So, let's make even clearer that the problem is the interpreter.


n: Integer := 2
P ==> Polynomial Integer
F ==> Fraction P
S ==> SquareMatrix(2, F)
p: P := n::P
m: S := squareMatrix matrix [[1,1/p],[1/p,1]]
z := (p::F)*m

in the interpreter and then try to compile

---rhxBEGIN dptest.spad
)abbrev domain DPTEST DPTest

DPTest(): with
    mytest: Integer -> Integer
  == add
    mytest(n: Integer): Integer ==
      P ==> Polynomial Integer
      F ==> Fraction P
      S ==> SquareMatrix(2, F)
      p: P := n::P
      m: S := squareMatrix matrix [[1,1/p],[1/p,1]]
      z := (p::F)*m
---rhxEND dptest.spad

and also try to remove the -- in front of p*m and compile again.

I would be more happy if the interpreter tells me similarly that there
is a problem instead of simply coercing to something I don't expect.

I know, it's only me... :-)


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