Merci pour cette question de fond ;-) et +1 pour avoir plus d'infos sur le but de projet.


Le 21 déc. 2009 à 21:44, Julien Escario <> a écrit :

Hmm, 4 switch hard supportés (et encore, certains avec des firmwares douteux). Et c'est pas que je ne veux pas faire tourner mon core avec le switch soft du kernel Linux mais j'ai peur de ne pas avoir mes 144 Gbps en fond de panier.

Bref, ça sert à quoi en dehors de la 'recherche' ? (c'est une vraie question, si quelqu'un peut m'éclairer).


Jerome Athias a écrit :
OpenFlow 1.0 release candidate available
We are pleased to announce the availability of release candidates for the OpenFlow 1.0 specification and reference switch. The release candidates are being made available to provide the community with an opportunity to provide feedback prior to the official release. We plan on making the release official by the end of year (12/31) so please provide feedback before this date. Bugs reported in the reference software may not be corrected prior to the official release depending upon their severity; we plan to make a bug fix release in the new year that will address as many bugs as possible.
New features
New features added to the 1.0 specification include:
* Slicing support (multiple queues per port with minimum bandwidth guarantees)
   * Matching on IP fields inside ARP packets
   * Matching on IP ToS bits
   * Improved flow duration resolution in stats/expiry
   * Opaque flow cookies added to flows
   * Ability to retrieve port stats for individual ports
   * User-specifiable datapath description added to desc stats
The updated specification also includes numerous clarifications. For a more detailed list of changes please see the release notes ( ) and the development wiki ( ).
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