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Tim Harper: Government spies on advocate for 
native children
November 15, 2011
Tim Harper 
In 2009, Blackstock was 
awarded the Atkinson Charitable Foundation’s Economic Justice fellowship, which 
provides $100,000 per year to community leaders to support their 
Dwulit/Toronto Star file photo
Why is the federal government spying on Cindy 
When does a life-long advocate for aboriginal 
children become an enemy of the state?
The answer, it would seem, is when you file a 
human rights complaint accusing your government of willfully underfunding child 
welfare services to First Nations children on reserves.
Accusing your government, in other words, of 
racial discrimination.
That’s what Blackstock, as executive director of 
the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada, did in 
Since that time, federal officials attended 75 
to 100 meetings at which she spoke, then reported back to their 
They went on her Facebook page during work 
hours, then assigned a bureaucrat to sign on as himself after hours to check it 
again looking for testimony from the tribunal.
On at least two occasions, they pulled her 
Status Indian file and its personal information, including data on her 
As first reported by the Aboriginal Peoples 
Television Network, it’s all there in a mountain of documents, measuring more 
than six inches high, which she recently received after waiting 1 ½ years for 
them to be released under access to information legislation.
“I have never had a parking ticket, let alone a 
criminal record and I have never conducted myself in an unprofessional 
she told me from Edmonton Tuesday.
Some of the emailed reports that went up the 
ladder at the former Indian and Northern Affairs openly mocked 
In one report of her presentation to a New 
Brunswick symposium, there was a sarcastic summary of her “tour de force . . . 
which fired up a ready to be impressed audience. 
“She rattled through some general statistics (or 
gave the impression of doing so) before being whisked off to the 
It’s hardly the first time that the Conservative 
government has surreptitiously kept its eyes on aboriginals.
Last month, it was revealed the Canadian 
military had been keeping watch on activities of native organizations and had 
delivered at least eight reports over 18 months dealing with everything from a 
potential native backlash over Ontario’s introduction of the HST to potential 
demonstrations on the lawn of Parliament Hill.
In 2009, Blackstock was awarded the Atkinson 
Charitable Foundation’s Economic Justice fellowship, which provides $100,000 
year to community leaders to support their work.
Among those who praised her on that occasion was 
former prime minister Paul Martin.
In April, she spoke at a two-day provincial 
summit organized by the Dalton McGuinty government to try to find common ground 
among those fighting to improve the lives of native kids. 
So, while one level of government was seeking 
her expertise, another level was spying on her.
A spokesperson for Aboriginal Affairs Minister 
John Duncan, said the government “takes privacy concerns very seriously. The 
department routinely monitors and analyses the public environment as it relates 
to the department’s policies, programs, services and initiatives. This is done 
to do a better job in service delivery and policy.’’
Blackstock decided to seek her own file after 
she was denied access to a 2009 meeting with departmental officials on behalf 
Ontario chiefs.
Instead, she was made to wait in an anteroom, 
where she was watched by a burly security guard who towered above 
“I have never said anything that the auditor 
general hasn’t said,’’ Blackstock says.
Indeed, in 2008, then-auditor general Sheila 
Fraser confirmed that substantial shortfalls in federal child-welfare funding 
reserves are jeopardizing children’s safety.
Fraser also found First Nations children receive 
substantially less elementary and secondary school funding per capita than 
Canadians enjoy.
“I’m a common sense girl,’’ Blackstock says. “I 
say rather than spend the money following me around, spend it on the 
This is a government that seems perpetually in 
need of enemies.
The irony is that there has been much 
speculation in this city of late that the plight of aboriginals will be a major 
preoccupation of Stephen Harper in the remaining years of his majority 
A first step would be to stop treating advocates 
for aboriginals as enemies.

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