
commit a9a4428f1440086f08b5cc42fe1391a979d08fbe
Author: Devil505 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:   Tue May 13 20:59:18 2008 +0200

* added patch for gcc
* added Fdesktop2 entry (closed FS#2960)
* fixed depends()
* added missing options scriptlet

diff --git a/source/games-extra/visualboyadvance/FrugalBuild 
index 6dc920c..f8f4e69 100644
--- a/source/games-extra/visualboyadvance/FrugalBuild
+++ b/source/games-extra/visualboyadvance/FrugalBuild
@@ -3,17 +3,33 @@

pkgdesc="An emulator for Gameboy and Gameboy Advance systems."
Finclude sourceforge
-depends=('sdl' 'libglademm' 'libxdamage')
+depends=('libglademm' 'freetype2' 'libxau' 'libxdmcp' 'sdl' 'libstdc++' 
'libxdamage' 'libxext')
+makedepends=('nasm' 'perl-xml-parser')
Fconfopts="[EMAIL PROTECTED] --sysconfdir=/etc --enable-gtk=2.4"
+source=($source $pkgname-$pkgver-deprecatedsigc++.patch)
+sha1sums=('04d82406079563fd17cda07f72488185e9152f51' \
+          '13153dfa4358a136943556505737521e3c10c300')
+_F_desktop_desc="GUI for VisualBoyAdvance"
+   Fbuild
+   Fdesktop2
# optimization OK
diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4bb1787
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,692 @@
+--- src/gtk/sigccompat.h.old   2008-05-02 10:46:45.000000000 +0200
++++ src/gtk/sigccompat.h       2008-05-02 10:47:08.000000000 +0200
+@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
+ #ifndef __VBA_SIGCCOMPAT_H__
+ #define __VBA_SIGCCOMPAT_H__
+ #include <sigc++/bind.h>
+ #include <sigc++/connection.h>
+@@ -28,9 +28,679 @@
+ #include <sigc++/object.h>
+ #include <sigc++/functors/mem_fun.h>
+-namespace SigC
++// From sigc++/bind.h
++namespace SigC {
++template <class T_bound1, class T_functor>
++inline ::sigc::bind_functor<-1, T_functor,
++                            typename ::sigc::unwrap_reference<T_bound1>::type>
++bind(const T_functor& _A_functor, T_bound1 _A_b1)
++{ return ::sigc::bind_functor<-1, T_functor,
++                              typename 
++                              (_A_functor, _A_b1);
++template <class T_bound1, class T_bound2, class T_functor>
++inline ::sigc::bind_functor<-1, T_functor,
++                            typename ::sigc::unwrap_reference<T_bound1>::type,
++                            typename ::sigc::unwrap_reference<T_bound2>::type>
++bind(const T_functor& _A_functor, T_bound1 _A_b1, T_bound2 _A_b2)
++{ return ::sigc::bind_functor<-1, T_functor,
++                              typename 
++                              typename 
++                              (_A_functor, _A_b1, _A_b2);
++template <class T_bound1, class T_bound2, class T_bound3, class T_functor>
++inline ::sigc::bind_functor<-1, T_functor,
++                            typename ::sigc::unwrap_reference<T_bound1>::type,
++                            typename ::sigc::unwrap_reference<T_bound2>::type,
++                            typename ::sigc::unwrap_reference<T_bound3>::type>
++bind(const T_functor& _A_functor, T_bound1 _A_b1, T_bound2 _A_b2,T_bound3 
++{ return ::sigc::bind_functor<-1, T_functor,
++                              typename 
++                              typename 
++                              typename 
++                              (_A_functor, _A_b1, _A_b2, _A_b3);
++// From sigc++/connection.h
++namespace SigC {
++/** Convinience class for safe disconnection.
++ * Iterators must not be used beyond the lifetime of the list
++ * they work on. A connection object can be created from a
++ * slot list iterator and may safely be used to disconnect
++ * the referred slot at any time (disconnect()). If the slot
++ * has already been destroyed, disconnect() does nothing. empty() or
++ * operator bool() can be used to test whether the connection is
++ * still active. The connection can be blocked (block(), unblock()).
