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Tsilhqot’in charge British 
Columbia with breaches of consultation duties
Tsilhqot’in Nation has launched a court challenge asking the B.C. Supreme Court 
to invalidate or suspend approvals granted by British Columbia to Taseko Mines 
Limited for extensive drilling, excavation, timber clearing, road construction 
and other exploratory work for its controversial “New” Prosperity Mine.  
The Tsilhqot’in Nation and the 
Xeni Gwet’in (one of the Tsilhqot’in communities closest to the proposed mine) 
filed a petition for judicial review of the approvals yesterday.  The 
petition alleges that Crown officials breached their duties to consult and 
accommodate the Tsilhqot’in and failed to extend even “the most basic 
of consultation”, such as notice that approvals for drilling and road 
construction were granted.  Six weeks after the approval for this work, the 
Tsilhqot’in are still waiting for a rationale for the 
Xeni Gwet’in Chief Marilyn 
Baptiste said that the Tsilhqot’in consider the affected area “a cultural 
school, a place for social gatherings, a ‘grocery store’ for country foods, and 
a place for ceremony”.  Last November, the Federal Government rejected the 
original Prosperity Mine proposal, based on a scathing report by an independent 
federal panel highlighting a host of environmental and cultural impacts, 
including “high magnitude” and “irreversible” impacts on Tsilhqot’in 
use in this area of “unique and special significance to the Tsilhqot’in”. 
“This company went through years 
of exploration for its failed first bid,” said Chief Baptiste, “Now they want 
go back in there and drill more holes, dig nearly 60 test pits and clear over 
kilometres of road, all for this new mine proposal that the company knows – and 
has publicly stated – is worse for the environment that its preferred 
option.  We are appealing to the court to uphold the principles of fairness 
and justice.”     
“We’re talking about serious 
impacts for our rights and our culture,” said Chief Joe Alphonse, Tribal Chair 
of the Tsilhqot’in National Government.  “The Province refused to 
acknowledge these impacts, no matter what we say; it is more concerned with 
handing over approvals.  We’ve gone to court before, we’ve stood in front 
of the federal panel, we have proven over and over again how important these 
lands are to our people and our culture – but the Province never seems to get 
the message”.
Their lawyer, Jay Nelson, said: 
“it’s alarming that the Province didn’t take basic steps like notifying the 
Tsilhqot’in when it approved the drilling and road construction in this 
area.  It handed the company this approval six weeks ago and the 
Tsilhqot’in are still waiting for a rationale for the decision.  We all 
know this is a high conflict situation, and this kind of disrespect only throws 
fuel on the fire”.       
contacts:   Jay Nelson 
(Woodward and Company LLP) 778.678.4699.
Chief Joe Alphonse, TNG Tribal Chair & Chief of Tl’etinqox-t’in 
(250-305-8282 – Messages Only)
Attachment:Ten facts that show why Prosperity Mine proposal 
cannot be approved
Ten facts that 
show why resubmitted Prosperity Mine proposal cannot be 
1. The CEAA 
review panel process was very different from the BC EAO rubber-stamp decision. 
Its report found immitigable, devastating impacts to the local fish stocks and 
endangered grizzly populations, and to the existing and future rights of the 
Tsilhqot’in and its youth. Then Environment Minister Jim Prentice described the 
report’s findings as “scathing” and “probably the most condemning I 
have ever read.”  
2. The company knows its new option 
is worse than its first plan. TML’s V.P. Corporate Affairs, Brian Battison, was 
clear in his Mar. 22, 2010, opening presentation to the CEAA hearings, when he 
stated: “Developing Prosperity means draining Fish Lake.  We wish it 
were otherwise.  We searched hard for a different way. A way to retain the 
lake and have the mine.  But there is no viable alternative.  The lake 
and the deposit sit side by side.  It is not possible to have one without 
the loss of the other.”
3. The point was emphasised by TML’s 
VP of engineering, Scott Jones, who stated: “What happens to the water 
quality in Fish Lake, if you try and preserve that body of water with the 
tailings facility right up against it, is that over time the water quality in 
Fish Lake will become equivalent to the water quality in the pore water of the 
tailings facility, particularly when it’s close.”   
4. This proposal does not address the 
issues that led to the rejection of the first bid last year. Fish Lake will be 
affected by the toxic waste and eventually die, and it will be surrounded by a 
massive open pit mine and related infrastructure for decades.  The 
Tsilhqot’in people will not have access to their spiritual place, and the area 
will never be returned to the current pristine state.
It is not even new. It is “Mine 
Development Plan 2.”  TML states on page 20 of its project submission: “Option 
2 is the basis for the New Prosperity design …The concepts that lead 
to the configuration of MDP Option 2 have been utilized to develop the project 
description currently being proposed.”
5. This option was looked at and 
rejected last year by the company, Environment Canada and the CEAA review 
For example, page 65 of the review report states:  “The Panel agrees 
with the observations made by Taseko and Environment Canada that Mine 
Development Plans 1 and 2 would result in greater long-term environmental risk 
than the preferred alternative.”
6. The new $300 million in proposed 
spending is to cover the costs of relocating mine waste a little further away. 
There is nothing in the ‘new’ plan to mitigate all the environmental impacts 
identified in the previous assessment. TML states in its economic statement: 
“The new development design, predicated on higher long term prices for both 
copper and gold, would result in a direct increase in capital costs of $200 
million to purchase additional mining equipment to relocate the tailings dam 
to move the mine waste around Fish Lake to new locations. This redesign also 
adds $100 million in direct extra operating costs over the 20-year mine life to 
accomplish that task.” In fact, this new spending is actually $37 million 
less than the company said last year it would have to spend just to go with the 
option that it and the review panel agreed would be worse for the 
7.  The federal government is 
required under the Constitution to protect First Nations, which have been found 
to be under serious threat in this case, and is internationally committed to do 
so under the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. 
These duties are every bit as clear regarding this resubmitted proposal. 
8.  Approving this mine would 
show the Environmental Assessment process is meaningless, and would demonstrate 
that governments are ignoring their obligations -  as the Assembly of First 
Nations  national chiefs-in-assembly made this crystal clear this summer in 
their resolution of support for the Tsilhqot’in.
9.  The federal Department of 
Fisheries and Oceans has opposed this project since it was first raised in 
It soundly rejected it again last year. It has no reason to support it now. Nor 
does Environment Canada, which, as the CEAA report noted last year, also found 
option 2 to be worse than the original bid. 
10.  There are many other more 
worthy projects to be pursued – the vast majority of which, if not all will 
require working with aboriginal communities. Natural Resources Canada estimates 
there is $350 billion-$500 billion worth of such potential projects in 
Canada.  Governments, industry and investors do not need to go backwards by 
pushing this confrontational proposal and rebuffing efforts by First Nations to 
find a way to create a better mining system that would benefit everyone in the 
long run.

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