I'm endorsing what Bill suggested. If you are going to manage just one
function the rest of it will be routine.

This might interest you:

which seems to me quite easier to implement.

Am 24.10.2015 um 16:28 schrieb Bill Page:
> Alasdair,
> For entirely selfish reasons :) I would like to encourage you to
> continue work on this since I also would like to be able use some of
> the standard numeric libraries in FriCAS. But I am also sympathetic to
> your reaction concerning the details in Lisp. One thing that might
> help is that both FriCAS and OpenAxiom follow the original design of
> Axiom which includes an intermediate language called BOOT.  BOOT was
> intended to make Lisp-level programming easier for people who mostly
> program in SPAD since the syntax is similar to SPAD without static
> types. Some (most?) of what Kurt wrote in Lisp below and all of the
> interface code that he did not include could be written in a
> combination of BOOT and SPAD.
> In any case I am motivated to try to help with this.
> Cheers,
> Bill Page
> On 24 October 2015 at 04:28, Alasdair McAndrew <amc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> The more I read about Lisp the more difficult it seems.  It would probably 
>> be just as easy for me to write a integrate.input file from scratch 
>> containing the Gauss-Kronrod code, rather than wrestling with a language of 
>> which I have little understanding, and no competence!
>> On Sat, Oct 24, 2015 at 3:11 PM, Kurt Pagani <nil...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I'm trying to explain it as good as I can (experts will correct me):
>>> I see three different methods:
>>> 1. start your Lisp REPL (pref. SBCL) and try to load QuickLisp, FriCAS:
>>> - (load "~/quicklisp/setup.lisp")
>>> - (load "load-fricas.lisp")
>>> - (ql:quickload ... whatever you want to via QuickLisp)
>>> - (load "other_lisp_files_of_interest")
>>> - (main)
>>> where "main" is a function which combines the various objects. You said
>>> you were "a total Lisp newbie", then this method might not be the first
>>> choice.
>>> 2. Instead of using a Lisp REPL one can use the one inside FriCAS,
>>> however, except from loading "load-fricas.lisp" nothing changes with
>>> respect to method 1, at least as long as you will stay within the Lisp
>>> REPL.
>>> $ fricas -nosman
>>>   )fin
>>>   ...
>>>   |spad| ; back to fricas
>>> 3. Write a Lisp file containing all the "load" commands (except
>>> "load-fricas.lisp" of course) and any packages and functions necessary
>>> to "export" to the Fricas shell. Afterwards you have to write a SPAD
>>> package which "imports" your Lisp functions (those you want to have in
>>> FriCAS). I've found an example for QuickLisp (it's rather unfinished, so
>>> I don't recommend to compile it): the SPAD section below is the file
>>> "clx.spad" while in the second section below (after LISP) you can see
>>> the file clx.lisp.
>>> Now compare for instance the function qlQuickLoad in clx.spad:
>>> --
>>> qlQuickLoad : String -> SExpression
>>> ++ qlQuickLoad is Lisp ql:quickload
>>> ...
>>> qlQuickLoad(s) == QL_-QUICKLOAD(s)$Lisp
>>> --
>>> with the function ql-quickload in clx.lisp:
>>> ;;; =================
>>> ;;; QuickLisp section
>>> ;;; =================
>>> (defun ql-quickload (s)
>>>   (if (find-package "QUICKLISP")
>>>   (ql:quickload s)
>>>   (clx-error *pkg-err-ql*)))
>>> Now freely interpreted we have the following situation:
>>> If you call (in FriCAS) the functtion
>>>      (1)-> qlQuickLoad("myLib")
>>> then in the underground (Lisp) the expression
>>>      (ql-quickload "myLib") is evaluated.
>>> Note that Common-Lisp is case insensitive (unless you use |...|), so
>>> that in SPAD the function "ql-quickload" should be written as
>>> QL_-QUICKLOAD, where the underscore is necessary to escape the special
>>> character "-".
