Open Source <>: A code that tells you what you cannot make use of, a policy.

One could see it as unethical to cause unemployment and the quality of open
and free software is not guaranteed, the production process is not certified and
not secured. Who can cause changes in the production process?

Thus Open Source is not useful in the standard case and consequently it is
a "code" that cannot be used (-> a policy that tells you what you cannot use),
at least it's a metaphor for a code of conduct. (Which is something you lack
if you can cause unemployment or use uncertified products.)

( I did recommend a "CreativeCommons-NonCommercial" variant of the GPL
to the FSF, but was not successful. Strictly non commercial software would
be useful to restrict the possible economic damage of certain software packages. Another possibility would be to deny the right to distribute binaries. As a source
distribution would be useless for most customers, but not for programmers. )

(The Tux penguin as a "policy" to the right.)

An unrelated forwarding in a related matter:

   School of the Future -> School for the Future -> Schooling for the
   Hilbert Hotel (basic right to a life after death?).eml

   School of the Future -> School for the Future -> Schooling for the
   Hilbert Hotel (basic right to a life after death?)
   Bernhard Fastenrath <>
   03.12.2014 10:47


   Dear Sirs,

   here is a metapher concerning the School of the Future
   <> :

   School of the Future -> School /*for*/ the Future -> Schooling for
   seniors wanting to join the Hilbert Hotel

   John Dewey <> ("Do we?")
   described a "school of the future" before WWII,
   but only today, long after his death, (his) progressive education
   receives more attention.

   There is potential for the metaphor: "A school for the (then, later)

   The state of affairs does not appear to respect a basic right to a
   life after death

   kind regards,
   Bernhard Fastenrath

Fellowship of FSFE wrote:
Dear Bernhard Fastenrath,

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the Fellowship of FSFE

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