> This is all very well, and I can enter commands and obtain nicely typeset 
> output.  What I don't get though is HyperDoc, or any capability for 
> graphics.

> What file do I need to change in order to make sure that the FriCAS session 
> includes graphics?

> On another related question, I can start HyperDoc with )hd, but it's not 
> "connected" to FriCAS; so it won't search for commands.  Is there any way 
> of attaching a HyperDoc instance to an already running FriCAS?  Or must it 
> be started with FriCAS?

Both problems are inherent to the way that TeXmacs starts FriCAS.

If you start fricas from the command line then actually sman takes over
and starts AXIOMsys and graphics and hyperdoc as subprocesses. Since
texmacs wants to control the AXIOMsys process directly (because of
ctrl-c and such, it doesn't work (at least I wouldn'd know) with sman
being the master process. So TeXmacs just starts AXIOMsys and leaves
hyperdoc and graphics processes alone.

Since sman controls the nice interplay between all the processes, you
also don't get a connection between the running AXIOMsys process and a
hyperdoc that is started via )hd in TeXmacs. Yes, that's bad, but I see
no easy solution to this, except that FriCAS get's rid of its old
Graphics world and switches to a new one.

Personally I favour a browser interface where graphics appears directly
in the browser, somewhat similar to what Sage has. Currently Kurt Pagani
tries to build an interface upon the Jupyter notebook. That's quite
promising and as long as you don't need graphics it's already usable
today. But I guess someone will have to work on the graphics in FriCAS
to switch from the old way of sending output to the screen to a new way
of producing output for a browser.


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