>>> I admit it's confusing at times. But comparing corresponding functions
>>> in the different sections you will get a feeling for it.
>>> In order to use "quadpack.lisp" within FriCAS you have just to do the
>>> same as described above; choose the functions you want to see in FriCAS
>>> and map them to the corresponding Lisp expressions in a SPAD package (or
>>> domain). Of course, Maxima and FriCAS objects may be slightly different
>>> internally, but in this case I think "quadpack" is quite generic since
>>> it is a translation from Fortran (as you mentioned) and the
>>> implementation should be pretty straighforward.
>>> A last remark: the Maxima function "quad_qag" for instance should be
>>> named as "quadQag" (recommended but not mandatory ;)
>>> Kurt
>>> **************************
>>> ----------
>>> -- SPAD --
>>> ----------
>>> $ cat clx.spad
>>> )lisp (load "clx")
>>> )abbrev package CLX clx
>>> ++ Date Created: Sun Dec 21 03:29:45 CET 2014
>>> ++ License: BSD (same as Axiom)
>>> ++ Date Last Updated:
>>> ++ Basic Operations:
>>> ++ Related Domains:
>>> ++ Also See:
>>> ++ AMS Classifications:
>>> ++ Keywords:
>>> ++ Examples:
>>> ++ References:
>>> ++
>>> ++ Description:
>>> ++ CLX is a support package for Quicklisp, MathJax, tex2png and some
>>> ++ other utilities.
>>> ++
>>> clx() : Exports == Implementation where
>>>   Exports ==  with
>>>     %Exec : String -> SExpression
>>>       ++ \spad{\%Exec} executes a command s in the shell
>>>     %writeMathJax : String -> SExpression
>>>       ++ \spad{\%writeMathJax} write TeX string to /tmp/mjax.html
>>>     %displayMathJax : String -> SExpression
>>>       ++ \spad{\%displayMathJax} write&display TeX string to /tmp/mjax.html
>>>     qlQuickLoad      : String -> SExpression
>>>       ++ qlQuickLoad is Lisp ql:quickload
>>>     qlUnInstall      : String -> SExpression
>>>       ++ qlUnInstall is Lisp ql:uninstall
>>>     qlSystemApropos  : String -> SExpression
>>>       ++ qlSystemApropos  is Lisp ql:system-apropos
>>>     qlUpdateAllDists : ()     -> SExpression
>>>       ++ qlUpdateAllDists is Lisp ql:update-all-dists
>>>     qlUpdateClient   : ()     -> SExpression
>>>       ++ qlUpdateClient is Lisp ql:update-client
>>>     qlWhoDependsOn   : String -> SExpression
>>>       ++ qlWhoDependsOn is Lisp ql:who-depends-on
>>>     mjax : Any -> SExpression
>>>       ++ mjax display any expression (if possible) in the browser
>>>     evalToSlide  :  String -> SExpression
>>>     evalToString :  String -> SExpression
>>>   Implementation ==  add
>>>     %Exec(s) == CLX_-EXEC(s)$Lisp
>>>     %writeMathJax(s) == CLX_-WRITE_-MATHJAX(s)$Lisp
>>>     %displayMathJax(s) == CLX_-DISPLAY_-MATHJAX(s)$Lisp
>>>     qlQuickLoad(s)     == QL_-QUICKLOAD(s)$Lisp
>>>     qlUnInstall(s)     == QL_-UNINSTALL(s)$Lisp
>>>     qlSystemApropos(s) == QL_-SYSTEM_-APROPOS(s)$Lisp
>>>     qlUpdateAllDists() == QL_-UPDATE_-ALL_-DISTS()$Lisp
>>>     qlUpdateClient()   == QL_-UPDATE_-CLIENT()$Lisp
>>>     qlWhoDependsOn(s)  == QL_-WHO_-DEPENDS_-ON(s)$Lisp
>>>     mjax(x:Any):SExpression ==
>>>       t:String:=first tex(x::OutputForm::TexFormat)
>>>       s:String:= concat ["$$", t::String, "$$"]
>>>       CLX_-DISPLAY_-MATHJAX(s)$Lisp
>>>     --evalToString(s) == CLX_-EVAL_-TO_-STRING(s)$Lisp -- blocking ???