++ *
++ * This is possible because the connection object gets notified
++ * when the referred slot dies (notify()).
++ *
++ * @deprecated Use sigc::connection instead.
++ * @ingroup compat
++ */
++typedef ::sigc::connection Connection;
++// From sigc++/slot.h
++namespace SigC {
++// SlotN
++/** Converts an arbitrary functor to a unified type which is opaque.
++ * Slot0 itself is a functor or to be more precise a closure. It contains
++ * a single, arbitrary functor (or closure) that is executed in operator()().
++ *
++ * The template arguments determine the function signature of operator()():
++ * - @e T_return The return type of operator()().
++ *
++ * To use simply assign the slot to the desired functor. If the functor
++ * is not compatible with the parameter list defined with the template
++ * arguments compiler errors are triggered. When called the slot
++ * will invoke the functor with minimal copies.
++ * block() and unblock() can be used to block the functor's invocation
++ * from operator()() temporarily.
++ *
++ * @par Example:
++ *   @code
++ *   #include <sigc++/slot.h>
++ *   void foo(int) {}
++ *   SigC::Slot1<void, long> s = SigC::slot(&foo);
++ *   s(19);
++ *   @endcode
++ *
++ * @deprecated Use the unnumbered template sigc::slot instead.
++ * @ingroup compat
++ */
++template <class T_return>
++class Slot0
++  : public ::sigc::slot<T_return>
++  typedef ::sigc::slot<T_return> parent_type;
++  /// Constructs an empty slot.
++  Slot0() {}
++  /** Constructs a slot from an arbitrary functor.
++   * @param _A_func The desired functor the new slot should be assigned to.
++   */
++  template <class T_functor>
++  Slot0(const T_functor& _A_func)
++    : ::sigc::slot<T_return>(_A_func) {}
++  /** Constructs a slot, copying an existing one.
++   * @param src The existing slot to copy.
++   */
++  Slot0(const parent_type& src)
++    : parent_type(src) {}
++  /** Overrides this slot making a copy from another slot.
++   * @param src The slot from which to make a copy.
++   * @return @p this.
++   */
++  Slot0& operator=(const parent_type& src)
++    { parent_type::operator=(src); return *this; }
++/** Converts an arbitrary functor to a unified type which is opaque.
++ * Slot1 itself is a functor or to be more precise a closure. It contains
++ * a single, arbitrary functor (or closure) that is executed in operator()().
++ *
++ * The template arguments determine the function signature of operator()():
++ * - @e T_return The return type of operator()().
++ * - @e T_arg1 Argument type used in the definition of operator()().
++ *
++ * To use simply assign the slot to the desired functor. If the functor
++ * is not compatible with the parameter list defined with the template
++ * arguments compiler errors are triggered. When called the slot
++ * will invoke the functor with minimal copies.
++ * block() and unblock() can be used to block the functor's invocation
++ * from operator()() temporarily.
++ *
++ * @par Example:
++ *   @code
++ *   #include <sigc++/slot.h>
++ *   void foo(int) {}
++ *   SigC::Slot1<void, long> s = SigC::slot(&foo);
++ *   s(19);
++ *   @endcode
++ *
++ * @deprecated Use the unnumbered template sigc::slot instead.
++ * @ingroup compat
++ */
++template <class T_return, class T_arg1>
++class Slot1
++  : public ::sigc::slot<T_return, T_arg1>
++  typedef ::sigc::slot<T_return, T_arg1> parent_type;
++  /// Constructs an empty slot.
++  Slot1() {}
++  /** Constructs a slot from an arbitrary functor.
++   * @param _A_func The desired functor the new slot should be assigned to.
++   */
++  template <class T_functor>
++  Slot1(const T_functor& _A_func)
++    : ::sigc::slot<T_return, T_arg1>(_A_func) {}
++  /** Constructs a slot, copying an existing one.
++   * @param src The existing slot to copy.
++   */
++  Slot1(const parent_type& src)
++    : parent_type(src) {}
++  /** Overrides this slot making a copy from another slot.
++   * @param src The slot from which to make a copy.
++   * @return @p this.
++   */
++  Slot1& operator=(const parent_type& src)
++    { parent_type::operator=(src); return *this; }
++/** Converts an arbitrary functor to a unified type which is opaque.
