thanks for your quick answer:

(265) -> )boot dcSlots("VelocityFunctionKG")

(EVAL-WHEN (EVAL LOAD) (PROG () (RETURN (|dcSlots| '|VelocityFunctionKG|))))
 5 fun
 6 lazy local(#1)
 7 lazy local(#2)
 8 lazy local(#3)
 9 lazy local(#4)
 10 lazy local(#5)
 11 lazy local(#6)
 12 latch 0 : () -> % from local(#1)
 13 latch 1 : () -> % from local(#1)
 14 latch 1 : () -> % from local(#2)
 15 latch -? : % -> % from local(#1)
 16 lazy QUOTE(ls)
 17 lazy
 18 fun  VFKG;Z;VEL2Fmrkg;1
 19 latch 0 : () -> % from
 20 fun  VFKG;ZZ;VELFmrkg;2
 21 fun  VFKG;X;2VEL;3
 22 fun  VFKG;YY;2Fmrkg;4
 23 lazy MonoidRing(local(#1),local(#2))
 24 latch 0 : () -> % from MonoidRing(local(#1),local(#2))
 25 lazy List(local(#2))
 26 lazy VelocityRectangle(local(#1),local(#2),local(#3),local(#4))
 27 latch leftCosetRepresentatives : % -> List(local(#2)) from
 28 latch ?*? : (local(#2),%) -> % from
 29 lazy List(local(#3))
 30 latch entries : % -> List(local(#3)) from
 31 lazy Integer
 32 latch position : (local(#3),%) -> Integer from List(local(#3))
 33 lazy List(local(#1))
 34 latch elt : (%,Integer) -> local(#1) from List(local(#1))
 35 latch monomial : (local(#1),local(#2)) -> % from
 36 latch ?+? : (%,%) -> % from MonoidRing(local(#1),local(#2))
 37 latch monomial :
-> % from
 38 latch ?+? : (%,%) -> % from
 39 lazy List(VelocityRectangle(local(#1),local(#2),local(#3),local(#4)))
 40 fun  VFKG;PhiKG;VELLFmrkg;5
Value = NIL

is local 6 the 6th argument?

no idea what could be wrong here.

VelocityFunctionKG(K: Field, G: Join(FiniteGroup, Comparable), VEL:
VelocityCategory(K, G),
    V: List VEL, RR: List VelocityRectangle(K, G, VEL, V), Y: List
VelocityRectangle(K, G, VEL, V) ):
      Exports == Implementation where
  KG    ==> MonoidRing(K, G)
  FMRKG ==> FreeModuleRectangleKG(K, G, VEL, V, Y)
  VR    ==> VelocityRectangle(K, G, VEL, V)
  Exports ==>  with
    X : VEL -> VEL
    Z : (VEL, FMRKG) -> FMRKG
    ZZ : VEL -> FMRKG
    PhiKG: VEL -> FMRKG
  Implementation ==> add
    ls : List K := [0,1,1,-1,-1]
    Z(v: VEL, fm: FMRKG) : FMRKG == fm
    ZZ(v: VEL) : FMRKG == 0
    X(v: VEL) : VEL == v
    YY(fm: FMRKG) : FMRKG == fm
    PhiKG(v: VEL): FMRKG ==  0

here are the actual values:

(265) -> Y

   [[[1,0],[- 1,0],[0,1],[0,- 1]], [[0,0],[1,1],[1,0],[0,1]],
[[0,0],[2,0],[1,1],[1,- 1]],
    [[1,0],[2,1],[1,1],[2,0]], [[1,0],[2,- 1],[1,- 1],[2,0]],
(266) -> VR

Type: Type

Am 16.09.16 um 15:57 schrieb Waldek Hebisch:
> Prof. Dr. Johannes Grabmeier wrote:
>> Any hints required: a very strange behaviour in a code, unfortunately
>> minimal example tedious to construct. Perhaps somebody has any ideas, if
>> not, I will try to construct a minimal example.
>> The following behaviour, a package with type parameter VEL has several
>> functions. All compile (trivial code), while X and YY can be used, the
>> call of PhiKG causes the shown error, FriCAS goes in debugging mode, I
>> have not the slightest idea what is going on.
>>  FMRKG ==> FreeModuleRectangleKG(K, G, VEL, V, Y)
>>   VR    ==> VelocityRectangle(K, G, VEL, V)
>>   Exports ==>  with
>>     X : VEL -> VEL
>>     Z : (VEL, FMRKG) -> FMRKG
>>     ZZ : VEL -> FMRKG
>>     YY : FMRKG -> FMRKG
>>     PhiKG: VEL -> FMRKG
>> after the following statement it breaks.
>> (265) -> PhiKG(V.1)$VFG
>> debugger invoked on a SIMPLE-CONDITION: break
>> Type HELP for debugger help, or (SB-EXT:EXIT) to exit from SBCL.
>> restarts (invokable by number or by possibly-abbreviated name):
>>   0: [CONTINUE] Return from BREAK.
>> (|evalSlotDomain| 11 #1=#((|VelocityFunctionKG| #2=(|Fraction|
>> #3=(|Integer|)) #4=(|CyclicGroup4d|) #5=(|CyclicTwoDimensionalVelocity|
>> #2#) #6=(#7=((0 .
> <snip>
>>    >> System error:
>>    illegal terminating character after a colon: #\Newline
>>   Stream: #<SYNONYM-STREAM :SYMBOL *TERMINAL-IO* {10001C7323}>
> Error is casued by code you did not show.  More precisely,
> error is during evaluation of one of domains references by
> VelocityFunctionKG.  You can try
> )boot dcSlots("VelocityFunctionKG")
> and look at slot 11 -- this is the offending domain.
> Either this domain or how you use it triggers the error.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Johannes Grabmeier

FREIE WÄHLER, Stadtrat Deggendorf

Prof. Dr. Johannes Grabmeier
Köckstraße 1, D-94469 Deggendorf
Tel. +49-(0)-991-2979584, Tel. +49-(0)-151-681-70756
Fax: +49-(0)-322-241-92688

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