Wow.  Old terminator.  New terminator.

> On Aug 10, 2023, at 12:15 PM, Stephen Guerin <> 
> wrote:
> I think this might be a more concise explanation:
> Switching wins if you initially pick a goat (2/3 chance) and loses if you 
> pick the car (1/3 chance), so the win probability with switching is 2/3.
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> 1600 Lena St #D1, Santa Fe, NM 87505
> office: (505)995-0206 mobile: (505)577-5828
> On Wed, Aug 9, 2023 at 8:46 PM Nicholas Thompson < 
> <>> wrote:
> In a  moment of supreme indolence [and no small amount of arrogance] I took 
> on the rhetorical challenge of explaining the correct solution of the Monty 
> Hall problem (switch).   I worked at it for several days and now I think it 
> is perfect.  
> The Best Explanation of the Solution of the Monty Hall Problem
> Here is the standard version of the Monty Hall Problem, as laid out in 
> Wikipedia:
> Suppose you're on a game show, and you're given the choice of three doors: 
> Behind one door is a car; behind the others, goats. You pick a door, say No. 
> 1, and the host, who knows what's behind the doors, opens another door, say 
> No. 3, which has a goat. He then says to you, "Do you want to pick door No. 
> 2?" Is it to your advantage to switch your choice?
> This standard presentation of the problem contains some sly “intuition 
> traps”,[1] <x-msg://41/#m_3313630866437708646__ftn1> so put aside goats and 
> cars for a moment. Let’s talk about thimbles and peas.  I ask you to close 
> your eyes, and then I put before you three thimbles, one of which hides a 
> pea.  If you choose the one hiding a pea, you get all the gold in China.  
> Call the three thimbles, 1, 2, and 3.
> 1.        I ask you to choose one of the thimbles.  You choose 1.  What is 
> the probability that you choose the pea.   ANS: 1/3.
> 2.       Now, I group the thimbles as follows.  I slide thimble 2 a bit 
> closer to thimble 3 (in a matter that would not dislodge a pea) and I declare 
> that thimble 1 forms one group, A, and thimble 2 and 3 another group, B.
> 3.       I ask you to choose whether to choose from Group A or Group B: i.e, 
> I am asking you to make your choice of thimble in two stages, first deciding 
> on a group, and then deciding which member of the group to pick. Which group 
> should you choose from?  ANS: It doesn’t matter.   If the pea is in Group A 
> and you choose from it, you have only one option to choose, so the 
> probability is 1 x 1/3.  If the pea is in Group B and you choose from it, the 
> pea has 2/3 chance of being in the group, but you must choose only one of the 
> two members of the group, so your chance is again, 1/3:  2/3 x ½ = 1/3. 
> 4.       Now, I offer to guarantee you that, if the pea is in group B, and 
> you choose from group B, you will choose the thimble with the pea. (Perhaps I 
> promise to slide the pea under whichever Group B thimble you choose, if you 
> pick from Group B.)  Should you choose from Group A or Group B?   ANS:   
> Group B.  If you chose from Group A, and the pea is there, only one choice is 
> possible, so the probability is still 1 x 1/3=1/3.   Now, however, if you 
> chose from group B, and the pea is there, since you are guaranteed to make 
> the right choice, the probability of getting the pea is 1 x 2/3=2/3.
> 5.       The effect of Monty Hall’s statement of the problem is to sort the 
> doors into two groups, the Selected Group containing one door and the 
> Unselected Group, containing two doors.   When he then shows you which door 
> in the unselected group does not contain the car, your choice now boils down 
> to choosing between Group A and Group B, which, as we have known all along, 
> is a choice between a 1/3 and a 2/3 chance of choosing the group that 
> contains the pea. 
> [1] <x-msg://41/#m_3313630866437708646__ftnref1> The intuition trap has 
> something to do with the fact that doors, goats, and cars are difficult to 
> group.  So, it’s harder to see that by asking you to select one door at the 
> beginning of the procedure, Monty has gotten you the group the doors and take 
> the problem in two steps.  This doesn’t change the outcome, but it does 
> require us to keep the conditional probabilities firmly in mind. “IF the car 
> is in the unselected group, AND I choose from the unselected group, and I 
> have been guaranteed to get the car if I choose from the unselected group, 
> THEN, choosing from the unselected group is the better option.”
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