Original Sender  : "M Fahmi Aulia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sorry banget, jokesnya datang telat....
Komputer error, trus install win me, dan ternyata ada "chaos". Jadi balik
lagi ke 98, hehehe...B^P

Well...enjoy the jokes!!

*** Jokes begin ***

source: Alvin

Setelah punya HP, coba simak ini supaya nggak kecurian.

Tips menghindari pencurian HP

Silakan disimak, semoga info ini berguna bagi rekan2, baik yg punya HP atau
yg akan beli HP sbg bahan pertimbangan ...

1. Tangkap pencuri HP, gebukin rame-rame trus bawa ke kantor polisi.
2. Pasang alarm sensor suara, infra red, getaran, ultrasonik dsb, di sekitar
3. Kamuflase HP, misalnya dibungkus daun pisang, biar dikira pepesan.
4. Pakailah HP Siemens S4 (atau yang bentuknya seperti itu), trus taruh
didapur, pasti pencuri nyangka itu ulekan sambel.
5. Taruh HP di rumah, bawa pager, minta isteri kirim message lewat pager,
supaya cepat-cepat pulang kalau HP-nya bunyi.
6. Beli HP mainan di lampu merah, pajang di dashboard mobil, HP yang betulan
7. Pakai HP 3 in 1, maksudnya satu HP untuk tiga orang, disamping irit,
banyakyang ngejagain dan juga bermanfaat untuk menjalin kekompakan antar
teman, karena kemana-mana harus sama-sama.
8. Pilihlah HP model one touch +ACY- one button, biar pencuri bingung
makainya. Kalau HP model begininggak ada di pasaran, ya.. berarti memang
belum diproduksi.
9. Pilihlah HP model lama yang ukurannya segede gajah. HP model begini akan
gampang melacaknya, karena udah jarang yang punya.
10. Di rumah/komplek, bikin siskamling antara sesama pemilik HP.
11. Jangan pakai HP. Pasti pencurinya akan nyolong yang lainnya. Jadi
ikhlasin aja TV, kulkas, perhiasan dll. buat dicolong. Yang penting'kan
nggak kecolongan HP.
12. Minta sama tentara sedikit bahan peledak semtex (C4), letakkan didalam
HP anda, biarkan dicuri orang. Tunggu berita di koran, mengenai mayat tanpa
kepala, pasti itu pencuri HP.
13. Pilih jenis HP yang menggunakan kabel (non-wireless).


source: Achmad Y

A true story from the Japanese Embassy in US:

Prime Minister Mori was given some basic English conversation training
before he visits Washington and meets with President Bill Clinton.

The instructor told Mori " Prime Minister, when you shake hand with
President Clinton, please say 'how are you'. Then Mr Clinton should say "I
am fine, and you ?" Now you should say 'me too'. Afterwards we translators
will do all the work for you."

It looks quite simple, but the truth is ...

When Mori met Clinton, he mistakenly said "Who Are You ?".
Mr Clinton was a bit shocked but still managed to react with humor : "Well,
I am Hilary's
husband, ha ha..."

Then Mori replied confidently "Me too, ha ha ha.."

Then there was a long silent moment in the meeting room.


source: Sitti B

1.We can spit anywhere we like.
2.Jackie  Chan.
3.We get to live in 5'x 5' matchboxes  passed off as apartments.
4.We get to pay $10,000 a month  for these boxes.
5.We can visit Macau very weekend and get shot.
6.Our chidren  can speak Cantonese at a young age.
7.We  get to blame everything on Feng Shui...
8.or Tung Chee Hwa.

1.We have the world's tallest flagpole,highest office  building, biggest
pewter mug,largest roti  canai,etc. etc.
 2.We can be driving,picking our nose,cursing another  driver,talking on the
handphone, adjusting the radio and bribing the cop all at the same time.
3.We can save on a lot of electricity because our TV shows are so crappy.
4.We can blame everything on the Haze...
5.or on George Soros.
6.We have more  water than Singapore...nyeh-nyeh-nyeh-nyeh-nyeh...