>>>     --evalToSlide(s) == CLX_-EVAL_-TO_-SLIDE(s)$Lisp
>>>       --r:String:=
>>>       --split(r,char "@")
>>> ;;;;;;;;;;;;
>>> ;;; LISP ;;;
>>> ;;;;;;;;;;;;
>>> $ cat clx.lisp
>>> (in-package :boot)
>>> (defconstant *pkg-err-asdf* "ASDF package missing.")
>>> (defconstant *pkg-err-ql*   "QuickLisp package missing.")
>>> (defun clx-error (s)
>>>   "Print error message"
>>>   (print s))
>>> (defun clx-exec (s)
>>>   "Function: run-shell-command control-string &rest args [oboslete]"
>>>   (if (find-package "ASDF")
>>>         (asdf:run-shell-command s)
>>>           (clx-error *pkg-err-asdf*)))
>>> (defun clx-concstr (list)
>>>   ;; concatenate a list of strings ; recall ~% = newline"
>>>   (if (listp list)
>>>       (with-output-to-string (s)
>>>          (dolist (item list)
>>>            (if (stringp item)
>>>              (format s "~a~%" item))))))
>>> (defun clx-getenv (name &optional default)
>>>   "http://cl-cookbook.sourceforge.net/os.html; get env variables"
>>>   ;; e.g. (clx-getenv "OS") => "Windows_NT"
>>>   #+CMU
>>>   (let ((x (assoc name ext:*environment-list* :test #'string=)))
>>>     (if x (cdr x) default))
>>>   #-CMU
>>>   (or
>>>     #+Allegro (sys:getenv name)
>>>     #+CLISP (ext:getenv name)
>>>     #+ECL (si:getenv name)
>>>     #+SBCL (sb-unix::posix-getenv name)
>>>     #+LISPWORKS (lispworks:environment-variable name)
>>>     default))
>>> ;;; =================
>>> ;;; QuickLisp section
>>> ;;; =================
>>> (defun ql-quickload (s)
>>>   (if (find-package "QUICKLISP")
>>>         (ql:quickload s)
>>>           (clx-error *pkg-err-ql*)))
>>> (defun ql-uninstall (s)
>>>   (if (find-package "QUICKLISP")
>>>         (ql:uninstall s)
>>>           (clx-error *pkg-err-ql*)))
>>> (defun ql-system-apropos (s)
>>>   (if (find-package "QUICKLISP")
>>>         (ql:system-apropos s)
>>>           (clx-error *pkg-err-ql*)))
>>> (defun ql-update-all-dists ()
>>>   (if (find-package "QUICKLISP")
>>>         (ql:update-all-dists)
>>>           (clx-error *pkg-err-ql*)))
>>> (defun ql-update-client ()
>>>   (if (find-package "QUICKLISP")
>>>         (ql:update-client)
>>>           (clx-error *pkg-err-ql*)))
>>> (defun ql-who-depends-on (s)
>>>   (if (find-package "QUICKLISP")
>>>         (ql:who-depends-on s)
>>>           (clx-error *pkg-err-ql*)))
>>> ;;; ===============
>>> ;;; MathJax section
>>> ;;; ===============
>>> (defconstant *url-show* "firefox -url file://C:/cygwin/tmp/~A")
>>> (defconstant *mjax-template* "<!DOCTYPE html>
>>> <html>
>>> <head>
>>> <title>FriCAS Output</title>
>>> <script type='text/x-mathjax-config'>
>>>   MathJax.Hub.Config({tex2jax: {inlineMath: [['$','$'], ['\\(','\\)']]}});
>>> </script>
>>> <script type='text/javascript'
>>> src='http://cdn.mathjax.org/mathjax/latest/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML'>
>>> </script>
>>> </head>
>>> <body>
>>>  ~A
>>> </body>
>>> </html>")
>>> (defun clx-write-mathjax (s)
>>>   (with-open-file (*standard-output* "/tmp/mjax.html"
>>>      :direction :output
>>>      :if-exists :supersede)
>>>         (format t *mjax-template* s)))
