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*Date:17/09/2008* *URL:
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Karnataka <http://www.thehindu.com/2008/09/17/22hdline.htm> - Mysore

* Festival for Free and Open Source Software *

Staff Correspondent
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You can get to

know what the free software world

has to offer

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MYSORE: A group of volunteers from Sampada, who are actively
propagating the use of “Free and Open Source Software (FOSS), are
organising an event on September 21 to educate and create awareness
among the people about the free software alternatives available for
computer users at the Physics Department Auditorium, University of Mysore.

According to Hariprasad, who has taken a lead in popularising FOSS,
those interested to try out the free operating system, GNU/Linux, on
laptops and computers, are free to participate and get to know what
the Free Software World has to offer, next Sunday.

One of the commonly used Operating System is Windows. There are other
Operating Systems like GNU/Linux which are free and more customisable,
based on needs. These softwares, which have sources available in the
open, are called Free and Open Source Software (FOSS).


Proprietary software is one in which the vendor does not disclose the
source, whereas free software usually has source code for the software
out in the open.

The term “free” is used in a context signifying freedom of use,
modification and distribution.

There are many advantages in adopting FOSS. It offers a low-cost
solution without compromising on the quality; offers reliability and
stability in terms of scalability and security; it offers solutions
for piracy; helps in reducing reliance on software imports; and offers
a robust computing platform that is suitable for home and small office.

Since FOSS is based on open standards it achieves vendor independence.
No software vendor can lock-in the end product.

Promoting Kannada

The Operative System has been customised to enable Kannada as an input
medium. The festival is to provide an opportunity to educate people
who are interested in FOSS.

Those wishing to attend need to register at http://habba.in.

Entry to the event is only for registered persons. Participants are
allowed to bring their laptops in case they wish to get GNU/Linux

The event will be a mix of demo and interactive sessions, which are
planned based on the agenda. Volunteers will try address user-specific
queries and redirect them by providing necessary pointers.

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© Copyright 2000 - 2008 The Hindu


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"A well-directed imagination is the source of great deeds"
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With Best Regards,
Omshivaprakash.H.L | ಓಂ ಶಿವಪ್ರಕಾಶ್ ಎಚ್. ಎಲ್ | ॐ शिवप्रकाश् एच्. एल्

Website : http://www.techfiz.info
Blog : http://platonic.techfiz.info
Phone: 91- 9902026518
AIM : fizworks
ICQ : 265216744
IRC : #techfiz  server: irc.freenode.net channel: #linux-india
#ubuntu-in #gnu-india #kannada

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