
commit f655f3bca9c75887de2240f358d4d6c1fc748b33
Author: Michel Hermier <>
Date:   Wed Dec 1 13:00:36 2010 +0100


* Remove rc.fsck and rc.random. systemd provide support for that.

diff --git a/source/base/e2fsprogs/FrugalBuild 
index 70be74d..c9f80fe 100644
--- a/source/base/e2fsprogs/FrugalBuild
+++ b/source/base/e2fsprogs/FrugalBuild
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@

pkgdesc="Utilities needed to create and maintain ext2 and ext3 filesystems"
depends=('glibc>=2.8-3' 'util-linux-ng>=2.16')
@@ -12,10 +12,7 @@ archs=('i686' 'x86_64' 'ppc')
Finclude sourceforge
-source=($source rc.fsck rc.random)
-sha1sums=('62b002fe507b2ddafc24b89532e472fe4b55a14f' \
-          'a30724dc241e53dbf0c90d2256989e4f87bdb6e4' \
-          '7d5e3eecbea952aa1f72808fb810892d82a35461')

@@ -28,8 +25,6 @@ build()
make check || return 1
make DESTDIR=$Fdestdir install install-libs
-       Frcd fsck
-       Frcd random

# conflicts with util-linux-ng
Frm /usr/sbin/uuidd /usr/share/man/man8/uuidd.8
diff --git a/source/base/e2fsprogs/e2fsprogs.install 
index 9770ffc..9554914 100644
--- a/source/base/e2fsprogs/e2fsprogs.install
+++ b/source/base/e2fsprogs/e2fsprogs.install
@@ -1,15 +1,13 @@
-       cd /etc/rc.d/rcS.d
-       ln -sf ../rc.fsck S12rc.fsck
-       ln -sf ../rc.random S22rc.random
-       /usr/sbin/chkconfig --add rc.random
+       rm /etc/rc.d/rcS.d/S{12rc.fsck,22rc.random}
+       /usr/sbin/chkconfig --del rc.random

-       rm /etc/rc.d/rcS.d/S{12rc.fsck,22rc.random}
-       /usr/sbin/chkconfig --del rc.random
+       post_upgrade