>>> (defun clx-display-mathjax (s)
>>>     (progn (clx-write-mathjax s)
>>>         (clx-exec (format nil *url-show* "mjax.html"))))
>>> ;;; =============
>>> ;;; LaTeX section
>>> ;;; =============
>>> (defconstant *do-latex* "latex")
>>> (defconstant *beamer-template*
>>> "\\documentclass[pdf]{beamer}
>>> %\\usetheme{Warsaw}
>>> \\usetheme{PaloAlto}
>>> \\title[]{FriCAS}
>>> \\subtitle[subttitle]{eval}
>>> \\author[]{FriCAS}
>>> \\institute[]{Cygwin}
>>> \\date{\\today}
>>> \\begin{document}
>>> \\begin{frame}
>>> \\titlepage
>>> \\end{frame}
>>> ~A
>>> \\end{document}")
>>> (defconstant *frame-template* "\\begin{frame} $$~A$$ \\end{frame}")
>>> (defun clx-eval-to-string (s) (|parseAndEvalToString| s))
>>> (defun clx-eval-to-latex  (s) (clx-eval-to-string (format nil "tex(~A)" s)))
>>> (defun clx-make-slide (s)
>>>   (format nil *frame-template* (car (clx-eval-to-latex s))))
>>> (defun clx-write-slide (s)
>>>   (with-open-file (*standard-output* "/tmp/slide.tex"
>>>      :direction :output
>>>      :if-exists :supersede)
>>>         (format t *beamer-template* (clx-make-slide s))))
>>> (defun clx-display-slide (s)
>>>     (progn (clx-write-slide s)
>>>         (clx-exec (format nil *do-latex* "slide.tex"))))
>>> Am 24.10.2015 um 03:13 schrieb Alasdair McAndrew:
>>>> Just as an experiment I'm taking the quadpack.lisp file from the Maxima
>>>> distribution, to see if I can install it and have it working under FriCAS.
>>>> However, as a total Lisp newbie, I'm continuously stumped by trivial
>>>> errors.  For example, quadpack.lisp uses the f2cl-lib package.  I can
>>>> install this with quicklisp, but I don't know (yet) how to make that
>>>> package available from within FriCAS.  For that matter, I don't know how to
>>>> make the quicklisp package ql available: even the line
>>>> (load "~/quicklisp/setup.lisp")
>>>> which should work, doesn't appear to help - lines beginning with "(ql:  "
>>>> are immediately flagged as errors and the ")read" compile is aborted.
>>>> I'll keep on fiddling... (while Rome burns).
>>>> -Alasdair
>>>> On Sat, Oct 24, 2015 at 10:03 AM, Kurt Pagani <nil...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hello Alasdair
>>>>> What I have completely forgotten to mention in the last post:
>>>>> In the fricas/contrib folder there is a file load-fricas.lisp which
>>>>> allows you to use FriCAS as a cl library itself. This way you can mix in
>>>>> any kind of library as long there is no interference to the "boot"
>>>>> package (I'm aware of only very few ones).
>>>>> BTW: I found that
>>>>> (load "../lisp/primitives.lisp")
>>>>> is missing in the file, so if you encounter problems it might be this
>>>>> what caused an error. (see below). I used it occasionally in the
>>>>> cl-jupyter frontend.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Kurt
>>>>> #|
>>>>> To use FriCAS as a Lisp library build FriCAS as usual and
>>>>> keep the build tree.  Change path below to point to build
>>>>> tree.  After that doing:
>>>>>  (load "load-fricas.lisp")
>>>>> will load and initialize FriCAS.
