--- On Wed, 2/29/12, RDIABO <rdi...@rogers.com> wrote:

From: RDIABO <rdi...@rogers.com>
Subject: Fw: HEY! Trailer released for my new documentary, Resistencia
To: undisclosed-recipi...@yahoo.com
Received: Wednesday, February 29, 2012, 8:06 PM



From: Jesse Freeston 
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 5:29 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: HEY! Trailer released for my new documentary, 

I have some big news.

After months filming 
inside the occupied plantations of Honduras' Aguán Valley, I've unleashed a 
5-min teaser for my upcoming documentary, RESISTENCIA.


The film follows 3,000 landless farming families 
as they occupy the palm oil plantations of Miguel Facussé, the richest man in 
Honduras. Over their two-year-long occupation, they've been threatened, 
jailed, beaten, had their homes burnt down, and more than forty farmers have 
been killed by Facussé's guards, the police, and the military, all of which 
work together to try and push them off the land. Despite this constant 
the families are still there and they're not going anywhere.

The occupation began after the 2009 military coup 
d'etat—organized by Facussé and other oligarchs—that overthrew the only 
president that ever supported the farmers. Abandoned by the electoral process, 
the farmers took over the land and are now implementing their own democracy 
inside the occupied plantations. 


I returned to North America in late 2011 with this 
precious footage, expecting that the people who finance documentaries would 
recognize the importance of this story. After a few months of trying to get 
funding from traditional sources, I've learned that the industry doesn't 
that we (you and I) are 
interested in a documentary about peoples' struggles in Central America. One 
influential personality even told me that I had “a fascinating story and 
incredible footage”, and that if it were happening in Iran he would fund it 
today. “Unfortunately though, nobody cares about Honduras,” he 

He's wrong. 

If people don't care about Honduras, it's because the media either completely 
Honduras or focuses exclusively on gangs and drug-trafficking, a tiny sliver of 
Honduran reality. I know that people do care about 
Hondurans, they've just never 
been properly introduced. And since flying everyone to the Aguán Valley isn't 
exactly reasonable, the next best 
option is a documentary film. 

There is no 
reason why the Aguán Valley Occupation isn't mentioned in the same breath as 
Tahrir Square and Occupy Wall Street. But, we need your support to help 
break the media blackout on the 


So far, I've been talking a lot in the 
first-person, but I'm super-excited to announce that the incredible Amy Miller 
of Wide Open Exposure has come on-board as co-producer for Resistencia. I 
recently had the joy of helping Amy direct the Honduras chapter of her latest 
film, The Carbon Rush. I was blown away by her capacity to take such an 
ambitious project from conception to completion. The Carbon Rush is now 
finished, check out the 
trailer and keep an eye out for its release in festivals, theaters, and on 
TV later this year. 

Amy's belief in Resistencia, combined with the 
skills and energy she brings to the project, is yet another reason why it's 
going to prove the industry wrong and get the story of the Aguán farmers out to 
the world.


A rough cut of 
the film is nearly finished, but my video skills alone aren't enough to do this 
story justice. The plan is to raise $20,000 in the next month in order to 
hire: an animator, a sound designer, a web designer, and the fine video editor 
needed to really make this film shine. As well as to pay the brilliant Honduran 
musicians that have offered their music to the soundtrack.

This film is happening no matter what. But, 
with your solidarity, it is going to be soooo much better.

We've already raised more than $5,000 in the first 
five days of the campaign, but there's still a lot to go. 

Ask people if they've heard about the Aguán. 
Share the trailer and website. Fund the film and get others to do the same. And 
definitely check out some of the funky perks that come with your donation. Of 
course, if you have other ideas of ways you can contribute to the project, send 
those along.

Lets do this.

Nothin but the best...as always.


Jesse Freeston
Journalist and Maker of the Upcoming Film 

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