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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Laetitia Arrii <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 2008/10/24
Subject: Equinix - dernières exclu - sur le Point de peering a Saint Denis
To: Laetitia Arrii <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Inscrivez vous dès à présent soit

par téléphone 33 1 48 17 65 10

ou par email à :  [EMAIL PROTECTED] en nous indiquant le
nom et la société de la personne qui vous accompagnera.

 Réponse souhaitée avant le 5 novembre.

Any opinions expressed in the email are those of the individual and
not necessarily of the company. This email and any files transmitted
with it are confidential and solely for the use of the intended
recipient and do not constitute an offer or acceptance by Equinix,
Inc., Equinix Europe Ltd or any of their group entities to buy or sell
any products or services in any jurisdiction. If you have received
this email in error please delete this email immediately and notify
the IT manager.

This communication is sent on behalf of one of the European entities
in the Equinix, Inc. Group. The ultimate holding company in Europe is
Equinix Europe Ltd whose registered address is Quadrant House, Floor
6, 17 Thomas More Street, Thomas More Square, London E1W 1YW and the
Company's registered number is 6293383. The registration details of
other Group entities are available at
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