>>>>> Examples:
>>>>> Using FriCAS command interpreter:
>>>>>  (in-package "BOOT")
>>>>>  (|parseAndInterpret| "x^2")
>>>>>           2
>>>>>    (2)  x
>>>>>                                                     Type: Polynomial
>>>>> Integer
>>>>>  ((Polynomial (Integer)) WRAPPED 1 x (2 0 . 1))
>>>>> Directly calling math functions:
>>>>>  (defvar  *mult-i-sup*
>>>>>      (|getFunctionFromDomain|
>>>>>            '*
>>>>>            '(|SparseUnivariatePolynomial| (|Integer|))
>>>>>            '((|SparseUnivariatePolynomial| (|Integer|))
>>>>>                (|SparseUnivariatePolynomial| (|Integer|)))))
>>>>>  *MULT-I-SUP*
>>>>>  (SPADCALL '((2 . 1) (0 . 1)) '((5 . 1) (0 . 1)) *mult-i-sup*)
>>>>>  ((7 . 1) (5 . 1) (2 . 1) (0 . 1))
>>>>> Notes:
>>>>> - all intersting functionality is in package called "BOOT".
>>>>> - at mathematical level FriCAS is case-sensitive, so at Lisp level one
>>>>>   has to use bars.
>>>>> - the simplest interface is |parseAndInterpret| which takes a string
>>>>>   as input and produces a Lisp form repesenting printed output.  As
>>>>>   side effect |parseAndInterpret| prints the result.
>>>>> - at deeper lever FriCAS functions are overloaded, so to call correct
>>>>>   function one has to first use |getFunctionFromDomain| to get
>>>>>   function which matches to given argument types.  Above I want to
>>>>>   multiply two sparse univarate polynomials with integer coefficients.
>>>>>   Since lookup may be expensive the caller is adviced to cache result
>>>>>   of the lookup.
>>>>> - FriCAS functions use special calling convention, so one has to use
>>>>>   SPADCALL macro to call them.  Actually, |getFunctionFromDomain|
>>>>>   returns a pair consistion of a function and an extra argument.
>>>>>   SPADCALL takes care of decomposing the pair and appending the
>>>>>   extra argument to the argument list.
>>>>> Currently FriCAS sets a few system (global) variables, for example
>>>>> *read-default-float-format* is set to 'double-float -- in principle
>>>>> FriCAS settings may interfere with other programs.
>>>>> |#
>>>>> (let ((*default-pathname-defaults*
>>>>>        #P"~/Development/ax-build/src/interp/"))
>>>>>      (load "../lisp/fricas-package.lisp")
>>>>>      (load "../lisp/fricas-config.lisp")
>>>>>      (load "../lisp/fricas-lisp")
>>>>>      (load "../lisp/primitives.lisp") ;;;+kfp
>>>>>      (load "makeint.lisp"))
>>>>> (in-package "BOOT")
>>>>> (fricas-init)
>>>>> (in-package "BOOT")
>>>>>  (|parseAndInterpret| "x^2")
>>>>> kfp@helix:~/Development/fricas/contrib$
>>>>> Am 23.10.2015 um 09:24 schrieb Waldek Hebisch:
>>>>>> Alasdair McAndrew wrote:
>>>>>>> I was looking at some lisp numeric libraries: gsll at
>>>>>>> https://common-lisp.net/project/gsll/ (which is a wrapper for the Gnu
>>>>>>> Scientific Library GSL), as well as mjrcalc at
>>>>>>> http://www.mitchr.me/SS/mjrcalc/.  I imagined that as these were Lisp
>>>>>>> libraries, there would be some way of integrating them into FriCAS - or
>>>>> at
>>>>>>> least making them available so that they can be used from within a
>>>>> FriCAS
>>>>>>> session.  However, my attempts (such as they were) came to nothing: and
>>>>> I
>>>>>>> wasn't sure whether to )compile, )read, or do something else.
