On Mon, Apr 19, 2021 at 08:33:02AM +0200, Ralf Hemmecke wrote:
> > After more careful look at 'install.rst' I think that for now we
> > should go with plain text version.  Namely, unlike README,
> > .rst version looks significantly worse than plain text version.
> What do you mean by "worse"?
> That you have to write verbose inline stuff inside ``...``?
> That verbose code has to be put indented after a :: ?
> That different title lines have to be followed by some underlining?
> That is basically all of the markup I used.

Yes, that and |git repository| (we should have actual URL in
the file).  Problem is with quantity, that is actualy more
than is some other markup formats.

> What you basically say is, that my conversion was work-done-for-nothing.

If you want to view it in this way.  Not all things work as
expected/hoped for...

> My concern is now that you change the current INSTALL file.
> Synchronization with my install.rst will be hard since I restructured a
> bit. Are you afraid of writing .rst stuff or do you think that my
> install.rst is not nicely readable as plain text?

Mainly the second, INSTALL should be readable as plain text.
It is OK to have marked up version as master source.  Some
markup formats can produce decent looking plain text versions
(IIUC sphinx is supposed to produce text version, but ATM
this does not work for me so in particular I can not see
if this is good enough).  Another issue is dependency. .rst
is claimend to be ligtweight, but supporting programs are
rather large...

> I definitely want
> install.rst on the web and showing a plain text file on an otherwise
> sphinx-generated site would look very unprofessional.

.rst pretending to be plain text is at least as unprofessional.

                              Waldek Hebisch

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