
commit 547c171b185430bcdf71de3bea35c0a53810e2fe
Author: Pingax <>
Date:   Mon Aug 8 13:01:09 2011 +0200

* French translation of newsletter 81
* First draft

diff --git a/frugalware/weeklynews/issue81_fr.html 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..252cec5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frugalware/weeklynews/issue81_fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,695 @@
+  <img class="face" src="/images/icons/newsletter.png" width="85" height="85" 
alt=""><br />
+  <h2>Frugalware Linux Newsletter - numéro 81</h2>
+  <p>... Pour informer... pour éduquer... pour divertir</p>
+  <h2>:)</h2>
+  <p>
+    <pre>Press [Any] key to continue...</pre>
+  </p>
+  <h2>Bienvenue</h2>
+  <p>Bienvenue dans ce nouveau numéro de la newsletter de la communauté 
Frugalienne, qui revient sur les derniers événements et activités de votre 
distribution favorite.</p>
+  <p>Au sommaire de ce numéro :</p>
+  <ul>
+    <li>Bon voyage, Carl</li>
+    <li>Re-bienvenue Jercel !</li>
+    <li>pacman-g2 est maintenant plus rapide</li>
+    <li>Examen Frugalware</li>
+  </ul>
+  <br />
+  <div class="postheader">Evénéments...
+  </div><img class="face" src="/images/newsletter/calendar.png" width="85"
+  height="85"><br>
+  <p>Voici une sélection des événéments récents, qui pourraient vous 
intéresser :</p>
+  <h4>Frugalware 1.5rc2 est sortie</h4>
+  <p>Le 1er août, le papa de Frugalware, VMiklos, a annoncé la sortie de la
+  dernière version de tests Frugalware 1.5 "Mores".
+  Il y a quelques changements significatifs depuis la dernière version, nous
+  avons donc besoin de votre aide.
+  Si vous avez du temps et de la bande passe, <strong>merci</strong> de nous
+  aider à tester la version 1.5rc2. Tout ce que vous avez à faire est de
+  l'installer comme vous le faites habituellement, ainsi que les paquets que
+  vous avez l'habitude d'utiliser. Ne le faites pas sur votre machine 
+   mais plutôt sur un autre PC ou dans une machine virtuelle. Si vous trouvez
+   quelque chose qui marchait dans la version 1.4 et qui, désormais, ne marche
+   plus, merci de rapporter le bogue
+  sur notre <a href="";>Bug Tracking System</a>.
+  </p>
+  <h4>Bon voyage, Carl</h4>
+  <p>Le contributeur Carl Andersen a annoncé, le 4 juillet 2011, sur la liste 
+   diffusion i18n, qu'il n'assurerait dorénavant plus les traductions 
+   Ses autres centres d'intérêts et activités (entre autre le bateau), ont 
+   priorité. Pendant 4 ans, il a effectué un excellent travail et nous sommes
+   désolés de le voir partir. Vous retrouverez, un peu après, une interview 
+   Carl, dans laquelle il revient sur sa contribution à Frugalware.
+  Bonne chance et bon vent !</p>
+  <h4>Re-bienvenue jercel</h4>
+  <p>Juste quand Carl a annoncé son départ, Jercel annonçait, quant à lui,
+  qu'il revenait après une coupure de six mois. Il est l'auteur de superbes
+  contributions dans le passé, c'est donc super de le voir revenir. </p>
+  <h4>pacman-g2 is maintenant plus rapide</h4>
+  <p>VMiklos a récemment modifié la façon dont la base de données de 
+  était stockée et manipulée. Jusqu'à présent, la base de données, 
+  dans un unique fichier, était téléchargée et décompressée dans plein de
+  petits fichiers. Quand une recherche était effectuée, la procédure était
+  longue car plein de fichiers étaient ouverts et fermés, à tour de rôle.
