Question, what are the remains used for once you removed the Crab legs? I can't 
find wheel chairs for them.

 From: Lisa Dillon <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2011 3:45:46 PM
Subject: RE: [frostysamerindian] Fw: Canadian Government Keeps Close Tabs on 
Child Advocate Cindy Blackstock

you are absolutly right, Tribes should work together at the very leadt for our 
children. Child advocates need all the support and protection they need to help 
our people heal. It seems the Govenment is hell bent on Genocide through our 
children. And it seems following the same ol road of dysfunction is prefered by 
Tribes that refuse to put away their difrences to save our children. The cycles 
of disfunction will never break unless we stand up and force the issues. If you 
have found your way, be mentor and help others. There are all too few mens 
groups. Women go to shelters for help but there no help for the men they go 
back home to. Just reaching one half does not save the whole.  

Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2011 08:48:48 -0800
Subject: Re: [frostysamerindian] Fw: Canadian Government Keeps Close Tabs on 
Child Advocate Cindy Blackstock

I wish I had answer but I don't. But native people need to stand together and 
don,t let the governments divide people. To many people allow themselves to be 
bitten by fast talking lawyers who are educated in Canadian laws forget who 
they are.

 From: Lisa Dillon <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2011 3:16:59 PM
Subject: RE: [frostysamerindian] Fw: Canadian Government Keeps Close Tabs on 
Child Advocate Cindy Blackstock

why does all of this smack like the 60's. the Canadian Goverment seems to work 
hard at making sure our children suffer.

Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2011 14:48:51 -0800
Subject: [frostysamerindian] Fw: Canadian Government Keeps Close Tabs on Child 
Advocate Cindy Blackstock



Canadian Government Keeps Close Tabs on Child 
Advocate Cindy Blackstock
By ICTMN StaffNovember 16, 
The Canadian 
government's answer to APTN over allegations that it is spying on aboriginal 
children's welfare advocate Cindy Blackstock. 
        * Read More: 
        * Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development  Canada 
        * Aboriginal Children 
        * Child Welfare 
        * Children 
        * Indian Children 
        * National Aboriginal Achievement  Awards 
        * Prime Minister Stephen  Harper 
        * The Aboriginal People's Television  Network
Child advocate Cindy Blackstock, 
long a champion of aboriginal children’s rights, is on the federal government’s 
radar, but not for her work improving the lives of children. Apparently the 
government’s Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development (AAND) ministry has 
seen fit to scrutinize her every move as if she were an enemy.
Blackstock has discovered, upon 
being inspired to request her file through Canada’s Access to Information Act 
(the equivalent to the U.S. Freedom of Information Act), that the government 
been monitoring her doings extensively, the Aboriginal People’s Television 
Network(APTN) reports. In fact, Aboriginal Affairs and 
Northern Development Canada (AAND) sent personnel to no fewer than 75 
meetings—perhaps as many as 100—that she was speaking at, then wrote up reports 
for her file.
The surveillance began after 
Blackstock, head of the First Nations 
Child and Family Caring Society of Canadaand a member of Gitksan First Nation, 
filed suit against the government before 
the Canadian Human Rights 
Tribunalin 2007, charging that First 
Nations children were discriminated against by inequitable child welfare 
services on reserves. The case was unresolved as of early 2011, and Blackstock 
appealed to the courtsearlier this 
Soon afterward she was banned from 
a meeting between the Chiefs of Ontario and officials from the Ministry of 
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development. Moreover she was watched over by a 
security guard outside the meeting, she told APTN. This inspired her to seek 
file. It took one and a half years to acquire, and what she found surprised 
“Not only had they been on my 
personal Facebook page, but they had got a government employee to go to their 
home address, at night, to log in as them as an individual—not as the 
of Canada but as the staff person—to go onto my Facebook page and take a 
snapshot of it and then have that in a government of Canada log,” Blackstock 
told APTN News.
This is the latest in a series of 
revelations about the government of Prime Minister Stephen Harper and its 
penchant for keeping tabs on its aboriginal citizens. Back in June, Mohawk 
Nation activist Russell Diabo, and Shiri Pasternak, a Toronto-based writer, 
researcher and organizer, brought to light similar surveillancethat involved 
not only AAND (or 
INAC, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, as it was known at the time), but 
the RCMP. That monitoring of aboriginal groups had begun with the advent of 
Harper’s first government in 2005.
And in October it came out the 
Canadian military was watching native organizations closely, with at least 
reports compiled over 18 months about various activities of Native 
Blackstock, a widely known 
Native-children’s advocate, received a National Aboriginal Achievement 
Awardthis year for public service for 
her 20-plus hears working in child and family services. She was lauded in 2009 
by the likes of former Prime Minister Peter Martin upon receiving the Atkinson 
Charitable Foundation’s Economic Justice fellowship, awarded to community 
AAND wouldn’t comment beyond a 
statement released to APTN saying that Facebook and other such sites are 
considered public. But the aboriginal community reacted to the news on 
“The Canadian public needs to know 
how the federal government conducts itself when its accountability is called 
into question,” said Grand Chief Denise Stonefish of the Association of 
and Allied Indians (AIAI) in a statement. “We applaud the work Ms. Blackstock 
doing for our communities and urge her to continue with her efforts, despite 
questionable behaviors of the federal government. Our children deserve to have 
these tough questions posed to ensure they have the same future opportunities 
other Canadian children.”
The money spent on delving into 
Blackstock’s personal life—AAND even collected data on her family—could have 
been more wisely used, she said.
“I have never had a parking ticket, 
let alone a criminal record and I have never conducted myself in an 
unprofessional manner,’’ Blackstock told the Toronto Star. “I say 
rather than spend the money following me around, spend it on the 



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