>>>>>>> Is there some documented standard method of integrating external
>>>>> libraries
>>>>>>> with FriCAS?
>>>>>> Concerning documentation, I wrote some time ago about interfacing
>>>>>> to one of Lapack function.
>>>>>> Lisp functions are a bit easier than other languages, but not
>>>>>> much.  To use a library from FriCAS, one need to first decide
>>>>>> in interface.  That is how FriCAS types correspond to library
>>>>>> types.  Normally this involves writing FriCAS domain/package
>>>>>> with apropritate declarations.  One example may be plotting
>>>>>> subsystem:  at Spad level there are viewport domains which
>>>>>> export somewhat high-level interface and implement operations
>>>>>> calling low-level functions.  The low-level parts are done
>>>>>> by several Lisp functions which are called using '$Lisp'
>>>>>> qualification.  The interface uses several constans defined
>>>>>> as Spad macros -- the constants on Spad side must agree
>>>>>> with constants used at other side (that is in C code).
>>>>>> At lower level one needs to ensure that the code is available.
>>>>>> Standard FriCAS code is either already loaded or FriCAS knows
>>>>>> how to load it on demand.  With arbitrary Lisp code one
>>>>>> can use ')read' (which compiles files and then loads it).
>>>>>> I am affraid we do not have a special command to load
>>>>>> Lisp without compiling, be one can do this via ')lisp'
>>>>>> command like:
>>>>>> )lisp (load "prog.fasl")
>>>>>> Note that FriCAS may run only using AXIOMsys executable,
>>>>>> which contains Lisp compiler but may miss large part
>>>>>> of Lisp environment.  For example, you had problem
>>>>>> because Lisp compiler inside FriCAS did not know
>>>>>> where to find Lisp libraries bundled with sbcl.
>>>>>> Currently for non-Lisp libraries one have to create
>>>>>> apropriate wrappers at Lisp level -- basically specify
>>>>>> type of C routine so that Lisp knowns how to pass
>>>>>> arguments.  In sbcl non-Lisp dynamic libraries are
>>>>>> easy to use: to load them one needs to use
>>>>>> '|quiet_load_alien|' routine giving it path to the
>>>>>> library.  After loadnig wrappers become usable.
>>>>>> When it comes to Lisp libraries each Lisp is
>>>>>> slightly different.  In sbcl one can load Lisp
>>>>>> code (which either looses execution time if
>>>>>> file is interpreted or looses time compiling it),
>>>>>> load a fasl (which contains already compiled code
>>>>>> but still needs nontrivial time to load) or create
>>>>>> a new image.  Images start fast, but they take
>>>>>> some effect to create, in particular one needs
>>>>>> to make sure that they are properly initialised.
>>>>>> Also. each image contains a copy of AXIOMsys
>>>>>> executable so multiple images could take
>>>>>> a lot of space.  Concerning fasl-s, there
>>>>>> are some provisions to create aggregate fasl-s
>>>>>> but usually each file gives a sparate fasl,
>>>>>> so in case of multifile library one have to
>>>>>> load several files.
>>>>>> There is extra difficulty with using Lisp libraries:
>>>>>> modern Lisp code frequently uses so called keyword
>>>>>> arguments.  In FriCAS using keyword arguments is
>>>>>> awkward, so one may be forced to create wrappers
>>>>>> at Lisp level which present interface free of
>>>>>> keyword arguments.
>>>>>> To summarize, if you have Lisp library in a single
>>>>>> file that uses FriCAS compatible data representation,
>>>>>> than use may be as easy as
>>>>>> )read "file.lisp"
>>>>>> DO_SOMETHING(42)$Lisp
>>>>>> But interesting things may require extra interface code.
>>>>>> BTW: Are there some specific routines that you need or
>>>>>> do want just to have the libraries handy?
>>>>> --
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>> --
>> --
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