+  Ce changement a modifié ce comportement. Désormais, la base de données est
+  téléchargée et décompressée dans la mémoire au lieu d'être 
+  sur le disque dur. Cela a pour résultat une meilleure performance.
+  si pacman-g2 était un produit commercial, nous pourrions surement dire :
+  "Formule nouvelle et améliorée ! Procurez-vous le immédiatement car vous 
+  ne savez pas, il rend vos vêtements plus propres et plus lumineux ! :P</p>
+  <h4>Merci de mettre vos tests de matériels sur le wiki</h4>
+  <p>Avant d'acheter du matériel, il est souvient utile de savoir si quelqu'un
+  a eu le matériel similaire et s'il a eu ou non des problèmes sous Linux.
+  Quelquefois, vous pouvez trouver l'information, des fois non. Pour que tout
+  le monde soit gagnant, <strong>merci</strong> d'ajouter au wiki quelques
+  informations sur le matériel que vous utilisez, en particulier les 
+  portables, les imprimantes et les autres périphériques. L'article n'a pas 
+  être très long, mais il devrait inclure le nom du constructeur et le 
+  de la machine, afin qu'une brève description. Si vous avez modifié des 
+  de configuration, ou utilisé des informations provenant de sites Internet,
+  merci de les fournir sur l'article. Si tout le monde dans la communauté 
+  cela, ça serait une source utile d'informations, et pas seulement pour les
+  utilisateurs de Frugalware, mais pour tous les utilisateurs de Linux.</p>
+  <br />
+  <div class="postheader">Nouveaux paquet</div>
+  <img class="face" src="/images/newsletter/package-new.png" width="85" 
height="85" alt="" /><br />
+  <p>Voici une sélection de paquets qui ont été ajoutés depuis le dernier 
+  de la newsletter :</p>
+  <table rules="all" width="80%" frame="border" cellspacing="0" cellpadding=
+  "4">
+    <col width="33%">
+    <col width="33%">
+    <col width="33%">
+    <thead>
+      <tr>
+        <th align="left" valign="top">Paquet</th>
+        <th align="left" valign="top">Description</th>
+        <th align="left" valign="top">Mainteneur</th>
+      </tr>
+    </thead>
+    <tbody>
+      <tr>
+        <td align="left" valign="top">
+          <p class="table">gnome-shell-extension-overview-icon-20110629</p>
+        </td>
+        <td align="left" valign="top">
+          <p class="table">Affiche une icône sur chaque fenêtre, dans le mode
+          "Aperçu".</p>
+        </td>
+        <td align="left" valign="top">
+          <p class="table">Baste</p>
+        </td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td align="left" valign="top">
+          <p class="table">gnome-shell-extension-cpufreq-20110629</p>
+        </td>
+        <td align="left" valign="top">
+          <p class="table">Affiche et contrôle la fréquence du processeur 
+          gnome-shell.</p>
+        </td>
+        <td align="left" valign="top">
+          <p class="table">Baste</p>
+        </td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td align="left" valign="top">
+          <p class="table">gedit-plugin-whitespace-terminator-20110704</p>
+        </td>
+        <td align="left" valign="top">
+                 <p class="table">Plugin pour Gedit qui supprime les espaces
+                 blancs avant de sauvegarder un document.</p>
+        </td>
+        <td align="left" valign="top">
+          <p class="table">Baste</p>
+        </td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td align="left" valign="top">
+          <p class="table">gdm3setup-20110705</p>
+        </td>
+        <td align="left" valign="top">
+          <p class="table">Une interface utilisateur pour configurer GDM3.</p>
+        </td>
+        <td align="left" valign="top">
+          <p class="table">Baste</p>
+        </td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td align="left" valign="top">
+          <p class="table">openclonk-5.1.2</p>
+        </td>
+        <td align="left" valign="top">
+                 <p class="table">Jeu d'action multijoueur libre, où vous
+                 contrôlez les clonks, Free multiplayer action game where you 
+                 clonks, des petits êtres humanoide mais agiles et plein
+                 d'esprit.</p>
