Weil die Zeit eh schon knapp ist schaffe ich es gerade nicht, dass zu
übersetzen. Ich versuche aber gerade noch so viele Leute wie möglich, in
der Freien-Software-Gemeinschaft damit zu erreichen damit sie es bis
Sonntag nicht übersehen! Bitte nehmt Euch ein paar Minuten und teilt der
Kommission Eure Ideen mit.


We were notified of a very interesting consultation by the European
Commission <https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/nextgen-internet>. The
European Commission is about to allocate 750 million Euro over the next
years on the "future internet", but the really important subjects (like:
everything we learned from Edward Snowden) are not on their radar - yet.

However, if we bundle our efforts that is something that is definitely
within reach. At the moment we are told there are only a couple of
dozens of submissions from mostly the usual suspects, so your response
would (at least on paper) count for influencing a few million Euro of
this budget. It really makes a difference if you submit something, even
if it is really short.

For more background you can check out Michiel Leenaars' blog post

# What do you have to do?

Submit your ideas by ***Sunday 10 April*** on the European Commission's


Do not get distracted by the subtext of the questions. For the first
question there is no problem to just answer something like:

  "The internet is very broken at the architecture level, which lies at
  the basis of mass surveillance and the current security and privacy
  problems. A significant investment from Europe in better standards and
  Free Software implementing those standards is needed to fix that." 

The second question is more tricky, but just add some quick notes,
either your positive vision or your negative one how it will look like
if certain things are not fixed. Possibly repeat the importance of the
issues in the previous question being addressed as a prerequisite for
any improvements of the security crisis between now and then.

The third and fourth question are the important ones, here you can
submit your ideas. You can start your submission by flagging that the
top priority is to repair the fundamental design issues of the core of
the internet in the post-Snowden era. Possibly add that new funding
strategies are needed which are more agile and responsive to grass roots
improvements than the large consortia used in other EC projects, in
order to better profit from the deep expertise and strong motivation of
the Free Software movement and the technical internet community.

Additionally I suggest to upload papers, articles, with former project
proposals, analysis of problems, etc. you wrote as additional files and
submit them.

Best Regards,

PS: Do not hesitate to forward this information to other people and
  groups who might have good ideas how to improve the internet of
  tomorrow. To make that easier I also published the text of the mail as a
  blog post to share on

Matthias Kirschner - President - Free Software Foundation Europe
Schönhauser Allee 6/7, 10119 Berlin, Germany | t +49-30-27595290
Registered at Amtsgericht Hamburg, VR 17030  | (fsfe.org/donate)
Contact (fsfe.org/about/kirschner)  -  Weblog (k7r.eu/blog.html)
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