diff --git a/source/base/e2fsprogs/messages/fsck.en 
deleted file mode 100644
index 78b6ea1..0000000
--- a/source/base/e2fsprogs/messages/fsck.en
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-# (c) 2003-2004 Vajna Miklos <>
-# (c) 2005 Laszlo Dvornik <>
-# fsck.en for Frugalware
-# distributed under GPL License
-# Copyright 1993-2003 Patrick J. Volkerding, All rights reserved
-# Patrick J. Volkerding's scripts were distributed under an OSI approved
-# BSD License, which can be found in the COPYRIGHT file.
-fsstatro="Testing root filesystem status: read-only filesystem"
-fsstatrw="Testing root filesystem status: read-write filesystem"
-fscheck="Checking root filesystem: "
-*** An error occurred during the root filesystem check. ***\n\
-*** You will now be given a chance to log into the      ***\n\
-*** system in single-user mode to fix the problem.      ***\n\
-***                                                     ***\n\
-*** If you are using the ext2 filesystem, running       ***\n\
-*** 'e2fsck -v -y <partition>' might help.              ***\n\
-Once you exit the single-user shell, the system will reboot.\n"
-repairfs="Repair filesystem"
-*** The filesystem was changed. ***\n\
-*** The system will now reboot. ***\n\
-umountfs="Unmounting file systems."
-rebootsys="Rebooting system."
-remountrw="Remounting root device with read-write enabled"
-Attempt to remount root device as read-write failed!  This is going to\n\
-cause serious problems.\n\n\
-Normal bootdisks can be made to mount a system read-write with the rdev 
-rdev -R /dev/fd0 0\n\n\
-You can also get into your system by using a boot disk with a command like 
-on the prompt line:  (change the root partition name as needed)\n\n\
-root=/dev/hda1 rw\n\n\
-Please press ENTER to continue, then reboot and use one of the above methods 
-\nget into your machine and start looking for the problem."
-*** ERROR: Root partition has already been mounted read-write. Cannot check!\n\
-\nFor filesystem checking to work properly, your system must initially mount\n\
-the root partition as read only. Please modify your kernel with 'rdev' so 
-it does this. If you boot from a kernel on a floppy disk, put it in the 
-and type:\n\n\
-   rdev -R /dev/fd0 1\n\n\
-If you boot from a bootdisk, you can add the 'ro' flag.\n\n\
-This will fix the problem *AND* eliminate this annoying message. :-)\n\n\
-Press ENTER to continue."
-# vim: ft=sh
diff --git a/source/base/e2fsprogs/messages/ 
deleted file mode 100644
index fcdf0cb..0000000
--- a/source/base/e2fsprogs/messages/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-# (c) 2003-2004 Vajna Miklos <>
-# (c) 2005 Laszlo Dvornik <>
-# for Frugalware
-# distributed under GPL License
-fsstatro="A root fájlrendszer állapotának vizsgálata: csak olvasható 
-fsstatrw="A root fájlrendszer állapotának vizsgálata: írható fájlrendszer"
-fscheck="A root fájlrendszer vizsgálata: "
-*** Hiba történt a root fájlrendszer vizsgálata során.   ***\n\
-*** Megvan a lehetõsége, hogy bejelentkezzen a rendszerbe***\n\
-*** rendszergazdaként, hogy orvosolja a hibát.           ***\n\
-***                                                      ***\n\
-*** Ha ext3 fájlrendszert használ, az                    ***\n\
-*** 'e2fsck -v -y <partíció>' lehet, hogy segít.         ***\n\
-Ha kilép a rendszergazda-shellbõl, a rendszer újraindul.\n"
-*** A fájlrendszer megváltozott.***\n\
-*** A rendszer most újraindul.  ***\n\
-umountfs="Fájlrendszerek lecsatolása."
-rebootsys="A rendszer újraindítása."
-remountrw="A root eszköz újracsatolása írható módban"
-Nem sikerült újracsatolni a root fájlrendszert írható módban!  Ez\n\
-súlyos problémákat fog okozni.\n\n\
-Bootlemezekkel az rdev paranccsal lehet írható módban csatolni egy 
-rdev -R /dev/fd0 0\n\n\
-Be lehet jutni a rendszerbe egy bootlemezzel és a következõ paranccsal\n\
-a parancssorban: (változtassa meg a root partíciót, ha szükséges)\n\n\
-root=/dev/hda1 rw\n\n\
-Nyomjon ENTER-t a folytatáshoz, induljon újra és használja ezeket módokat, 
-\nbejusson a rendszerbe, és orvosolja a problémát."
-*** HIBA: A root partíció már írható módban van csatolva. Nem lehet 
-\nHogy a fájlrendszer-ellenõrzés megfelelõen dolgozzon, elõször csak 
-módban kell csatolni a root partíciót. Módosítsa a kernel-paramétereket, 
-így legyen. Ha egy floppy-n található kernellel bootol, tegye a meghajtóba,\n\
-és írja be:\n\n\
-   rdev -R /dev/fd0 1\n\n\
-Ha bootlemezzel bootol, akkor adja meg az 'ro' opciót.\n\n\
-Ez megoldja a problémát, *ÉS* eltünteti ezt a dühítõ szöveget. :-)\n\n\
-Nyomjon ENTER-t a folytatáshoz."
-# vim: ft=sh
diff --git a/source/base/e2fsprogs/messages/random.en 
deleted file mode 100644
index f76a29f..0000000
--- a/source/base/e2fsprogs/messages/random.en
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-# (c) 2003-2004 Vajna Miklos <>
-# (c) 2005 Laszlo Dvornik <>
-# random.en for Frugalware
-# distributed under GPL License
-# Copyright 1993-2003 Patrick J. Volkerding, All rights reserved
-# Patrick J. Volkerding's scripts were distributed under an OSI approved
-# BSD License, which can be found in the COPYRIGHT file.
-startrandom="Initializing /dev/urandom"
-stoprandom="Saving /dev/urandom"
-# vim: ft=sh
diff --git a/source/base/e2fsprogs/messages/ 
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a1fa0b..0000000
--- a/source/base/e2fsprogs/messages/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# (c) 2003-2004 Vajna Miklos <>
-# (c) 2005 Laszlo Dvornik <>
-# rc.fsck for Frugalware
-# distributed under GPL License
-startrandom="A /dev/urandom inicializálása"
-stoprandom="A /dev/urandom elmentése"