+        </td>
+        <td align="left" valign="top">
+          <p class="table">Melko</p>
+        </td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td align="left" valign="top">
+          <p class="table">jdownloader-0.9581</p>
+        </td>
+        <td align="left" valign="top">
+                 <p class="table">JDownloader est un gestionnaire de 
+                 basé sur java, qui supporte RapidShare, MegaUpload, et 
+                 1000 autres sites.</p>
+        </td>
+        <td align="left" valign="top">
+          <p class="table">kikadf</p>
+        </td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td align="left" valign="top">
+          <p class="table">xloadimage-4.1</p>
+        </td>
+        <td align="left" valign="top">
+                 <p class="table">Un utilitaire pour visualiser différents 
+                 d'images sous X11.</p>
+        </td>
+        <td align="left" valign="top">
+          <p class="table">Elentir</p>
+        </td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td align="left" valign="top">
+          <p class="table">libhid-0.2.16</p>
+        </td>
+        <td align="left" valign="top">
+          <p class="table">Une librairie pour communiuquer avec les 
+          USB HID.</p>
+        </td>
+        <td align="left" valign="top">
+          <p class="table">James Buren</p>
+        </td>
+      </tr>
+    </tbody>
+  </table>
+  <br />
+  <div class="postheader">Trucs et astuces</div>
+  <img class="face" src="/images/newsletter/terminal.png" width="85" 
height="85" alt=""><br>
+  <h4>Ne soyez pas effrayé par les applications en mode console</h4>
+  <p>Although GUI applications often win fans for their 'bling', console
+  applications usually win fans for their functionality. They have several
+  advantages over equivalent GUI applications:</p>
+  <ul>
+         <li>they are often faster and require fewer system resources (memory
+         and CPU), making them especially good for older PCs and PCs/laptops
+         with less powerful CPUs;</li>
+         <li>text-only interfaces use less screen space compared to a GUI
+         interface and if you use a small font you can fit a lot onto a screen.
+         This is especially useful for netbooks;</li>
+         <li>they make a great combination with utilities such as <a
+         href= "";>screen
+         </a> and <a href="";>Terminator
+         </a>.</li>
+  </ul>
+  <p>Here are some console-based applications which you might find useful as
+  a replacement for a GUI application:</p>
+  <ul>
+         <li>tyrs - and Twitter client;</li>
+         <li>irssi - IRC client;</li>
+         <li>bashburn - Burn content to writeable CD/DVD media;</li>
+         <li>MOC - console audio player.</li>
+  </ul>
+  <h4>Do you have any tips or tricks to share?</h4>
+  <p>This section relies on your contributions! If you have some tips and
+  tricks that you would like to share, <em>please</em> post them in the forum
+  or the comments section below.</p>
+  <br />
+  <div class="postheader">Interview</div>
+  <img class="face" src="/images/newsletter/calendar.png" width="85" 
height="85" alt=""><br>
+  <p>As I mentioned in the "Events etc" section, Carl Andersen will no longer
+  be contributing to Frugalware. Before he sailed away into the sunset I
+  asked him for a farewell interview, a chance to reflect on his work and
+  achievements. Thankfully he agreed and here is what he said...</p>
+  <dl>
+         <dt><strong>What motivated you to begin translating Frugalware
+         projects?</strong></dt>
+               <dd>Early on, I became interested in translating Frugalware
+               projects. Mainly because I knew that a lot of Danish consumers 
+               interested in Frugalware's projects. I felt it only natural that
+               these people deserved to be able to read the manuals in their 
+               language. I also knew that there were a lot of elderly people 
+               did not know a word of English. I soon discovered that it was 
also a
+               lot of fun, as well as very hard work, translating the projects.