++ * Slot2 itself is a functor or to be more precise a closure. It contains
++ * a single, arbitrary functor (or closure) that is executed in operator()().
++ *
++ * The template arguments determine the function signature of operator()():
++ * - @e T_return The return type of operator()().
++ * - @e T_arg1 Argument type used in the definition of operator()().
++ * - @e T_arg2 Argument type used in the definition of operator()().
++ *
++ * To use simply assign the slot to the desired functor. If the functor
++ * is not compatible with the parameter list defined with the template
++ * arguments compiler errors are triggered. When called the slot
++ * will invoke the functor with minimal copies.
++ * block() and unblock() can be used to block the functor's invocation
++ * from operator()() temporarily.
++ *
++ * @par Example:
++ *   @code
++ *   #include <sigc++/slot.h>
++ *   void foo(int) {}
++ *   SigC::Slot1<void, long> s = SigC::slot(&foo);
++ *   s(19);
++ *   @endcode
++ *
++ * @deprecated Use the unnumbered template sigc::slot instead.
++ * @ingroup compat
++ */
++template <class T_return, class T_arg1,class T_arg2>
++class Slot2
++  : public ::sigc::slot<T_return, T_arg1,T_arg2>
++  typedef ::sigc::slot<T_return, T_arg1,T_arg2> parent_type;
++  /// Constructs an empty slot.
++  Slot2() {}
++  /** Constructs a slot from an arbitrary functor.
++   * @param _A_func The desired functor the new slot should be assigned to.
++   */
++  template <class T_functor>
++  Slot2(const T_functor& _A_func)
++    : ::sigc::slot<T_return, T_arg1,T_arg2>(_A_func) {}
++  /** Constructs a slot, copying an existing one.
++   * @param src The existing slot to copy.
++   */
++  Slot2(const parent_type& src)
++    : parent_type(src) {}
++  /** Overrides this slot making a copy from another slot.
++   * @param src The slot from which to make a copy.
++   * @return @p this.
++   */
++  Slot2& operator=(const parent_type& src)
++    { parent_type::operator=(src); return *this; }
++/** Converts an arbitrary functor to a unified type which is opaque.
++ * Slot3 itself is a functor or to be more precise a closure. It contains
++ * a single, arbitrary functor (or closure) that is executed in operator()().
++ *
++ * The template arguments determine the function signature of operator()():
++ * - @e T_return The return type of operator()().
++ * - @e T_arg1 Argument type used in the definition of operator()().
++ * - @e T_arg2 Argument type used in the definition of operator()().
++ * - @e T_arg3 Argument type used in the definition of operator()().
++ *
++ * To use simply assign the slot to the desired functor. If the functor
++ * is not compatible with the parameter list defined with the template
++ * arguments compiler errors are triggered. When called the slot
++ * will invoke the functor with minimal copies.
++ * block() and unblock() can be used to block the functor's invocation
++ * from operator()() temporarily.
++ *
++ * @par Example:
++ *   @code
++ *   #include <sigc++/slot.h>
++ *   void foo(int) {}
++ *   SigC::Slot1<void, long> s = SigC::slot(&foo);
++ *   s(19);
++ *   @endcode
++ *
++ * @deprecated Use the unnumbered template sigc::slot instead.
++ * @ingroup compat
++ */
++template <class T_return, class T_arg1,class T_arg2,class T_arg3>
++class Slot3
++  : public ::sigc::slot<T_return, T_arg1,T_arg2,T_arg3>
++  typedef ::sigc::slot<T_return, T_arg1,T_arg2,T_arg3> parent_type;
++  /// Constructs an empty slot.
++  Slot3() {}
++  /** Constructs a slot from an arbitrary functor.
++   * @param _A_func The desired functor the new slot should be assigned to.
++   */
++  template <class T_functor>
++  Slot3(const T_functor& _A_func)
++    : ::sigc::slot<T_return, T_arg1,T_arg2,T_arg3>(_A_func) {}
++  /** Constructs a slot, copying an existing one.
++   * @param src The existing slot to copy.
++   */
++  Slot3(const parent_type& src)
++    : parent_type(src) {}
++  /** Overrides this slot making a copy from another slot.