1.We are not Malaysians...
2.Everyone hates us except ourselves.
3.We have our own island.
4.Our 'chio chio'  flight stewardessed get to wear  'chio-chio' uniforms.
5 .Orchard Road.
6.We know how to spell' Salvatore Ferragamo'.
7.We'll never ever  have yucky gum stuck under our shoes.
8.We'll never ever have to worry  about finding Mr or Ms Right  coz the
Government will find one for us!
9. 1 Sing Dollar = 2.4 Ringgit. nyeh-nyeh-nyeh-nyeh-nyeh...

1.We are not Australian.
2.We live in the biggest country in South East Asia.
3.We have the biggest number of citizens in South East  Asia.
4.Everything is cheap, even our salaries
5.We can blame everything on Suharto...
6.or Habibie...or Gus Dur
7.or Baramuli...or Megawati
8.and Pande  Silalahi...
9.or even Rudy  Ramli...
10.Only in Indonesia can you get  involved in the real  demonstrations,
daily, for different causes, and see no real results for all the
demonstrations. But the  rupiah will still go up and down like a  yo-yo.


source: Salim S

Hanya sebuah informasi !!!


Untuk yang mau married ..... pikirkan baik-baik
Pikirkan baik2 sebelum terlambat :

Sebelum Pernikahan - "kau adalah hatiku , kau adalah cintaku"
Setelah Pernikahan - "kau selalu menggangguku"

Sebelum Pernikahan - "kau manis dan baik bagaikan Cinderella"
Setelah Pernikahan - "kau menjengkelkan kaya' Gorilla "

Sebelum Pernikahan - Makan malam selalu ke Shangri-La
Setelah Pernikahan - Mau makan malam, Nanti-la

Sebelum Pernikahan - Belanja di Sogo
Setelah Pernikahan - Belanja di Makro

Sebelum Pernikahan - Dia bagaikan Anita Sarawak
Setelah Pernikahan - Kok jadi mirip biawak

Sebelum Pernikahan - Akhir pekan di Resor Tampak Siring
Setelah Pernikahan - Paling-paling ke Wisma Tampak Miring

Sebelum Pernikahan - Dia selalu bukakan pintu mobil
Setelah Pernikahan - Dia selalu buka mulut, mendengkur, sambil ngupil

Sebelum Pernikahan - Dia sangat ideal
Setelah Pernikahan - Dia selalu bikin kesal


source: Non

Cowok adalah sosok mahluk yang diciptakan untuk selalu optimis. Termasuk
masalah jodoh dalam rangka ngedapetin pasangan hidup. Mungkin cerita-cerita
di bawah ini bisa jadi bahan pemikiran buat cowok-cowok yang mo ngomong sama
si cewek yang udah lama diincer. Yang penting... diingetin aja kalo cowok
harus selalu optimis. OK ....


Roni  : Aku suka sama kamu, Rin ....Aku pengin kamu jadi pacarku.

Rina  : (Malu-malu) Aku juga suka sama kamu, Ron.

Artinya - Jelas si Rina suka sama si Roni, sampe ngomong terus terang gitu.


Hendro: Nov, Aku bener-bener suka sama kamu.          Aku pengin kita bisa

Novi   : Kaya'nya kita lebih baik temenan aja,dech. Kita khan udah lama

Artinya - Novi pun sebenarnya suka sama si Hendro. Staus "teman" hanya buat
alasan aja buat si Novi biar bisa deket terus sama si Hendro.


Andri: Aku ngerasa cocok jalan sama kamu. Mau ngga' jadi pacarku, Wen?

Wenny  : Jangan sekarang deh ... Aku pengin konsentrasi study-ku dulu

Artinya - Wenny suka sama si Andri, jawaban yang nggantung dan ngambang
kaya' gitu maksudnya biar Andri penasaran dan tetep "stay around" si Wenny.
Dengan gitu khan mereka bisa tetep deket. Andaikan si Wenny nggak suka,
pasti ngomong terus terang sama Andri.