+               However, I also felt that it was important to keep going. All 
+               kept me interested and urged me to keep bettering 
myself.</dd><br />
+         <dt><strong>Did you learn anything over the four years you provided
+         translations?</strong></dt>
+               <dd>Yes. I learned a lot of technical terms which came in handy 
+               future projects. I also learned that translation from one 
+               to another is very hard work and that it takes a person with 
+               dedication to keep at it even when things get tough. It made me
+               appreciate other people's hard work even more than I did 
before, as
+               well as gave me a whole new perspective on words and 
translation in
+               general. The translation process also did wonders for my 
+               Over the course of four years I also came to appreciate the
+               Frugalware organisation more and more, not to mention its
+               developers, whom I have always thought did an excellent job in
+               developing Frugalware.</dd><br />
+         <dt><strong>Did you have any aim(s) when you started ? If you did, did
+         you achieve it/them?</strong></dt>
+               <dd>Firstly, when I started translating I wanted to make 
+               and its projects known to a larger audience within Denmark. I 
+               that I have fulfilled this aim. I run a website which focuses on
+               Frugalware and in four years it has been visited by 90,000 
+               worldwide. So I am very pleased. Secondly, I especially wanted
+               elderly people to get acquainted with Frugalware and its 
projects. I
+               also feel that this aim has been achieved as I have gotten a 
lot of
+               positive responses to my work from all age groups.</dd><br />
+         <dt><strong>Are there any special moments you remember?</strong></dt>
+               <dd>There are always a lot of good and bad moments when you
+               embark on a grand adventure. However, I am glad to say that 
+               are a lot more good moments than bad. I especially remember my
+               moment of triumph when I first felt that all my hard work was
+               recognized and I also appreciate all the positive response and
+               heartfelt congratulations I get from people all over the world. 
+               really feel that I have been part of something 
important.</dd><br />
+         <dt><strong>Would you recommend translating to others who might be
+         interested?</strong></dt>
+               <dd>Definitely. I hope other people will take the translation of
+               Frugalware projects as seriously as I have. I feel it necessary 
+               keep the spirit of Frugalware alive and this is why the 
+               process is such an important part. Without the translators there
+               would not be so many people who would be able to benefit from
+               Frugalware's projects. Of course more and more people nowadays 
+               able to understand English, but I still feel that many people 
+               happy that they are able to read about Frugalware in their own
+               language, especially the package program.</dd><br />
+         <dt><strong>Will you remain using Frugalware Linux?</strong></dt>
+               <dd>At the moment I am not using Frugalware Linux. I have
+               decided to try something new so at the moment I use Linux Mint. 
+               far I am very pleased with this version. It is very easy to 
+               and I really like the design. I could not be happier. I have 
+               Linux for twelve and a half years and I cannot promise that I 
+               never go back to using Frugalware Linux again. However, at the
+               moment I am happy exploring other possibilities. After all, 
they do
+               say that new experiences broaden the mind.</dd><br />
+  </dl>
+  <br />
+  <div class="postheader">Frugalware Exam</div>
+  <img class="face" src="/images/newsletter/terminal.png" width="85" 
height="85" alt=""><br>
+  <h4>It's time to test your knowledge of Frugalware</h4>
+  <p>This is the third exam in an ongoing series aimed as testing your
+  knowledge of Frugalware. Below is a number of multiple-choice questions,
+  all of which you must answer. Make a note of your answers and check them
+  against the correct answers in the next newsletter issue. You will then be