-# vim: ft=sh
diff --git a/source/base/e2fsprogs/rc.fsck b/source/base/e2fsprogs/rc.fsck
deleted file mode 100644
index 2708a63..0000000
--- a/source/base/e2fsprogs/rc.fsck
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-# (c) 2003-2004 Vajna Miklos <>
-# (c) 2005 Laszlo Dvornik <>
-# rc.fsck for Frugalware
-# distributed under GPL License
-# Copyright 1993-2003 Patrick J. Volkerding, All rights reserved
-# Patrick J. Volkerding's scripts were distributed under an OSI approved
-# BSD License, which can be found in the COPYRIGHT file.
-. /etc/rc.d/rc.functions
-if [ "$1" = "start" ]; then
-       # Test to see if the root partition is read-only, like it ought to be.
-       if touch /fsrwtestfile 2>/dev/null; then
-               rm -f /fsrwtestfile
-               rw=yes
-       else
-               start "$fsstatro"
-               rw=no
-               ok $?
-       fi
-       # See if a forced filesystem check was requested at shutdown:
-       if [ -r /etc/forcefsck ]; then
-               ffsck="-f"
-       fi
-       # Check the root filesystem:
-       if [ ! $rw = yes ]; then
-               if [ ! -r /etc/fastboot ]; then
-                       start "$fscheck"
-                       echo
-                       /sbin/fsck $ffsck -C -a -T /
-                       fsstate=$?
-                       echo -ne '\033[A'
-                       ok $fsstate
-               else
-                       fsstate=0
-               fi
-               # An error code of 2 or higher will require a reboot.
-               if [ $fsstate -ge 2 ]; then
-                       # An error code equal to or greater than 4 means that 
-                       # errors could not be corrected.  This requires manual
-                       # attention, so we offer a chance to try to fix the
-                       # problem in single-user mode:
-                       if [ $fsstate -ge 4 ]; then
-                               echo -e "$greater4"
-                               PS1="($repairfs) \#"; export PS1
-                               sulogin
-                       else # With an error code of 2 or 3,
-                            # reboot the machine automatically:
-                               echo -e "$autoreboot"
-                       fi
-                       echo "$umountfs"
-                       umount -a -r
-                       mount -n -o remount,ro /
-                       echo "$rebootsys"
-                       sleep 2
-                       reboot -f
-               fi
-               # Remount the root filesystem in read-write mode
-               start "$remountrw"
-               mount -w -n -o remount /
-               if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then
-                       ok 1
-                       echo -e "$failedrw"
-                       read junk;
-               else
-                       ok 0
-               fi
-       else
-               start "$fsstatrw"
-               ok 1
-               echo -e "$rwwarning"
-               read junk;
-       fi # Done checking root filesystem
-       # Any /etc/mtab that exists here is old, so we delete it to start over:
-       /bin/rm -f /etc/mtab*
-       # Remounting the / partition will initialize the new /etc/mtab:
-       mount -w -o remount /
-       # Fix /etc/mtab to list sys and proc if they were not yet entered in
-       # /etc/mtab because / was still mounted read-only:
-       if [ -d /proc/sys ]; then
-               mount -f proc /proc -t proc
-       fi
-       if [ -d /sys/bus ]; then
-               mount -f sysfs /sys -t sysfs
-       fi
diff --git a/source/base/e2fsprogs/rc.random b/source/base/e2fsprogs/rc.random
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d4618c..0000000
--- a/source/base/e2fsprogs/rc.random
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-# (c) 2003-2004 Vajna Miklos <>
-# (c) 2005 Laszlo Dvornik <>
-# rc.random for Frugalware
-# distributed under GPL License
-# Copyright 1993-2003 Patrick J. Volkerding, All rights reserved
-# Patrick J. Volkerding's scripts were distributed under an OSI approved
-# BSD License, which can be found in the COPYRIGHT file.
-. /etc/rc.d/rc.functions
-# chkconfig: - 00 95
-# description: Carry an entropy pool between reboots to improve randomness.
-if [ "$1" = "stop" ]; then
-       stop "$stoprandom"
-       if [ "$2" = 0 -o "$2" = 6 ]; then
-               # before unmounting file systems write a reboot/halt record to 
-               if [ "$2" = "0" ]; then
-                       halt -w
-               else
-                       reboot -w
-               fi
-               # clear /var/lock/subsys
-               if [ -d /var/lock/subsys ]; then
-                       rm -f /var/lock/subsys/*
-               fi
-               dd if=/dev/urandom of=/etc/random-seed count=1 bs=512 2> 
-               ok $?
-       fi
-elif [ "$1" = "restart" ]; then
-       "$0" stop
-       sleep 1
-       "$0" start
-else # start
-       start "$startrandom"
-       # some clean up
-       rm -f /var/lock/* /var/spool/uucp/LCK..* /tmp/.X*lock /tmp/core /core \
-               1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null
-       if [ -r /tmp/hunt -o -r /tmp/hunt.stats ]; then
-               rm -f /tmp/hunt*
-       fi
-       chmod 755 / 2> /dev/null
-       chmod 1777 /tmp /var/tmp
-       if [ -f /etc/random-seed ]; then
-               cat /etc/random-seed >/dev/urandom
-       fi
-       dd if=/dev/urandom of=/etc/random-seed count=1 bs=512 2> /dev/null
-       ok $?
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