Roy : Kamu cakep dech, Lia ... Aku pengin pacaran sama kamu ....

Lia : Terus terang ya, Roy  ... Aku nggak suka sama kamu.       Aku benci
sama kamu. Kamu Egois, Kamu bau, Kamu urakan... Kamu cowok males ! Pokoknya
aku benciii sama kamu !!!

Artinya - Perhatian Lia gedhe sama Budi. Lia tau semua sifat-sifat Roy,
sampe baunya segala. Ngga' banyak cewek yang perhatian kaya' gitu. Dan
sangat mungkin itu artinya Lia aslinya suka sama Roy.


Indra  : Aku udah lama merhatiin kamu, Yen... Aku suka en sayang banget sama
kamu ...

Yenni  : (Tertawa lepas) Haa..ha..uahaaa..ha.. Lucu kamu, Dra  !

Artinya - Betapa gembiranya Yenni mendengar ucapan Indra. Ekspresi tawa
bahagia tiada tara. Jelas banget si Yenni suka sama sama si Indra, sampe
dibilang kalo Indra lucu segala.


Yanto : Ria, ...Mau ngga' jadi pacarku ?

Ria   : Plak !! Plak !! (Ria "menyentuh" pipi si Yanto)

Artinya - Yanto spesial buat Ria. "Sentuhan" tangan Ria ke pipi Yanto (sampe
2 X bahkan, ninggalin bekas merah lagi) adalah sentuhan yang ngga' semua
cowok bisa ngerasain. Peluang besar buat Yanto bahwa Ria suka sama dia.


Bimo: Win, Wina ... Aku suka banget sama kamu. Pacaran Yuk ...

Wina: Janc....!! ( sorry sensor , misuh.... ), Aku iki lanang, Mo ! Aku
koncomu, WinaRNO !!! Eling, Mo....eling ... Aku WinaRNO..!!

Artinya - Wina seneng sama Bimo. Masa' sampe ngaku-ngaku cowok segala.
Ngotot lagi..!  Wina ngaku cowok khan biar selalu bisa santai dan deket sama


Jadi jawaban apapun yang nantinya diberikan sama si cewek,... peluang
selalu ada dan ngga' pernah ketutup. So .. Tetap Semangat.


source: Cybercheeze

A very flat-chested woman finally decided she needed a bra and set out to
the mall in search of one in her size. She entered an upscale department
store and approached the saleslady in lingerie, "Do you have a size 28AAAA

The clerk haughtily replied in the negative, so she left the store and
proceeded to another department store where she is rebuffed in much the same
manner. After a third try at another department store in the mall, she had
become disgusted. Leaving the mall, she drove to K-Mart.

Marching up to the sales clerk, she unbuttoned and threw open her blouse,
yelling, "Do you have anything for this?"

The lady looked closely at her and replied, "Have you tried Clearasil?"



A guy gets his penis severed in a car accident. When he wakes up in the
hospital, he rings for the doctor. The doctor comes in and tells him what

"So what are my options?" the patient asks. "You have two options - we can
sew your penis back on, but it will cost you about a million dollars. Or, we
can sew on a baby elephant's trunk. It will look a bit different, but it
will feel the same and that will only cost about a thousand dollars."

The guy says, "Well, I'm low on cash so I'll have to go with the elephant

About two weeks later, the guy is out to dinner with some friends, when all
of a sudden the trunk comes up from under the table, grabs a biscuit, then
returns back under the table. The guy thinks, "God, I hope nobody saw that!"

About five minutes later, the trunk comes up and grabs another biscuit. This
time the guy's friends see it.

"Holy smokes! What on earth was that?" his friends ask. So the guy tells
them the story of the accident and the surgery.

"Wow, that's awesome! Can you do that again?" they ask.

The guy says, "Well, I probably could, but I don't think my butt could take
another biscuit!"

*** End of Jokes ***
- koh fahmi -

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