+  able to compare your result against a table and confirm your Frugalware
+  rating.</p>
+  <p>What's required to become a member of the Frugalware development team?</p>
+  <ol>
+         <li>Payment of a huge membership fee;</li>
+         <li>a university degree;</li>
+         <li>Submission of enough FrugalBuild patches to have proven you know
+         what you're doing;</li>
+         <li>All of the above.</li>
+  </ol>
+  <p>Frugalware packages are available around the world from what type of 
+  <ol>
+         <li>walls;</li>
+         <li>mirrors;</li>
+         <li>windows;</li>
+         <li>an online subscription service.</li>
+  </ol>
+  <p>Which of the following is NOT a label commonly applied to one or more
+Frugalware package repositories?</p>
+  <ol>
+         <li>current;</li>
+         <li>work-in-progress;</li>
+         <li>stable;</li>
+         <li>almost-stable-but-sometimes-makes-your-PC-explode.</li>
+  </ol>
+  <p>Which of the following is NOT a recommended method of communicating with
+others in the Frugalware community?</p>
+  <ol>
+         <li>ouija board;</li>
+         <li>email;</li>
+         <li>IRC;</li>
+         <li>forums.</li>
+  </ol>
+  <p>Frugalware's package manager (pacman-g2) is a fork of which package 
+  <ol>
+         <li>apt;</li>
+         <li>yum;</li>
+         <li>ArchLinux's pacman;</li>
+         <li>gcc.</li>
+  </ol>
+  <p>What is the aim of the newsletter?</p>
+  <ol>
+         <li>To reduce global carbon emissions;</li>
+         <li>Improve the wealth of its editor and author;</li>
+         <li>Inform readers about recent events and activities in the 
+         <li>Improve awareness of Pandas.</li>
+  </ol>
+  <p>Who can edit the wiki?</p>
+  <ol>
+         <li>Everyone;</li>
+         <li>Members of the Frugalware Wiki Maintainers Company;</li>
+         <li>Anyone with a wiki account;</li>
+         <li>Frugalware developers.</li>
+  </ol>
+  <p>A Feature Request in the Bug Tracking System can be made if you want
+  what?</p>
+  <ol>
+         <li>Someone to make you a cup of coffee;</li>
+         <li>A different wallpaper on your desktop;</li>
+         <li>A new feature or package, or an existing feature changed;</li>
+         <li>To be rich, famous and successful.</li>
+  </ol>
+  <br />
+  <div class="postheader">Focus on Packages</div>
+  <img class="face" src="/images/newsletter/package-new.png" width="85" 
height="85" alt=""><br>
+  <h4>View Your Mind</h4>
+  <p>View Your Mind (VYM) is a mind mapping tool but just what you do with it 
+  not easy to explain. The general idea is that a mind map allows you to
+  record your ideas and thoughts in a graphical format which shows the
+  connections between them. Creating a mind map is done by starting at a
+  central point and branching out from there into related topics and
+  sub-topics. The advantage to this method is that it's easier to understand
+  connections between ideas because they're clearly shown in the map. It
+  requires both the analytical and artistic sides of the brain so is a more
+  effective method of noting ideas compared with a written list or "brain
+  dump". Mind maps, and VYM in this case, can be used for many
+  purposes but common uses are project planning. Look at the VYM home page,
+  which itself was created using VYM, for an example of its output. Creating
+  a mind map on computer is easier than on paper and more easily shared since
+  you can send either the map file itself or export it a static image format.
+  Next time you're writing down ideas on a topic, try VYM and you just might
+  get better results.</p>
+  <a id="imagebox" href=
+  "";
+  title ="View Your Mind screenshot"><img src=
+  alt ="View Your Mind screenshot"></a>
+  <br />
+  <div class="postheader">Users' Desktop Screenshots</div>
+  <img class="face" src="/images/newsletter/desktop.png" width="85" 
height="85" alt=""><br>
+  <p>This new section of the newsletter features screenshots of users' desktop
+  configurations. Whether we use a desktop environment or only a window
+  manager, most of us like to tweak the appearance of our desktop until it
+  looks just right. With almost endless configuration options it can become an
+  obsession. The screenshots which appear in this section are examples of what
+  you can achieve. You may not like them all but you may learn about an option
+  or application that you didn't know before. If the creator of the screenshot
+  has provided details of the configuration, these are provided below.</p>
+  <h4>Phayz</h4>
+  <p>Sadly there's only one users' desktop screenshot in this issue.
