my apologies, in my second email this is normal, 80 characters line cut.

Le lun. 6 mai 2024 à 17:26, Grégory Vanuxem <> a écrit :

> More annoying, but I think the same thing happens:
> (5) -> b:=map(i+->urand01()$NRF, identity(4)$JMATRIX(NRF))
>  [  [0.08095937254988335972 +/- 7.02e-21]   [0.2345828897471085242 +/-
> 5.80e-20]   [0.5584622135853180910 +/- 5.96e-20]   [0.7871423800748826430
> +/- 6.86e-20]]
> [   [0.2093853294960894650 +/- 5.01e-20]   [0.1422800643744720538 +/-
> 5.20e-20]   [0.5078366866568711184 +/- 6.77e-20]   [0.1811103770720487616
> +/- 2.65e-20]]
> [   [0.5219465260252904103 +/- 9.16e-20]   [0.6147691305708496103 +/-
> 8.47e-20]   [0.5375164904698875338 +/- 7.91e-20]   [0.5655291227536849668
> +/- 6.36e-20]]
> [[0.0008365036245866145448 +/- 8.93e-23]   [0.3091271919116318446 +/-
> 4.32e-20]   [0.8774304438100937760 +/- 7.24e-20]   [0.3277295847685984381
> +/- 5.54e-20]]
>    (5)
>    [  [0.08095937254988335972 +/- 7.02e-21]   [0.2345828897471085242 +/-
> 5.80e-
>   20]   [0.5584622135853180910 +/- 5.96e-20]   [0.7871423800748826430 +/-
> 6.86e
>   -20]]
> [   [0.2093853294960894650 +/- 5.01e-20]   [0.1422800643744720538 +/- 5
>   .20e-20]   [0.5078366866568711184 +/- 6.77e-20]   [0.1811103770720487616
> +/-
>   2.65e-20]]
> [   [0.5219465260252904103 +/- 9.16e-20]   [0.6147691305708496103
>   +/- 8.47e-20]   [0.5375164904698875338 +/- 7.91e-20]
> [0.5655291227536849668
>    +/- 6.36e-20]]
> [[0.0008365036245866145448 +/- 8.93e-23]   [0.309127191911631
>   8446 +/- 4.32e-20]   [0.8774304438100937760 +/- 7.24e-20]
> [0.32772958476859
>   84381 +/- 5.54e-20]]
>                                              Type:
> JuliaMatrix(NemoRealField)
>                                        Time: 0.30 (EV) + 1.06 (OT) = 1.36
> sec
> Not a plain text email here.
> Le lun. 6 mai 2024 à 17:22, Grégory Vanuxem <> a
> écrit :
>> Hello,
>> I am struggling with OutputForm and frankly I do not want to be angry
>> today. Maybe you have used it, even not a lot? My question is very
>> simple, how do I prevent OutputForm processing, or how to bypass
>> interpreter rules, just in case the interpreter has its own rules
>> also, from memory I think it has some "knowledge" about OutputForm.
>> That's simple, my output string is already formatted and I just want
>> to let FriCAS display it. Of course there is line length but I do not
>> understand very well what happens. Below is the output from PRINC
>> (without double quotes, essentially)  and after from FriCAS. Why is
>> the second row cut???
>> (1) -> b:=map(i+->urand01()$JFLOAT, identity(4)$JMATRIX(JFLOAT))
>>  4×4 Matrix{BigFloat}:
>>  0.165528  0.830355  0.630221  0.0903032
>>  0.615811  0.532272  0.765433  0.0450628
>>  0.439631  0.582113  0.309186  0.178607
>>  0.974177  0.350188  0.319465  0.981603
>>    (1)
>>    4×4 Matrix{BigFloat}:
>>  0.165528  0.830355  0.630221  0.0903032
>>  0.615811  0.
>>   532272  0.765433  0.0450628
>>  0.439631  0.582113  0.309186  0.178607
>>  0.974177
>>     0.350188  0.319465  0.981603
>> The code:
>> if pprint then
>>     --newLine()$DisplayPackage
>>     ret : String := jl_string_eval_show(getind(m))$Lisp
>>     ret := concat(" ", ret)
>>     PRINC(ret)$Lisp
>>     TERPRI()$Lisp
>>     newLine()$DisplayPackage
>>     TERPRI()$Lisp
>>     ret pretend OutputForm
>>     --concat("\n", ret) pretend OF
>>     --PRINT(ret)$Lisp
>> - Greg

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