Ontario Superior Court Ruling 
Outlines Importance for “Meaningful Consultations” in Mining 
Written by: 
James Murray on January 7, 2012.
Editorial – Solid Gold Resources is a junior mining exploration and development 
company, which has been exploring a two hundred square kilometer claim at Lake 
Abitibi near the Porcupine Fault zone in Northern Ontario. The Ontario Superior 
Court have ordered a 120 day halt in their exploration efforts. The judgement 
states that “The duty to consult and accommodate, which is at the heart of this 
injunction motion resides in the honour of the Crown. While the Crown may 
delegate operational aspects of the duty to third parties, such as Solid Gold, 
the Crown bears the ultimate legal responsibility to ensure the duty is 
Reading the Superior Court 
ruling by Justice Brown it certainly appears this dispute is far from 
“The Plaintiff, Wahgoshig First 
Nation (“WFN” or “Wahgoshig”) brings this motion for an interlocutory 
restraining the defendant, Solid Gold Resources Corp. (“Solid Gold”), from 
engaging in all activities relating to mineral exploration in the area of 
9 lands, and an order that Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario (“Ontario” 
or “the Crown” or “the Province”) provide an undertaking in damages to Solid 
Gold or, in the alternative, an order dispensing with the undertaking 
requirements of R.40.03 of the Rules of Civil Procedure, R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 
(Source: www.canlii.ca)
The ruling may set in place 
the strongest precident yet that consultations with First Nations are a key 
component. The injunction was sought by the Wahgoshig First Nation. Justice 
Brown in her ruling handed down this week stated, “No consultation occurred 
before Solid Gold’s drillng began in the Spring of 2011″.
It also appears, 
once again that the Ontario Government is not taking their responsibility as 
seriously as it could, or should. Mining is being seen as a glittering economic 
jewel in our province and region’s future. The failure to fully, and openly 
engage in meaningful consultations with First Nations may put the boots to that 
>From the facts of the case, 
in the ruling, “The Treaty 9 lands upon which the Claims Block sits were the 
subject of a preliminary survey done by the Ministry of Natural Resources in 
1995 which determined that the Treaty 9 lands are an ‘area of cultural heritage 
potential;. The study was stated to ‘serve as a preliminary planning tool to 
indicate the areas that require field assessment prior to land disturbance 
though timber harvesting or other development activities”.
Even when the First Nation 
discovered that the drilling was being done on these lands, and when the Crown 
told the company that consultations must occur, nothing happened. Even once a 
Notice of Claim was served on Solid Gold, the company continued drilling. In 
fact a second drill rig was brought in.
It almost appears that 
Ontario is taking a “hands off” approach to the issue of consultations for 
it “bears the ultimate legal responsibility”. Solid Gold Resources told the 
Superior Court that “it has no legal responsibility to consult, and that if 
there is such a duty it resides in the Crown”. The company also told the court, 
“The Mining Act, R.S.O. 1990 M.14 establishes a ‘free entry’ system whereby all 
Crown lands, including those subject to Aboriginal land claims are open to 
prospecting and staking, without any consultation or permit 
What is interesting from 
the court documents is the assertion from Ontario. “The province takes no 
position in this motion. It submits that the duty to consult has been triggered 
and that the Court’s assistance is required to fashion a consultation remedy 
that promotes reconciliation by fairly balancing the right of WFN to be 
consulted and the right of Solid Gold to cary out early stage mineral 
exploration on its unpatented mining claims”.
The Ontario Government 
could be setting the case for the province ending up compensating mining 
companies. In December 2009, Platinex reported, “Platinex has agreed to 
surrender its claims and leases and settle the outstanding litigation on Big 
Trout Lake in exchange for an upfront sum totaling $5 Million dollars in 
addition to the Company’s expenses throughout the Mediation 
The Wahgoshig injunction 
ruling builds on the precident set by the Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug First 
Nation (KI) v Platinex case in 2007. Justice Brown cited that case in her 
“It is critical to consider 
the nature of potential loss from an Aboriginal perspective. From that 
perspective, the relationship that Aboriginal peoples have with the land can 
be understated. The land is the very essence of their being. It is their very 
heart and soul. No amount of money can compensate for its loss. Aboriginal 
identity, spirituality, laws, traditions, culture and rights are connected to 
and arise from this relationship to the land. This is a perspective that is 
foreign to and often difficult to understand from a non-Aboriginal 
Further the court ruling 
says, “In Platinex, it was held at paras. 79 and 89 that ‘For consultation to 
have any meaning, it must take place “before any activity begins and not 
afterward or at a stage where it is rendered meaningless” and that harm from 
such a result cannot be compensated for by way of damages”.
The Wahgoshig First Nation 
is moving through the courts to further legal actions past seeking the 
injunction to halt exploration.
Solid Gold reported on 
December 21st that “Drilling continues in the area of the SG 09 discovery where 
high grade gold was discovered earlier this year”.
Justice Brown J. in her 
ruling, “The Crown advised Solid Gold in July 2009 that Solid Gold should 
contact WFN to consult regarding its intended mineral exploration and offered 
facilitate the process. Solid Gold failed to engage in any consultation with 
prior to commencing its exploratory drilling in or about March of 2011. Indeed, 
the evidence indicates that it chose to complete the IPO “before any contact 
with Aboriginals”. Moreover, it chose to raise money through flow-through 
shares, which monies had to be expended before year-end 2011, despite its 
knowledge that the consultations with WFN were inadequate and drilling should 
suspended until it occurred”.
In ruling for the First 
Nation, another precident has potentially been established. The impact overall 
is that for mining companies, having meaningful consultations with First 
has increased importance.
It is possible that one of 
the solutions will be for actual partnerships between mining companies, and 
First Nations as a path forward might be a better way forward. For the Ontario 
Government it is also likely that unless there is a far more direct effort to 
ensure that those consultations happen, our province could face further 
in the future. 
James Murray
Content Officer
Update: In a Sun Mediareport: Darryl Stretch, president of Solid Gold, said it 
was a “very bad day for 
mineral and mining exploration in Canada.”
He told QMI Agency his 
company had gone through the proper channels with the provincial government 
to be “blindsided” by unresolved treaty claims.
“I have to tell you, I have 
a lot of animosity towards the Crown (province) right at this moment,” Stretch 
said. “I spent $5 million of shareholders’ money and invested it in that area 
because the Crown invited us to do that — in fact, encouraged us to do 
“And at the time we began 
that process in 2007, knowing we were going to have a good gold mining market 
and it was going to be a good time to explore, it was one of the best places on 
the planet to explore because the Mining Act allows us to go in there, do what 
was necessary and still take care of the environment, the Cemeteries Act and 
the other things explorers have to do in the 21st century. We did all of those 
things, and we get blindsided by First Nations.
“All they have to do 
anymore is say, ‘Oh, that’s sacred ground over there. We don’t know where the 
bodies are but it’s up to you guys to go find them for us. And until you’ve 
that, it’s all sacred ground. And you can’t do anything there until you get our 
permission.’ ”

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