--- On Thu, 3/22/12, RDIABO <rdi...@rogers.com> wrote:

From: RDIABO <rdi...@rogers.com>
Subject: Fw: [TRA] Joe Oliver's speech coloured by "racism": First Nations chief
To: undisclosed-recipi...@yahoo.com
Received: Thursday, March 22, 2012, 8:34 AM




From: Don 
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2012 1:07 AM
To: TRA Listerve ; NatNews North ; Natnews International ; PK 
Subject: [TRA] Joe Oliver's speech coloured by "racism": First 
Nations chief

Joe Oliver's speech coloured by "racism": First 
Nations chief 

David P. 
Posted: Mar 21st, 

Natural resources minister Joe 
Oliver accused of racist bias after suggesting that First Nations communities 
were "socially dysfunctional". File photo by David P. Ball 

Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver was dogged by criticism in Vancouver 
today for describing many First Nations communities as “socially dysfunctional” 
at a Vancouver Board of Trade breakfast today. 
Questioned on the remarks by reporters, Oliver said he was 
merely speaking about a lack of economic opportunities, and denied accusations 
of paternalism towards First Nations people. But the head of the Union of BC 
Chiefs, which represents First Nations in BC, said Oliver's 
comments are representative of a pattern.
“It goes beyond paternalism – there's definitely a colour of racism in a lot 
of his remarks towards Indigenous or Aboriginal or First Nations people," Grand 
Chief Stewart Phillip told The Vancouver Observer. 
“We certainly 
don't appreciate those incredibly ignorant public declarations. It serves no 
purpose but to intensify an already volatile situation. It's not helpful. 
Regardless of his excuses, his intent is very clear: shamelessly cheerleading 
the corporate agenda as it pertains to these large-scale resource development 
"It's about the environment, stupid"
In his speech, the Natural Resources Minister suggested that First Nations 
communities could benefit from development projects such as the proposed 
Enbridge Northern Gateway oil sands pipeline. 
“The developments we are looking at have the capacity to be truly 
transformative to a lot of Aboriginal communities,” he said. “This is really a 
tremendous opportunity to transform communities that have been socially 
dysfunctional, that haven’t had economic opportunities, haven’t had employment 
Oliver later defended his comments, insisting that the federal government was 
"very respectful of the traditional way of life of Aboriginal communities”.
"It’s up to them of course to preserve what they believe is worthy of 
preserving. We’re not taking a paternalistic approach in that regard," he 
"But what these projects bring is an enhanced economic opportunity which 
doesn’t have to be inconsistent with some of their core 

Philip, however, disagreed with Oliver's suggestions.
“First Nations are gravely concerned about the government of Canada and the 
province of British Columbia colluding to essentially gut the environmental 
assessment process,” Phillip responded, “to do away with any sense of rigorous 
standards, and transform the environmental processes into a pro-industry rubber 
stamping process.
“Quite frankly, it's about the environment, 
stupid. It's not about Minister Oliver's misguided and completely skewed 
Controversial statements
Oliver stirred up controversy earlier this year after after he called 
pipeline critics “foreign special interests” with a “radical 
ideological agenda”. He also said in a speech at the 
 Manning Networking 
Conference on Friday that opponents to the 
Enbridge Northern Gateway oil sands pipeline project were driven by a "naive 
Recently, his election has also come to attention in the so-called robo-calls 
voter suppression scandal - now growing to up to 
100 ridings across the country - although no link to a Conservative 
campaign has been proven. The former investment banker and lawyer beat Liberal 
MP Joe Volpe by 4,000 votes in his Eglington-Lawrence riding – with Jewish 
constituentsreporting hoax Liberal phone calls 
on the Sabbath, and thousands of irregularities with voter registration, 
according to the Toronto Star.

  Government pipeline rhetoric reminiscent of Cold War, 
  McCarthyism: prof 
  Oilsands protest: activists greet Natural Resources 
  Minister Joe Oliver at business event


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