+  <em>Please do submit them in the forum, otherwise this feature
+  will disappear.</em></p>
+  <p>This screenshot features the IDE or Ikea Desktop Environment which is
+  very flexible, allowing for personal customisation. Highlights of this
+  desktop include:</p>
+  <ul>
+         <li>1. A device commonly called a telephone which allows
+         people to communicate verbally to each other. Although it's
+         considered outdated now, prior to the rise of social networks
+         it was the primary means of communication worldwide;</li>
+         <li> 2. A drinks container, allowing the convenient storage of
+         beverages such as tea or coffee. These are commonly used to keep the
+         user awake;</li>
+         <li>3. A notepad and pencil. These are even rarer than the telephone
+         and were once a common means of noting information. These are
+         considered of historic value only and have since been replaced with
+         smart phones and tablets;</li>
+         <li>4. A maze of cables which clearly illustrates the value of
+         wireless devices. In fact this arrangement is kept only to encourage
+         others to prevent this happening in their own homes.</li>
+  </ul>
+  <a id="imagebox" href=
+  "";
+  title ="Screenshot of phayz's desktop"><img src=
+  alt ="Screenshot of phayz's desktop"></a>
+  <br />
+  <div class="postheader">From the wiki to you...</div>
+  <img class="face" src="/images/newsletter/wiki.png" width="85" height="85" 
/><br />
+  <p>The wiki is a very useful source of information about Frugalware,
+  hardware and applications. Sometimes the question is asked: what should go
+  in the wiki and what should go in the official manual? The general
+  guideline is that the manual's purpose is to help you install, manage and
+  maintain Frugalware only, not individual applications. The wiki's purpose
+  is to allow everyone to contribute any information that they think might
+  be useful to other Frugalware users. Changes occur so quickly in the FLOSS
+  world that it would impossible to cover everything in the official
+  documentation but a wiki allows collective knowledge to be shared, which
+  is itself a great feature of the FLOSS community.</p>
+  <p>Here are some highlights of recent additions and changes to the wiki.</p>
+  <ul>
+       <li>Elementary Portage - <strong>Updated.</strong> This page is used by
+       Devil505 to track the porting of the Elementary Project's applications
+       to Frugalware;</li>
+       <li>Plank (Français) - <strong>New.</strong>Details of the simple dock,
+       Plank;</li>
+       <li>SSH (and SSH (Français)) - <strong> Updated.</strong>Lots of
+       information about SSH</li>
+       <li>TODO-1.6 - <strong>New.</strong> This page is used to detail what's
+       planned for Frugalware release 1.6</li>
+       <li>Broadcom wireless (and Broadcom wireless (Français)) - <strong>New.
+       </strong> Lots if information about Broadcom wireless and various
+       configuration tweaks.</li>
+       <li>Beatbox (and Beatbox (Français)) - <strong>New.</strong> 
+       about the Beatbox media player.</li>
+       <li>Frugalware production infrastructure - <strong>New</strong> Details
+       of the various servers which form the Frugalware infrastructure.</li>
+  </ul>
+  <br />
+  <div class="postheader">Bug Tracker System (BTS) Activity</div>
+  <img class="face" src="/images/icons/bug.png" width="85" height="85"><br>
+  <p>The following table gives you a overview of activity on bugs and
+  feature requests as at 6 August 2011. Click on the link in each cell for
+  details of the relevant bug reports or feature requests.</p>
+  <table rules="all" width="80%" frame="border" cellspacing="0" cellpadding=
+  "4">
+    <col width="33%" />
+    <col width="33%" />
+    <col width="33%" />
+    <thead>
+      <tr>
+        <th align="left">Activity</th>
+        <th align="left">Bugs</th>
+        <th align="left">Feature Requests</th>
+      </tr>
+    </thead>
+    <tbody>
+      <tr>
+        <td align="left">Open</td>
+        <td align="left">266</a></td>
+        <td align="left">168</a></td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td align="left">Opened since the previous newsletter</td>
+        <td align="left">2</a></td>
+        <td align="left">3</a></td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td align="left">Closed since the previous newsletter</td>
+        <td align="left">59</a></td>
+        <td align="left">21</a></td>
+      </tr>
+    </tbody>
+  </table>
+  <br />
+  <div class="postheader">Security Announcements</div>
+  <img class="face" src="/images/icons/warning.png" width="85" height="85" 
+  <p><strong>Remember</strong> - According to the normal support arrangements
+  for Frugalware, the release of 1.4 ("Nexon") means that no further security
+  or bug fixes will be released for Frugalware 1.3 ("Haven") or earlier.</p>
+  <p>Here is a list of <a href="/security">security issues</a> which have
+  been discovered and fixed in the 1.4 release since the previous newsletter.
