Just some more observations...

That the following expression

r := (884*sqrt(5)-1975)*sqrt((-sqrt(-16808278856375992320000000*sqrt(5)-37584454108531654656000000)-2239742361600*sqrt(5)-5008250880000)/2)

I get for

  s := recursiveRootSimplification(r)

the value shown after the = sign, but


returns false.

I do not complain about the "false", but would rather like to ask how I can convince recursiveRootSimplification to apply this kind of simplification that obviously the interpreter is applying when I enter the actual expression that I get back from recursiveRootSimplification(r)?

There is another interesting thing about r and s.

Obviously, FriCAS tries to make the denominator rational.
While developing recursiveRootSimplification I kept the value of r without recreating the kernels and later hat problems to compute 1/(r+1). That did not finish. Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce it anymore, but what actually happens to expressions that have kernels that where once in the kernel cache but are not anymore after the )compile command cleared that cache?

Thank you

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