++   * @param src The slot from which to make a copy.
++   * @return @p this.
++   */
++  Slot3& operator=(const parent_type& src)
++    { parent_type::operator=(src); return *this; }
++/** Converts an arbitrary functor to a unified type which is opaque.
++ * Slot4 itself is a functor or to be more precise a closure. It contains
++ * a single, arbitrary functor (or closure) that is executed in operator()().
++ *
++ * The template arguments determine the function signature of operator()():
++ * - @e T_return The return type of operator()().
++ * - @e T_arg1 Argument type used in the definition of operator()().
++ * - @e T_arg2 Argument type used in the definition of operator()().
++ * - @e T_arg3 Argument type used in the definition of operator()().
++ * - @e T_arg4 Argument type used in the definition of operator()().
++ *
++ * To use simply assign the slot to the desired functor. If the functor
++ * is not compatible with the parameter list defined with the template
++ * arguments compiler errors are triggered. When called the slot
++ * will invoke the functor with minimal copies.
++ * block() and unblock() can be used to block the functor's invocation
++ * from operator()() temporarily.
++ *
++ * @par Example:
++ *   @code
++ *   #include <sigc++/slot.h>
++ *   void foo(int) {}
++ *   SigC::Slot1<void, long> s = SigC::slot(&foo);
++ *   s(19);
++ *   @endcode
++ *
++ * @deprecated Use the unnumbered template sigc::slot instead.
++ * @ingroup compat
++ */
++template <class T_return, class T_arg1,class T_arg2,class T_arg3,class T_arg4>
++class Slot4
++  : public ::sigc::slot<T_return, T_arg1,T_arg2,T_arg3,T_arg4>
++  typedef ::sigc::slot<T_return, T_arg1,T_arg2,T_arg3,T_arg4> parent_type;
++  /// Constructs an empty slot.
++  Slot4() {}
++  /** Constructs a slot from an arbitrary functor.
++   * @param _A_func The desired functor the new slot should be assigned to.
++   */
++  template <class T_functor>
++  Slot4(const T_functor& _A_func)
++    : ::sigc::slot<T_return, T_arg1,T_arg2,T_arg3,T_arg4>(_A_func) {}
++  /** Constructs a slot, copying an existing one.
++   * @param src The existing slot to copy.
++   */
++  Slot4(const parent_type& src)
++    : parent_type(src) {}
++  /** Overrides this slot making a copy from another slot.
++   * @param src The slot from which to make a copy.
++   * @return @p this.
++   */
++  Slot4& operator=(const parent_type& src)
++    { parent_type::operator=(src); return *this; }
++/** Converts an arbitrary functor to a unified type which is opaque.
++ * Slot5 itself is a functor or to be more precise a closure. It contains
++ * a single, arbitrary functor (or closure) that is executed in operator()().
++ *
++ * The template arguments determine the function signature of operator()():
++ * - @e T_return The return type of operator()().
++ * - @e T_arg1 Argument type used in the definition of operator()().
++ * - @e T_arg2 Argument type used in the definition of operator()().
++ * - @e T_arg3 Argument type used in the definition of operator()().
++ * - @e T_arg4 Argument type used in the definition of operator()().
++ * - @e T_arg5 Argument type used in the definition of operator()().
++ *
++ * To use simply assign the slot to the desired functor. If the functor
++ * is not compatible with the parameter list defined with the template
++ * arguments compiler errors are triggered. When called the slot
++ * will invoke the functor with minimal copies.
++ * block() and unblock() can be used to block the functor's invocation
++ * from operator()() temporarily.
++ *
++ * @par Example:
++ *   @code
++ *   #include <sigc++/slot.h>
++ *   void foo(int) {}
++ *   SigC::Slot1<void, long> s = SigC::slot(&foo);
++ *   s(19);
++ *   @endcode
++ *
++ * @deprecated Use the unnumbered template sigc::slot instead.
++ * @ingroup compat
++ */
++template <class T_return, class T_arg1,class T_arg2,class T_arg3,class 
T_arg4,class T_arg5>
++class Slot5
++  : public ::sigc::slot<T_return, T_arg1,T_arg2,T_arg3,T_arg4,T_arg5>
++  typedef ::sigc::slot<T_return, T_arg1,T_arg2,T_arg3,T_arg4,T_arg5> 
++  /// Constructs an empty slot.
