Ralf Hemmecke wrote:
> I run "FriCAS 1.1.0" and get for
> )compile partial2.spad
>     >> System error:
>     The index 4 is too large.
> =====================================================================
> ---rhxBEGIN partial2.spad
> )abbrev category PARTCAT PartialCategory
> PartialCategory(V: Type): Category == with
>      if V has CoercibleTo OutputForm then CoercibleTo OutputForm
>      inject: V -> %
>      retract: % -> V
>      failed: () -> %
>      failed?: % -> Boolean
> )abbrev domain PARTIAL Partial
> Partial(V: Type): PartialCategory V == add
>      Rep := Record(val: V)
>      if V has CoercibleTo OutputForm then
>          coerce(x: %): OutputForm ==
>              failed? x => "failed"::Symbol::OutputForm
>              x.val :: OutputForm
>      inject(v: V): % == [v]
>      retract(x: %): V == x.val
>      failed: % == NIL$Lisp
>      failed?(x: %): Boolean == EQ(x, failed)$Lisp
> ---rhxEND partial2.spad

Now this compiles fine.

                              Waldek Hebisch

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