On 28 June 2010 08:35, Miklos Vajna <vmik...@frugalware.org> wrote:
> Git-Url: 
> http://git.frugalware.org/gitweb/gitweb.cgi?p=homepage-ng.git;a=commitdiff;h=24d57e0ed39f93ce6bf7d2bfe86aa51905b3632d
> commit 24d57e0ed39f93ce6bf7d2bfe86aa51905b3632d
> Author: Miklos Vajna <vmik...@frugalware.org>
> Date:   Mon Jun 28 00:35:35 2010 +0200
> 1.3pre2 announce draft
> diff --git a/frugalware/xml/news.xml b/frugalware/xml/news.xml
> index 52a81c1..36fb4a5 100644
> --- a/frugalware/xml/news.xml
> +++ b/frugalware/xml/news.xml
> @@ -21,6 +21,38 @@
> Example: Mon, 07 Aug 2006 12:34:56 -0600 -->
> <news>
> +  <post>
> +    <id>173</id>
> +    <title>Frugalware 1.3pre2 (Haven) released</title>
> +    <date>FIXME</date>
> +    <author>Miklos Vajna</author>
> +    <hidden>1</hidden>
> +    <content><![CDATA[
> +      The Frugalware Developer Team is pleased to <a 
> href="/news/173">announce</a> the immediate availability of Frugalware 
> 1.3pre2, the second technical preview of the upcoming 1.3 stable release.</p>
> +    <p>Here are some of the major improvements and changes since 1.3pre1:<br 
> />
> +      <ul>
> +        <li>Improvements:
> +          <ul>
> +            <li>The monolithic configuration of XOrg is now split to the <a 
> href="http://www.x.org/wiki/Server18Branch";>xorg.conf.d directory</a>. You 
> can still use the monolithic config, but the config files in the new 
> directory have priority.</li>
> +            <li>Updated image libraries: <a 
> href="http://freshmeat.net/projects/libjpeg/releases/314766";>libjpeg 8</a> 
> and <a href="http://freshmeat.net/projects/libpng/releases/312969";>libpng 
> 1.4</a>. While adding support for these new libraries, we touched 1500+ 
> packages, doing various minor fixes and improvement <a 
> href="http://git.frugalware.org/gitweb/gitweb.cgi?p=frugalware-current.git;a=commit;h=33a8f8c592de7fa5881d6cd3a2ecb04663420545";>here
>  and there</a>.</li>
> +          </ul>
> +        </li>
> +        <li>Package updates:
> +          <ul>
> +            <li>Linux 2.6.34</li>
> +            <li>KDE SC 4.4.4</li>
> +            <li>Mozilla Firefox 3.6.4</li>
> +            <li>OpenOffice.org 3.2.1</li>
> +            <li>Updated libraries: jack, libpng, libjpeg.</li>
> +          </ul>
> +        </li>
> +      </ul>
> +      Please refer to the Frugalware <a 
> href="http://ftp.frugalware.org/pub/frugalware/frugalware-testing/ChangeLog.txt";>Haven
>  ChangeLog</a> for more information.<br />
> +      Download for i686: See our <a 
> href="http://frugalware.org/download/frugalware-testing-iso";>mirror list</a>. 
> Don't forget to check the <a 
> href="http://frugalware.org/download/frugalware-testing-iso/SHA1SUMS";>integrity</a>
>  of the install images before burning!<br />
> +      <b>NOTE</b>: Click <a 
> href="/docs/install#_choosing_installation_flavor">here</a> to read more 
> about what media you need for the installation.<br />
> +      ]]>
> +    </content>
> +  </post>
> <post>
> <id>172</id>
> <title>Frugalware Newsletter Issue 65</title>
> @@ -5068,5 +5100,5 @@ a3596b7f25437447c3c117eb0bb883b040a3024a  
> frugalware-0.5pre2-i686-cd8.iso
> </content>
> </post>
> </news>
> -<!-- vim: ts=2
> +<!-- vim: shiftwidth=2 expandtab:
> -->


Just one grammatical correction - just as "fixes" is plural,
"improvement" should be "improvements". Aside from that it looks good.

Just one question - in the announcement only i686 architecture is
mentioned. Why are the preview images only i686?

May you always be Frugal,

Russell Dickenson (AKA phayz)
Frugalware-git mailing list

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