++  Slot5() {}
++  /** Constructs a slot from an arbitrary functor.
++   * @param _A_func The desired functor the new slot should be assigned to.
++   */
++  template <class T_functor>
++  Slot5(const T_functor& _A_func)
++    : ::sigc::slot<T_return, T_arg1,T_arg2,T_arg3,T_arg4,T_arg5>(_A_func) {}
++  /** Constructs a slot, copying an existing one.
++   * @param src The existing slot to copy.
++   */
++  Slot5(const parent_type& src)
++    : parent_type(src) {}
++  /** Overrides this slot making a copy from another slot.
++   * @param src The slot from which to make a copy.
++   * @return @p this.
++   */
++  Slot5& operator=(const parent_type& src)
++    { parent_type::operator=(src); return *this; }
++/** Converts an arbitrary functor to a unified type which is opaque.
++ * Slot6 itself is a functor or to be more precise a closure. It contains
++ * a single, arbitrary functor (or closure) that is executed in operator()().
++ *
++ * The template arguments determine the function signature of operator()():
++ * - @e T_return The return type of operator()().
++ * - @e T_arg1 Argument type used in the definition of operator()().
++ * - @e T_arg2 Argument type used in the definition of operator()().
++ * - @e T_arg3 Argument type used in the definition of operator()().
++ * - @e T_arg4 Argument type used in the definition of operator()().
++ * - @e T_arg5 Argument type used in the definition of operator()().
++ * - @e T_arg6 Argument type used in the definition of operator()().
++ *
++ * To use simply assign the slot to the desired functor. If the functor
++ * is not compatible with the parameter list defined with the template
++ * arguments compiler errors are triggered. When called the slot
++ * will invoke the functor with minimal copies.
++ * block() and unblock() can be used to block the functor's invocation
++ * from operator()() temporarily.
++ *
++ * @par Example:
++ *   @code
++ *   #include <sigc++/slot.h>
++ *   void foo(int) {}
++ *   SigC::Slot1<void, long> s = SigC::slot(&foo);
++ *   s(19);
++ *   @endcode
++ *
++ * @deprecated Use the unnumbered template sigc::slot instead.
++ * @ingroup compat
++ */
++template <class T_return, class T_arg1,class T_arg2,class T_arg3,class 
T_arg4,class T_arg5,class T_arg6>
++class Slot6
++  : public ::sigc::slot<T_return, T_arg1,T_arg2,T_arg3,T_arg4,T_arg5,T_arg6>
++  typedef ::sigc::slot<T_return, T_arg1,T_arg2,T_arg3,T_arg4,T_arg5,T_arg6> 
++  /// Constructs an empty slot.
++  Slot6() {}
++  /** Constructs a slot from an arbitrary functor.
++   * @param _A_func The desired functor the new slot should be assigned to.
++   */
++  template <class T_functor>
++  Slot6(const T_functor& _A_func)
++    : ::sigc::slot<T_return, 
T_arg1,T_arg2,T_arg3,T_arg4,T_arg5,T_arg6>(_A_func) {}
++  /** Constructs a slot, copying an existing one.
++   * @param src The existing slot to copy.
++   */
++  Slot6(const parent_type& src)
++    : parent_type(src) {}
++  /** Overrides this slot making a copy from another slot.
++   * @param src The slot from which to make a copy.
++   * @return @p this.
++   */
++  Slot6& operator=(const parent_type& src)
++    { parent_type::operator=(src); return *this; }
++/** Converts an arbitrary functor to a unified type which is opaque.
++ * Slot7 itself is a functor or to be more precise a closure. It contains
++ * a single, arbitrary functor (or closure) that is executed in operator()().
++ *
++ * The template arguments determine the function signature of operator()():
++ * - @e T_return The return type of operator()().
++ * - @e T_arg1 Argument type used in the definition of operator()().
++ * - @e T_arg2 Argument type used in the definition of operator()().
++ * - @e T_arg3 Argument type used in the definition of operator()().
++ * - @e T_arg4 Argument type used in the definition of operator()().
