On 13.04.2021 11:35, Prof. Dr. Johannes Grabmeier privat wrote:
> the FriCAS code for inverting matrices over R is not correct. If wished
> I can provide the necessary changes to matfuns.spad

From my side, please do ;)

(2) -> IU := inverse(U)@Matrix(R)

   An expression involving @ Matrix(IntegerMod(26)) actually evaluated
      to one of type Union(Matrix(Fraction(Integer)),"failed") .
      Perhaps you should use :: Matrix(IntegerMod(26)) .

(2) -> IU := inverse(U)::Matrix(R)

        +1  24+
   (2)  |     |
        +0  1 +
                                                 Type: Matrix(IntegerMod(26))

)sh Matrix(R) => provides no inverse, indeed.

> Problem: recip returns "failed", inverse coerces to Fraction Integer:
> (1) -> R := IntegerMod 26
>    (1)  IntegerMod(26)
> Type: Type
> (2) -> U : Matrix R := [[1,2],[0,1]]
>         +1  2+
>    (2)  |    |
>         +0  1+
> Type: Matrix(IntegerMod(26))
> (3) -> recip U
>    (3)  "failed"
> Type: Union("failed",...)
> (4) -> inverse U
>         +1  - 2+
>    (4)  |      |
>         +0   1 +
>                                                           Type:
> Union(Matrix(Fraction(Integer)),...)
> The desired result should be the following:
> (72) -> inverse U
>          +1  24+
>    (72)  |     |
>          +0  1 +
>                                                              Type:
> Union(Matrix(IntegerMod(26)),...)

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