Original Sender  : "M Fahmi Aulia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sorry lama gak kirim jokes...
'Met bahagia tuk CH...ditunggu 'buku manualnya',hehehe...B^D


*** Jokes begin ***

source: Weekly Jokes

A little girl says, "Daddy, I wish I had a little sister."

Trying to be funny, the daddy says "Honey, you do have a
sister. You just don't see her because when you are coming
in the front door, she is always leaving through the back door."

The little girl thought about this and remarked, "You mean
like my other Daddy does?"


source: Cybercheeze

NASA is launching a rocket to the moon. On board there are two pigs and
Kiki, a stunning blond.

When the rocket is outside the stratosphere, the first stage drops off.
Contact is made: "Houston here, Pig 1, Pig 1, do you read us? Over."
"Oink, oink, here Pig 1, read you loud and clear."

"Pig 1, do you still know your instructions?"
"Yes, when we get to the moon, I press the red button to initiate the  moon
landing. Over."

"That's right. Over and out."

They go on until the rocket separates its booster stage. "Hello, Pig 2? Come
in please."
"Oink, oink, here Pig 2, read you loud and clear."

"OK, Pig 2 do you remember your instructions?"
"Yes, when we've landed on the moon and are ready to leave, I press on the
green button to initiate the launch program."

"That's right, Pig 2. Over and out."

An hour later, when the rocket has achieved the correct speed the last stage
drops off as planned. Ground control contacts the astronauts again. "Houston
here, Kiki, come in. Kiki do you read us?"
"Kiki here, reading you loud and clear."

"Kiki, do you remember your instructions?"
"Yes," Kiki says, "I feed the two pigs and keep my hands off any buttons."


source: Daily Jokes

Swampy Marsh, the young Australian father-to-be, is waiting
anxiously outside the maternity ward where his wife is
having their first baby.

He is pacing the floor when the nurse comes out and says,
"You have a little boy, Mr. Marsh, but you had better go
out and have a cup of coffee, because there may be another
one."  Swampy turns a little pale and leaves.

Some time later he phones the hospital and is told that he
the father of twins, but the nurse cautions,

"There is another on the way, so call back later."  At that
Swampy decides that coffee is not strong enough, so he goes
to a bar and has some beer.  When he phones the hospital
again he is told that the third baby has arrived and a
fourth is on the way.  White-faced, he stumbles to the bar
and orders a double scotch.  Twenty minutes later, he tries
to phone again, but he is so drunk that he dials the wrong
number and gets the recorded cricket game score.  When
they pick him up off  the floor the recording is still
going strong: "The score is ninety-six all out," says the
voice, "and the last one was a duck."


source: Osama t J

Pak Inspektur datang dan menghampiri Detektif Ujo, anak buahnya.
"Bagaimana, apakah sudah tercium siapa pembunuhnya?" tanya inspektur.

Dengan gugup Detektif Ujo menjawab, "Su...sudah, Komandan.
Direktur  itu dibunuh oleh peragawati cantik yang jadi simpanannya.
Tapi..sa...sa...saya belum berhasil menciumnya, habis deg-degan sih...."


source: Dizzle

It sad that the World Trade Centre was under attack by terrorist! But come
to think of it, we figured out the theme song for that happenings. Life is
too short to be sulking.  So... here goes ...

George Bush's fav. song..... I Will Survive

Osama Bin Laden's theme song..... It Wasn't Me

Boston Airport Authority's song..... Who Let The Dork's Out

New Yorker's song..... Smoke Get In Your Eyes

Song that was played in the WTC..... Baby One More Time

Guy that jumped off WTC was singing..... I Believe I Can Fly

Pentagon's ex-theme song.....U Can't Touch This

Saddam Hussein....... I feel good......


source: Ade N

Di kantor Pusat PBB, Megawati bertemu KOFI Annan,
mereka berbicara sambil minum KOFI, diselingi musik
KOFI dangdut, terus KOFI Annan bertanya kepada
Megawati, kamu gemar baca buku apa? Mega menjawab:
KOFIng HO, Ngomong-ngomong kamu mendukung nggak kalau
Amerika menyerang Afganistan? Mega menjawab: KOFIkir
fikir dulu laah...
Lantas KOFI Annan berkata: KOFINtar amat sih!!


Nama kelompok Taliban kini menjadi sangat populer
terutama setelah tragedi WTC. Tapi banyak orang yang
tidak tahu kalau di Indonesia juga banyak Taliban
untuk dikirim ke Gunung Kidul yang sedang dilanda
kekeringan. Taliban sangat dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat
sekitar Gunung Kidul, karena tali ban cocok untuk
nimba air di sumur.


Dari zaman Soekarno, Soeharto, Habibie dan Gusdur jadi
Presiden, lambang negara kita adalah "BURUNG GARUDA"
Namun ketika Megawati dilantik menjadi Presiden, maka
lambang tersebut diganti menjadi "KACANG GARUDA"


Dugaan Pers Asing yang menyebutkan Osama bin Laden ada
di Indonesia memang sangat beralasan. Bahkan FBI pun
sudah menduga bahwa Osama ada disemua tempat di
Indonesia dan untuk mengelabui FBI banyak masyarakat
Indonesia yang mengaku Osama, salah satu contoh
misalnya sbb:
Ketika Bambang Waspada ketemu Denok di Surabaya,
Bambang berkata: "Saya bekerja di PLN, kalau kamu
kerja dimana?"
Denok: "Saya bekerja di PLN juga"
Kemudian dengan agak berteriak Bambang berkata;

"Aku arek Suroboyo lho?"
"Lhaa aku juga"
"OSAMA !!!"


M A K L U M A T !!!!!!!!!!
Enaknya kalo dipijat-pijat
apalagi kalo dilumat-lumat
ati-ati jangan sampai muncrat

ooooh... enaknya makan tomat


source: Hutch

 Rudal dari pesawat AS salah sasaran lagi, kemarin
 diberitakan telah menghantam Gedung Palang Merah International,
 dan sekarang menghantam Klinik Kesehatan di Kandahar.

 Banyak kritikan pedas untuk AS mengenai masalah
 pengeboman yang salah sasaran berulang kali. Wartawan CNN berhasil
 menidentifikasi pesawat yang selalu salah sasaran dalam pengeboman.

 Ternyata pilot pesawat tempur tersebut adalah berasal dari Pakistan,


source: Val

Si Mutant dengan penuh rasa ingin tahu mengamati ibunya yang sedang
memoleskan krem pembersih ke wajahnya.

"Kenapa sih.....Ibu selalu mengoleskan itu di wajah?", tanya Mutant.
"Supaya Ibu cantik," jawab si ibu.

Tak berapa lama kemudian. ibu si Mutant mengambil kapas dan mengusap
krem yang menempel di wajahnya.

"Lho kok dihapus, bu?..... Putus asa ya....?" tanya Mutant.


source: Tontowy

Pentagon Fried Chicken

Pemerintah Amerika Serikat berencana memindahkan PENTAGON ke lokasi
lain, yang masih dirahasiakan.

Bekas lokasi kebakaran itu konon akan dibeli oleh pengusaha dari
Indonesia, yaitu keluarga besar Mbok Berek, pengusaha ayam goreng
terkenal se Indonesia.

Keluarga besar Mbok Berek akan memanfaatkan bekas lokasi kebakaran itu
untuk usaha rumah makan, khususnya ayam panggang, yang akan diberi nama
Pentagon Fried Chicken.

*** End of Jokes ***

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