++ * - @e T_arg5 Argument type used in the definition of operator()().
++ * - @e T_arg6 Argument type used in the definition of operator()().
++ * - @e T_arg7 Argument type used in the definition of operator()().
++ *
++ * To use simply assign the slot to the desired functor. If the functor
++ * is not compatible with the parameter list defined with the template
++ * arguments compiler errors are triggered. When called the slot
++ * will invoke the functor with minimal copies.
++ * block() and unblock() can be used to block the functor's invocation
++ * from operator()() temporarily.
++ *
++ * @par Example:
++ *   @code
++ *   #include <sigc++/slot.h>
++ *   void foo(int) {}
++ *   SigC::Slot1<void, long> s = SigC::slot(&foo);
++ *   s(19);
++ *   @endcode
++ *
++ * @deprecated Use the unnumbered template sigc::slot instead.
++ * @ingroup compat
++ */
++template <class T_return, class T_arg1,class T_arg2,class T_arg3,class 
T_arg4,class T_arg5,class T_arg6,class T_arg7>
++class Slot7
++  : public ::sigc::slot<T_return, 
+ {
++  typedef ::sigc::slot<T_return, 
T_arg1,T_arg2,T_arg3,T_arg4,T_arg5,T_arg6,T_arg7> parent_type;
++  /// Constructs an empty slot.
++  Slot7() {}
++  /** Constructs a slot from an arbitrary functor.
++   * @param _A_func The desired functor the new slot should be assigned to.
++   */
++  template <class T_functor>
++  Slot7(const T_functor& _A_func)
++    : ::sigc::slot<T_return, 
T_arg1,T_arg2,T_arg3,T_arg4,T_arg5,T_arg6,T_arg7>(_A_func) {}
++  /** Constructs a slot, copying an existing one.
++   * @param src The existing slot to copy.
++   */
++  Slot7(const parent_type& src)
++    : parent_type(src) {}
++  /** Overrides this slot making a copy from another slot.
++   * @param src The slot from which to make a copy.
++   * @return @p this.
++   */
++  Slot7& operator=(const parent_type& src)
++    { parent_type::operator=(src); return *this; }
++/* gcc 3.2 reports a strange conflict between SigC::slot() and sigc::slot<>
++ * when "using namespace SigC" and later using a slot(obj,func) overload
++ * without the prefix "SigC::". Probably a compiler bug. I will investigate.
++ *
++ * This ugly hack avoids the error:
++ */
++// #define slot(...) make_slot(__VA_ARGS__) /* only works for gcc */
++// slot()
++/** Creates a functor of type SigC::Slot0 that wraps an existing non-member 
++ *
++ * @param _A_func Pointer to function that should be wrapped.
++ * @return Functor that executes _A_func on invokation.
++ *
++ * @deprecated Use sigc::ptr_fun() instead.
++ * @ingroup compat
++ */
++template <class T_return>
++inline Slot0<T_return>
++slot(T_return (*_A_func)())
++{ return Slot0<T_return>(_A_func); }
++/** Creates a functor of type SigC::Slot1 that wraps an existing non-member 
++ *
++ * @param _A_func Pointer to function that should be wrapped.
++ * @return Functor that executes _A_func on invokation.
++ *
++ * @deprecated Use sigc::ptr_fun() instead.
++ * @ingroup compat
++ */
++template <class T_return, class T_arg1>
++inline Slot1<T_return, T_arg1>
++slot(T_return (*_A_func)(T_arg1))
++{ return Slot1<T_return, T_arg1>(_A_func); }
++/** Creates a functor of type SigC::Slot2 that wraps an existing non-member 
++ *
++ * @param _A_func Pointer to function that should be wrapped.
++ * @return Functor that executes _A_func on invokation.
++ *
++ * @deprecated Use sigc::ptr_fun() instead.
++ * @ingroup compat
++ */
++template <class T_return, class T_arg1,class T_arg2>
++inline Slot2<T_return, T_arg1,T_arg2>
++slot(T_return (*_A_func)(T_arg1,T_arg2))
++{ return Slot2<T_return, T_arg1,T_arg2>(_A_func); }
++/** Creates a functor of type SigC::Slot3 that wraps an existing non-member 
++ *
++ * @param _A_func Pointer to function that should be wrapped.
