Bill - I have been experimenting with your macro below and it is a great improvement on what I was doing before so, thank you for that.

Waldek - I am hoping that you might be planning an even better, built-in implementation? If not, let me know if there is any way I can help.



On 23/11/15 06:24, Bill Page wrote:
)abbrev package TEST Test
Test() : Exports == Implementation where

   Exports ==  with

     main: () -> Void

   Implementation ==  add

     import OutputForm
     x<<y ==> hconcat(x::OutputForm,y::OutputForm)

     main() ==
       x:Integer := -1
       y:String := " abc "
       z:Float := 3.141592
       r:Record(df:DoubleFloat, fracs:List Fraction Integer,
bool:Boolean):= [2.7::DoubleFloat,[1/2,3/2,9/7],true]
       print("integer: " << x << ", string: " << y << ", float: " << z
<< " and record: " << r)

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