Guten Morgen,
ich bin teil eines Teams, das die "Conferencia Internacional de Software
Libre" April 25-27 in Kuba organisiert und vielleicht ist wer von euch
Folgende Ergänzungen auf häufig gestellte Fragen:
* Regierungen/regierungsnahe Organisationen sind nicht beteiligt, an der
Organisation sind ausschliesslich unbezahlte Menschen, die wollen, dass
diese Konferenz passiert, beteiligt.
* an Reisekostenunterstützung arbeiten wir, allerdings möchten wir
primär Menschen aus ärmeren Ländern unterstützen, für die eine
Teilnahme ohne Unterstützung nicht möglich wäre.
* max 300 Teilnehmer, 1/2 kubanisch 1/2 international (so das Ziel)
So weit, wir sehen uns in Havanna,
Hier das "offizielle" Anschreiben:
you are an enthusiast of Free Software?
Come to Cuba!
The User Group of Free Technologies (GUTL)[1] from Cuba and Best Of Open
Technologies (BOOT e.V.) [2] from Germany, are happy to invite you to
join the International Free Software Conference in Cuba in from April
25th to April 27th 2016.
Since unfortunately the majority of international Free Software
Conferences take place in rich countries, we decided to organize the
International Free Software Conference in Havana, Cuba. We invite free
software enthusiasts from all over the world to show what they are
working on.
The idea is to exchange experiences how to apply the newest and
“smartest” Free and Open-Source Software, also considering
constraints of old hardware and very low bandwidth. Furthermore we want
to talk about how Free Software can help developing countries in
For example:
- Experiences about the use of Free Software in social projects.
- Experiences of small companies using Free Software to compete in the
world market.
- How the use of Free Software in educational institutions is
economically favorable.
This will be the place to get to know each other, exchange our ideas and
look for opportunities to work together.
It’d be perfect if all continents are represented and we could reach a
high representation of women. We do not want to exclude anyone for
economical reasons, so we will create a “crowd funding” campaign to
cover travel expenses.
The conference will take three days:
On the first day there will be a fixed program and keynotes.
The second day will be held in an unconference* style.
On the third day we’ll have workshops and sprints.
The event will be bilingual (English and Spanish) and take place on
25th, 26th and 27th of April in Havana.
How your group can help with the organisation of the event:
Spread and promote the conference.
Prepare a presentation which describes the role of Free Software in your
Prepare a presentation about new technology.
Volunteer at the event.
For more information visit the official website of the event [3] if you
want to be part of CubaConf 2016, send an email to
We are looking forward to your response,
* In an unconference or barcamp each participant can propose their
presentation. Then in a small election which of the proposed
presentations are set is decided.
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