++ * @return Functor that executes _A_func on invokation.
++ *
++ * @deprecated Use sigc::ptr_fun() instead.
++ * @ingroup compat
++ */
++template <class T_return, class T_arg1,class T_arg2,class T_arg3>
++inline Slot3<T_return, T_arg1,T_arg2,T_arg3>
++slot(T_return (*_A_func)(T_arg1,T_arg2,T_arg3))
++{ return Slot3<T_return, T_arg1,T_arg2,T_arg3>(_A_func); }
++/** Creates a functor of type SigC::Slot4 that wraps an existing non-member 
++ *
++ * @param _A_func Pointer to function that should be wrapped.
++ * @return Functor that executes _A_func on invokation.
++ *
++ * @deprecated Use sigc::ptr_fun() instead.
++ * @ingroup compat
++ */
++template <class T_return, class T_arg1,class T_arg2,class T_arg3,class T_arg4>
++inline Slot4<T_return, T_arg1,T_arg2,T_arg3,T_arg4>
++slot(T_return (*_A_func)(T_arg1,T_arg2,T_arg3,T_arg4))
++{ return Slot4<T_return, T_arg1,T_arg2,T_arg3,T_arg4>(_A_func); }
++/** Creates a functor of type SigC::Slot5 that wraps an existing non-member 
++ *
++ * @param _A_func Pointer to function that should be wrapped.
++ * @return Functor that executes _A_func on invokation.
++ *
++ * @deprecated Use sigc::ptr_fun() instead.
++ * @ingroup compat
++ */
++template <class T_return, class T_arg1,class T_arg2,class T_arg3,class 
T_arg4,class T_arg5>
++inline Slot5<T_return, T_arg1,T_arg2,T_arg3,T_arg4,T_arg5>
++slot(T_return (*_A_func)(T_arg1,T_arg2,T_arg3,T_arg4,T_arg5))
++{ return Slot5<T_return, T_arg1,T_arg2,T_arg3,T_arg4,T_arg5>(_A_func); }
++/** Creates a functor of type SigC::Slot6 that wraps an existing non-member 
++ *
++ * @param _A_func Pointer to function that should be wrapped.
++ * @return Functor that executes _A_func on invokation.
++ *
++ * @deprecated Use sigc::ptr_fun() instead.
++ * @ingroup compat
++ */
++template <class T_return, class T_arg1,class T_arg2,class T_arg3,class 
T_arg4,class T_arg5,class T_arg6>
++inline Slot6<T_return, T_arg1,T_arg2,T_arg3,T_arg4,T_arg5,T_arg6>
++slot(T_return (*_A_func)(T_arg1,T_arg2,T_arg3,T_arg4,T_arg5,T_arg6))
++{ return Slot6<T_return, T_arg1,T_arg2,T_arg3,T_arg4,T_arg5,T_arg6>(_A_func); 
++/** Creates a functor of type SigC::Slot7 that wraps an existing non-member 
++ *
++ * @param _A_func Pointer to function that should be wrapped.
++ * @return Functor that executes _A_func on invokation.
++ *
++ * @deprecated Use sigc::ptr_fun() instead.
++ * @ingroup compat
++ */
++template <class T_return, class T_arg1,class T_arg2,class T_arg3,class 
T_arg4,class T_arg5,class T_arg6,class T_arg7>
++inline Slot7<T_return, T_arg1,T_arg2,T_arg3,T_arg4,T_arg5,T_arg6,T_arg7>
++slot(T_return (*_A_func)(T_arg1,T_arg2,T_arg3,T_arg4,T_arg5,T_arg6,T_arg7))
++{ return Slot7<T_return, 
T_arg1,T_arg2,T_arg3,T_arg4,T_arg5,T_arg6,T_arg7>(_A_func); }
++// From sigc++/object.h
++namespace SigC {
++// Object
++typedef ::sigc::trackable Object;
++namespace SigC
+ template <class T_return, class T_obj1, class T_obj2>
+ inline Slot0<T_return>
+ slot( T_obj1& _A_obj, T_return (T_obj2::*_A_func)() )
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