
Je viens de lire ceci sur news:comp.risks.


Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2012 00:11:22 PDT
From: "Peter G. Neumann" <>
Subject: French Regulation of Primes?

Perhaps realizing that his position as PRIME Minister had some mathematical
implications, and certainly aware of France's history of trying to be able
to monitor all encrypted traffic passing through his country, Prime Minister
François Fillon has apparently decided to become the French Minister of
Primes, decreeing that all primes used in public-key encryption within or
transiting France must be approved by the French Government's newly
established Département de Cryptographie.  Apart from the potential for
increased surveillance, this decree could actually constructively reduce the
likelihood of a prime being used multiple times in different public keys --
a risk recently observed in various certificates that leads to opportunities
for forged certificates and security compromises (RISKS-26.73).


Serait-ce d'ailleurs pour cela que la Chambre des Pairs n'existe plus
en France depuis longtemps ?

J'imagine que tout cela ne sera pas sans conséquence sur l'activité
des réseaux en France. ;-).


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