This patch changes the Rep of Tree from
    Union(node:Record(value: S, args: List %),empty:"empty")
    Record(val : S, args: List %)
and uses "NIL$Lisp" to represent empty tree.

Before this patch,

(1) -> tree [1,2,3] pretend SEX

   (1)  (0 1 (0 2) (0 3))

And after:

(1) -> tree [1,2,3] pretend SEX

   (1)  (1 (2) (3))

So this patch can save some (maybe a third) memory.

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diff --git a/src/algebra/tree.spad b/src/algebra/tree.spad
index 07b140d3..3882da3e 100644
--- a/src/algebra/tree.spad
+++ b/src/algebra/tree.spad
@@ -21,54 +21,63 @@ Tree(S : SetCategory) : T==C where
      tree : S -> %
        ++ tree(nd) creates a tree with value nd, and no children.
  C== add
-    Rep := Union(node:Record(value: S, args: List %),empty:"empty")
+    Rep := Record(val : S, args: List %)
-    import from Record(value: S, args: List %)
-    empty? t == t case empty
-    empty()  == ["empty"]
+    empty() == NIL$Lisp
+    empty? t == NULL(t)$Lisp
     children t ==
-      t case empty => error "cannot take the children of an empty tree"
-      (t.node.args)@List(%)
+        empty? t => error "cannot take the children of an empty tree"
+        t.args
     setchildren!(t, lt) ==
-      t case empty => error "cannot set children of an empty tree"
-      (t.node.args := lt;t pretend %)
+        empty? t => error "cannot set children of an empty tree"
+        t.args := lt
+        t
     setvalue!(t, s) ==
-      t case empty => error "cannot set value of an empty tree"
-      (t.node.value := s;s)
+        empty? t => error "cannot set value of an empty tree"
+        t.val := s
     count(n : S, t : %) ==
-      t case empty => 0
+      empty? t => 0
       i := +/[count(n, c) for c in children t]
       value t = n => i + 1
     count(fn : S -> Boolean, t : %) : NonNegativeInteger ==
-      t case empty => 0
+      empty? t => 0
       i := +/[count(fn, c) for c in children t]
       fn value t => i + 1
     map(fn, t) ==
-      t case empty => t
+      empty? t => t
       tree(fn value t, [map(fn, c) for c in children t])
     map!(fn, t) ==
-      t case empty => t
+      empty? t => t
       setvalue!(t, fn value t)
       for c in children t repeat map!(fn, c)
-    tree(s : S, lt : List %) == [[s, lt]]
-    tree(s : S) == [[s, []]]
+    tree(s : S, lt : List %) == [s, lt]
+    tree(s : S) == [s, []]
     tree(ls : List S) ==
       empty? ls => empty()
       tree(first ls, [tree s for s in rest ls])
     value t ==
-      t case empty => error "cannot take the value of an empty tree"
-      t.node.value
+        empty? t => error "cannot take the value of an empty tree"
+        t.val
     child?(t1, t2) ==
       empty? t2 => false
       member?(t1, children t2)
     distance1(t1 : %, t2 : %) : Integer ==
       t1 = t2 => 0
-      t2 case empty => -1
+      empty? t2 => -1
       u := [n for t in children t2 | (n := distance1(t1, t)) >= 0]
       #u > 0 => 1 + "min"/u
@@ -76,30 +85,36 @@ Tree(S : SetCategory) : T==C where
       n := distance1(t1, t2)
       n >= 0 => n
       distance1(t2, t1)
     node?(t1, t2) ==
       t1 = t2 => true
-      t2 case empty => false
+      empty? t2 => false
       any?((t : %) : Boolean +-> node?(t1, t), children t2)
     any?(fn, t) ==  ---bug fixed
-      t case empty => false
+      empty? t => false
       fn value t => true
       for c in children t | any?(fn, c) repeat return true
     every?(fn, t) ==
-      t case empty => true
+      empty? t => true
       not fn value t => false
       for c in children t | not every?(fn, c) repeat return false
     member?(n, t) ==
-      t case empty => false
+      empty? t => false
       n = value t or any?((c : %) : Boolean +-> member?(n, c), children t)
     parts t == --buggy?
-      t case empty => empty()
+      empty? t => empty()
       u := [parts c for c in children t]
-      u = empty() => [value t]
+      empty? u => [value t]
       cons(value t,"append"/u)
     hashUpdate!(s : HashState, t : %) : HashState ==
-      t case empty => s
+      empty? t => s
       s := hashUpdate!(s, value t)
       for subt in children t repeat
           s := hashUpdate!(s, subt)

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