+  </p>
+  <table border=1 cellpadding=5 
To</th></tr><tr><td>FSA733</td><td>drupal7</td><td>A vulnerability has been 
reported in Drupal, which can be exploited by malicious users to bypass certain 
security restrictions</td><td>drupal7-7.7-1nexon1</td></tr>
+       <tr><td>FSA732</td><td>phpmyadmin</td><td>Multiple vulnerabilities have 
been reported in phpMyAdmin, which can be exploited by malicious users to 
conduct cross-site scripting attacks and potentially compromise a vulnerable 
system and by malicious people to disclose potentially sensitive information 
and potentially compromise a vulnerable 
+       <tr><td>FSA731</td><td>wireshark</td><td>Two vulnerabilities have been 
reported in Wireshark, which can be exploited by malicious people to cause a 
DoS (Denial of Service)</td><td>wireshark-1.6.1-1nexon1</td></tr>
+       <tr><td>FSA730</td><td>drupal6-devel</td><td>A vulnerability has been 
reported in the Devel module for Drupal, which can be exploited by malicious 
people to conduct cross-site request forgery 
+       <tr><td>FSA729</td><td>phpmyadmin</td><td>Some vulnerabilities have 
been reported in phpMyAdmin, which can be exploited by malicious users to 
disclose sensitive information and by malicious users and malicious people to 
compromise a vulnerable system</td><td>phpmyadmin-</td></tr>
+       <tr><td>FSA728</td><td>wordpress</td><td>Multiple vulnerabilities have 
been reported in WordPress, which can be exploited by malicious users to bypass 
certain security restrictions and conduct SQL injection 
+       <tr><td>FSA727</td><td>drupal7</td><td>A vulnerability has been 
reported in Drupal, which can be exploited by malicious people to bypass 
certain security restrictions</td><td>drupal7-7.4-1nexon1</td></tr>
+       <tr><td>FSA726</td><td>libreoffice</td><td>Multiple vulnerabilities 
have been reported in LibreOffice, which can be exploited by malicious people 
to compromise a user's system</td><td>libreoffice-</td></tr>
+  </table>
+  <br />
+  <div class="postheader">About the newsletter</div>
+  <img class="face" src="/images/icons/newsletter.png" width="85" height="85" 
+  <h4>Author</h4>
+  <p>The Frugalware newsletter is written and edited by Russell Dickenson (AKA
+  phayz). Credit for the Frugalware distribution goes to the development
+  team.</p>
+  <h4>Release</h4>
+  <p>To allow time for review and corrections, each newsletter is written ahead
+  of its release date. Therefore it may not mention events which occurred in
+  the few days before its release - e.g. security fixes. To be sure that 
+  got the very latest information on these topics, go to the appropriate page
+  of the Frugalware web site.</p>
+  <br />
+  <div class="postheader">Comments</div>
+  <img class="face" src="/images/icons/newsletter.png" width="85" height="85" 
+  <p>If you would like to comment on the Frugalware newsletter, please do so in
+  the forums or the comments section below. Your feedback is valuable because
+  we want the newsletter to meet the needs of Frugalware’s users.</p>
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