I'm confident many of y'all have seen this. But each of the snippets below, from 
Roger & Merle's nihilistic takes to Leigh and Cody's optimistic takes, bounce 
around policy modeling. What can one estimate in the face of overwhelming 
uncertainty? And given one's high uncertainty estimates, what is there to *do* 
about it at an institutional scale?

cf the theme of the Humans, Societies and Artificial Agents at 
ANNSIM<https://annsim.org> this year:
Taylor Anderson, George Mason University, USA and Petra Ahrweiler, Johannes 
Gutenberg University, Germany

Agent-based models (ABMs), cellular automata, and microsimulations model 
systems through the lens of complex systems theory. More specifically, such 
approaches simulate populations of possibly heterogeneous individuals as they 
utilize either simple behavioral rules or learning models to govern their 
interactions with each other and their environment, and from which system-level 
properties emerge. Such modeling and simulation approaches have supported a 
wide range of applications related to human societies (e.g., traffic and urban 
planning, economics, natural hazards, national security, epidemiology) and 
research tasks (e.g., exploring what-if scenarios, predictive models, data 
generation, hypothesis testing, policy formation and generation).
Despite the multitude of advancements in the last few decades, there remain 
longstanding challenges that limit the usefulness of such models in the policy 
cycle. Such challenges include but are not limited to: capturing realistic 
individual and collective social behaviors; basic issues in model development 
(calibration, scalability, model reusability, difficulties in generalizing 
findings); and making transparent the strengths and limitations of models. This 
track focuses generally on advancements in modeling and simulation approaches 
in application to human societies that seek to overcome these challenges, with 
a special interest in policy modeling and the inclusion of models in the policy 

On 10/23/11 10:10, Roger Critchlow wrote:
No one knows where the slime mold will choose to extend its  pseudopodia, or 
which of the pseudopodia will thrive or wither, or what the novel beneficial or 
lamentable consequences will be.  Some of us worry about the suffering caused 
by the gold-goo-excrement, others worry about not killing the beast that makes 
the gold-goo, many just fight for the largest share they can get, and most of 
us could care less until the bucket of gold-goo-excrement lands in our 
neighborhood or the gold-goo pseudopod feeding our investments dries up.

On 1/28/24 16:55, Frank Wimberly wrote:
One of my father-in-law's best friends was a man named Eli Shapiro who was the Alfred P 
Sloan Professor of Economics at MIT.  My FIL asked him some question about stock 
investing.  Shapiro said, "Chuck, nobody knows anything."

On 1/29/24 08:29, Steve Smith wrote:
I think this is one of the reasons that an open-ended "growth economy" is so popular, it 
make everyone willing to take on the mantle, a /_"tide whisperer"_/, pretending their 
shamanic actions/words are lifting those boats?

On 1/29/24 19:20, Leigh Fanning wrote:
At some point we'll have SAF at scale.

On 1/29/24 19:35, Michael Orshan wrote:
so removing fossil fuels from power plants is the key. [snip] Still there are 
many political and resource bottlenecks.

On 1/29/24 22:36, Merle Lefkoff wrote:
Sorry, Jochen, just about everything you recommend will make things worse.  I 
also wrote about the failure of the climate models almost ten years ago.  You 
nailed one of the biggest problems, though: even really smart guys don't know 
shit about global warming.

On 1/30/24 00:59, Jochen Fromm wrote:
The basic facts seem to be simple. 8 billion people burning fossil fuels are 
causing global warming. Is there a point I have overlooked? What can we do to 
stop global warming?

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