
> Et ?

Ce post fait suite aux differents topics a propos du Hardware base
autour de FPGAs adapte au routage et donc, interessant pour les
 operateurs de telecommunications :

"Liberouter" [0]

"Cout de mise en place d'un AS" [1]

"Hardware appliance Vyatta" [2]

> Tu les connais ? as essayé leur produit ? les as contacté ?


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Richard Norman <>
Date: Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 3:48 AM
Subject: Re: Hyperchip - H40G Green NGI Router
To: Guillaume FORTAINE <>

The H40G is a port of Hyperchip's 10G/slot, 32 slots/rack work (developed in 
2001-2003) to much smaller cards (AMCs for ATCA and MicroTCA and PCI-e cards) 
at 40 Gb/s.
While the 10 Gb/s cards used separate Vitrex-II 6000 FPGAs for ingress routing 
and egress routing, the H40G was using a single Stratix-IV FPGA for both 
ingress and egress routing.

The H40G was being developed first on the AMC cards, with the H40G-PCIe card to 
The PCIe versions would allow any server to become a 40 Gb/s (100M packets per 
second) router (see attachment "Route, server, route".

We found that while several tier-1 carriers were very interested in the H40G, 
Cisco and Juniper were cutting high-end router port prices so aggressively to 
our target customers that no one was willing make price and volume commitments 
that would enable us to proceed.
Therefore the work on the H40G is on hold because it was not currently possible 
to fund further development.

Hyperchip's focus has thus switched to intellectual property and cores (a 
non-confidential summary is attached: "Hyperchip FPGA Cores and Architectures 

The architectural work is also completed for the H100G, which would use 
separate Stratix-IV FPGAs for ingress and egress.
With Stratix V (or the equivalent Xilinx FPGA) the two network processors could 
be recombined to 100 Gb/s of full routing in a single FPGA.

Hyperchip is currently doing the architectural work to bring the pipelines to 
400 Gb/s in the next generation of FPGAs.
The FPGAs will not have enough pins to memory to support that entire bandwidth 
as routing,
Coupled with a compact parallel optics chip and the next generation of 
high-speed RLDRAM and TCAM, this will let 400 Gb/s of L2 switching, with full 
routing performed on any 300M packets per second of that traffic, allowing any 
server to be a very high-performance switch/router.
If the work on stacking memories on FPGAs works out, this will also allow a 
full 400 Gb/s router on a PCI-e card.



Guillaume FORTAINE
Tel : +33(0)631092519

> Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2010 09:29:17 +0200
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [FRnOG] Hyperchip
> Le Sat, Sep 11, 2010 at 10:39:03PM +0200, Guillaume FORTAINE 
> [] a écrit:
> > 
> >
> Et ?
> Tu les connais ? as essayé leur produit ? les as contacté ?
> Je sais pas, un chouilla de valeur ajoutée, pour accompagner une URL,
> lachée sur une liste, ça ne fait pas de mal.
> -- 
> Dominique Rousseau 
> Neuronnexion, Prestataire Internet & Intranet
> 50, rue Riolan 80000 Amiens
> tel: 03 22 71 61 90 - fax: 03 22 71 61 99 -
> ---------------------------
> Liste de diffusion du FRnOG

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