I forgot, in the Julia interpreter 'using Nemo' will give you access
to this library.

Le mar. 27 déc. 2022 à 01:09, Grégory Vanuxem <g.vanu...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> If you want more there is also Oscar which bundles Nemo and other
> packages but to use Nemo directly you need to install Nemo separately,
> or use the Oscar interface. It bundles also GAP and Singular for
> instance. Julia interfaces very easily C/C++ libraries. Python too.
> Le mar. 27 déc. 2022 à 01:02, Grégory Vanuxem <g.vanu...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> >
> > Install the binary Julia (www.julialang.org) and after install Nemo
> > via the 'julia' interpreter..
> > In the Julia interpreter type ']', you will enter in Pkg'
> > management mode and type "add Nemo'. Afte,r a backspace will revert
> > you to Julia shell.
> > Or in Julia shell 'Pkg.add("Nemo") should do the trick.
> >
> > See Nemo CAS : https://nemocas.github.io/Nemo.jl/latest/
> > You'lll find needed documentation and examples.
> >
> > For info, in my code, %time is a macro to display information about
> > computations (time elapsed, GC % etc.).
> >
> > Sorry for the response delay, I needed a pause.

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