partner arrangement that might keep it going and help Peggy leave the business cleanly/gracefully.

- Steve

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