The Indian govt seems to be living in a state of paranoia. When they face 
something they don't know how to control, they BAN it. 

Ban yahoo groups because some activists posted some nonsense which hurt the 

Ban orkut, because some dimwits think posting nude pics on their profile is a 
cool idea.

Ban BlackBerry, because RIM won't provide the encryption key. And all 
terrorists uses Blackberry anyway.

Ban skype, it uses VoIP to call terrorists all over the world, and is 

Now ban open wifi, because terrorists will access p0rn through your wifi 

Why, is it they can't implement preventive measures? Learn technology, come up 
with a competent measure to REDUCE threats rather than ban everything in sight?

Whenever there's username/password combination, there'd be 1000x times more 
exploits than there's now. Everyone is so keen in attacking 'protected' 
systems, rather than unprotected ones.

What now? no MAC id spoofing? You should use your PAN no. as your MAC. You 
should list all your electronic devices capable of WiFi access to the govt. 
Everyone should carry an Id card if he plans to use internet? Submit your site 
access logs along with tax filing to the govt.?

Ban all JPEG/MPEG formats as they carry pornography. Ban computers from 15 mts 
from children, as computers are full of porn and cyber terrorists.

Ban camera mobiles.

Ban bluetooth...


Mahesh Aravind

God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, courage to 
change the things we can, and wisdom to know the difference.

Registered Linux user #371671 --

--- On Wed, 10/21/09, shirish शिरीष <> wrote:

From: shirish शिरीष <>
Subject: Re: [Fsf-friends] [fosscomm] wifi restrictions
To: "Indian FOSS Community Network list" <>
Date: Wednesday, October 21, 2009, 11:13 AM

This is definitely bad news for potential users of technology (including me)

>From the post one of the comments really puts up the points.


Also, you apparently find it difficult to understand the notification.
Nobody is interested in users having passwords to log into private
networks, the notification asks for all users to be centrally
registered with the ISP. This is a backdoor method to empower ISPs to
begin identifying subscribers on the basis of numbers of users per
subscription ID, and the logical next step will be differential rates.
I am rather more interested in a regulatory framework that will govern
the leaking of such personal information to third parties (at the
moment, there is none, so...).

Such registrations will in no way help security agencies to identify
malafide users of home networks, which (ie IEEE 802.11x compliant) are
inherently not designed for high-security environments. Have you
registered, or been asked to register, all your family members and
guests who use the home (cordless) telephone? Would it serve any
useful purpose? QED.


> --
> Nagarjuna G.

I am surprised that there hasn't been any response to this on the list.

          Shirish Agarwal  शिरीष अग्रवाल
  My quotes in this email licensed under CC 3.0
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