Indigenous leaders:
purpose of this letter is to alert you to a disturbing new development at the 
World Bank, which has serious negative implications for indigenous peoples. The 
World Bank is proposing to introduce a 
new loan program that would do away with critical safeguards that protect 
indigenous peoples and their lands and resources. This new “Program for Results 
(P4R)” is going forward with no consultation 
with indigenous peoples. If the current proposal is adopted, the 
World Bank could fund new development programs with virtually no protections 
indigenous peoples and their environments, and no effective mechanism for 
communities to raise complaints. 
of the reasons the World Bank is pushing P4R is so that it can compete with 
lending institutions, such as the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES), that 
currently have no protections for indigenous peoples or the environment. If 
World Bank safeguards are watered down through P4R, we’ll be entering a 
race-to-the-bottom where projects like Brazil ’s devastating Belo Monte damn 
are the norm. P4R would not only make it possible for World Bank-sponsored 
projects to disregard indigenous rights, but it would also make it much more 
difficult to establish strong indigenous rights safeguards within other 
financial institutions including BNDES and the Inter-American Development Bank. 
What is the Program for Results 
Rather than funding specific projects, the proposed 
“Program for Results” would provide funding for programs initiated by borrower 
governments. So for instance, P4R funding could go to support development of a 
forestry or REDD+ program, or a new transportation or rural development 
But while projects financed by the World Bank currently have to comply with 
social and environmental safeguard policies, these new P4R program loans would 
rely on borrower nations’ own systems for environmental and social risk 
management and enforcement. This is a problem because many borrower countries 
don’t have sufficient protections for indigenous 
What’s at Stake with 
P4R eliminates protections for indigenous peoples 
the proposed policy, P4R lending would be exempt from the World Bank’s 
Indigenous Peoples Policy. This 
means that there would be no requirement that countries using P4R funds consult 
with indigenous peoples and gain broad community support for any projects or 
programs that affect them, and communities would have no access to information 
about the specific projects being funded under P4R. It also means that 
would no longer be prohibited from engaging in forced resettlement of 
peoples. In addition to the Indigenous Peoples Policy, P4R funding would be 
exempt from 24 other safeguard policies critical to indigenous peoples, such as 
Bank policies on Environmental Assessment, Physical and Cultural Resources, 
Forests, Natural Habitats, and Involuntary Resettlement. These binding 
safeguards would instead be replaced with unenforceable guiding principles. 
P4R has no effective complaint mechanism for indigenous 
Bank policy, communities that are negatively impacted by Bank projects can 
a complaint with the Inspection 
Panel. Currently, if the Panel finds that the Bank violated its safeguard 
policies, it can request measures to change a project or remedy harms that a 
community has suffered. However, because P4R funding would be exempt from the 
safeguard policies, the Inspection Panel won’t have any standards to judge the 
Bank by, and harmed communities won’t have access to 
Consultation with Indigenous Peoples  
Lastly, this radical policy change is going forward with 
extremely limited consultation with civil society organizations and no direct 
consultation with indigenous peoples. During the last public consultation 
period, for instance, the full draft proposal was not made available in any 
language other than English. There is also no indication that the latest 
of the draft policy will be made public before it goes to the Executive Board 
for a vote.
What is the status of the P4R 
P4R proposal was scheduled for a mid-November vote by the World Bank Executive 
Directors. It now appears that the vote has been postponed, though the new date 
has not been announced. 
What are we asking 
·         All World Bank lending must respect the 
rights of indigenous peoples as recognized in the United Nations Declaration on 
the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
·         Any new P4R lending must be subject to the 
Indigenous Peoples Policy and other safeguards relevant for the protection of 
indigenous peoples.
·         Any P4R lending must contain an effective 
complaint mechanism for impacted communities.
·         There should be no vote on P4R and no change 
in the Bank’s policies toward indigenous peoples without a full, informed 
consultation of indigenous peoples.
What can you 
Bank is claiming that this policy is responding to the needs of developing 
countries for more flexible and streamlined lending. Because this policy has 
moved so quickly, with little consultation or transparency, many countries are 
unaware of what it really entails. It is 
critical that indigenous peoples and advocates make their concerns known to 
and national government officials before any vote takes place. Here 
are some things you can do:
1.       Contact your country’s World Bank Executive Director. 
(see attached contact list) 
2.       Copy 
your communication to the Program for Results; the World Bank President, Robert 
Zoellick; Vice President, Joachim Von Amsberg; and the full Board of Directors. 
(see attached contact list)
3.       Contact your parliament or congressional 
4.       Contact your World Bank Country Office. (see attached 
contact list) 
5.       Spread 
the word through your media and other contacts.
Where can you get more 
more information, including comments filed by the Indian Law Resource  Center 
(attached) and other 
civil society organizations, visit the Center’s 
website and .
Please contact Lorena 
Vaca , Program Assistant, at if we can be of any 
Armstrong Wiggins 
Director, Washington D.C. Office
Indian Law Resource Center

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