glen wrote:

I'm fond of eyeball attempts to determine whether images are from generative AI. Your 1st one definitely looks like it. The 2nd one, I can't tell. (It's cheating to look at the alt description or the filename.)
I'm far from an expert but I have spent a bit of time generating images for various (mostly useless purposes) and feel there must be some reserved, finite set of "stylizations" which even when overlayed or convolved-with overt stylizations (e.g. in the style of a dutch master), some kind of attractor or canalization get invoked.   I wonder if there is some sort of explicit or implicit taxonomies of stylization?
But the very prominent slur on the coin kinda sorta gives it away. DALL-E is obviously not very safe ... or maybe it's been trained on too much UK/Aussie content.

I almost didn't share that one because of the implied perjorative... I forget what I asked for, I think it was "POTUS inscribed on the coin" but was not surprised a bit when it did something else entirely, and in fact I don't think it "knew" what it was writing... I generally ignore any specific language that gets included in DALL-E's hallucionations, they are so often illegible (including alphabets that probably don't align with any real human ones) and rarely properly spelled.  I also rarely try to get it to generate any text for this reason.   Even getting a "T" on the trump spoof-sneakers I generated was nearly impossible but one happy accident yielded a "T" that looked a lot like it had cyrillic origens.

The second image is very reminiscent of one of the regular New Yorker cartoonists (contemporary or past?) IMO.

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