[Deutsche Version folgt weiter unten]
[English Version follows]

Gentili Signore, egregi Signori,

è con piacere che Vi invitiamo alla conferenza SFScon2012. Un'occasione
per discutere insieme ad esperti internazionali come il Free Software e
gli Open Data nelle Imprese e nella Pubblica Amministrazione aiutano a
creare una SMART Region!

La South Tyrol Free Software Conference è la conferenza internazionale
sul Software Libero che ha luogo ogni anno a Bolzano. Tematica di grande
rilievo in Alto Adige, il Free Software rappresenta il mezzo per portare
maggiore competitività ed un più alto grado di innovazione sul mercato.

La conferenza si svolgerà venerdì 16.11.2012, dalle ore 8.30, presso il
TIS innovation park (via Siemens 19, Bolzano).

Anche quest'anno a Bolzano abbiamo tra i nostri ospiti esperti di fama
internazionale. Saranno presenti come relatori Carlo Daffara (Connecta),
Simon Phipps (Open Source Initiative), Jeremiah Foster (Pelagicore),
Francesco Siddi (Blender Foundation), Markus Windegger (SASA), Manuel
Stuefer (LUB), Kevin Wellenzohn (LUB), Torsten Grote (FSFE), Georg Greve
(Kolab Systems AG), Italo Vignoli (The Document Foundation).

Nel pomeriggio sono previsti dei workshop, tenuti da: Carlo Piana (Array
Law), Simone Aliprandi (SAE), Torsten Grote (FSFE) e Erik Albers (FSFE).

La partecipazione è gratuita. Per motivi organizzativi Vi chiediamo di
effettuare la registrazione online. Potete trovare il programma
dettagliato e il modulo di registrazione sul sito:


In occasione della conferenza sarà assegnato anche quest’anno dalla
Linux User Group di Bolzano il premio "SFSaward" ad una persona che si è
particolarmente distinta per l’utilizzo e la diffusione del Software
Libero nella Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano.

È previsto il servizio di traduzione simultanea in Italiano, Tedesco,

Confidando nel Vostro interesse, Vi porgo i miei più cordiali saluti!

Patrick Ohnewein


Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

es freut uns sehr, Sie zur SFScon2012 einladen zu dürfen. Es ist eine
Gelegenheit um mit Experten über den Beitrag von Freier Software und
Open Data im Unternehmen und in der Öffentlichen Verwaltung zu sprechen
und wie gemeinsam eine SMART Region geschaffen werden kann.

Die South Tyrol Free Software Conference ist die jährliche Konferenz
über Freier Software, die in Südtirol stattfindet. Freie Software ist in
Südtirol ein zentrales Thema um die Effizienz und Innovation in den
lokalen Unternehmen als auch in der Öffentliche Verwaltung nachhaltig zu

Die Konferenz findet am Freitag, den 16.11.2012, ab 8.30 Uhr, im TIS
innovation park (Via Siemens 19, Bozen), statt.

Auch heuer dürfen wir unter unseren Gästen weltweit bekannte Fachleute
auf diesem Gebiet begrüßen: Carlo Daffara (Connecta), Simon Phipps (Open
Source Initiative), Jeremiah Foster (Pelagicore), Francesco Siddi
(Blender Foundation), Markus Windegger (SASA), Manuel Stuefer (LUB),
Kevin Wellenzohn (LUB), Torsten Grote (FSFE), Georg Greve (Kolab Systems
AG), Italo Vignoli (The Document Foundation).

Am Nachmittag werden auch drei Workshops stattfinden. Die Workshops
werden von den folgenden Experten geleitet: Carlo Piana (Array Law),
Simone Aliprandi (SAE), Torsten Grote (FSFE) und Erik Albers (FSFE).

Die Teilnahme an der Konferenz ist kostenlos. Aus organisatorischen
Gründen bitten wir um eine Online-Anmeldung. Das detaillierte Programm
und das Formular für die Anmeldung finden Sie unter


Im Rahmen der SFScon wird auch dieses Jahr wieder der SFSaward von der
LUGBZ, die Linux User Group Bozen, an eine Person verliehen, die sich in
besonderer Weise für die Anwendung und Verbreitung von Freier Software
in Südtirol eingesetzt hat.

Die Simultanübersetzung ist in deutscher, italienischer und englischer
Sprache vorgesehen.

Wir freuen uns auf Ihr Kommen!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Patrick Ohnewein


Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

We are proud to invite you to the SFScon2012, an opportunity to discuss
together with international experts about the contribution of Free
Software and Open Data in Industry and Public Administration in the
development of a SMART Region.

The South Tyrol Free Software Conference is the annual event concerning
Free Software which is held in South Tyrol. As a core theme, Free
Software increase the level of competitiveness and innovation in the market.

The conference takes place on Friday, 16.11.2012 at 8:30 AM in the TIS
innovation park (Via Siemens 19, Bozen).

This year we are pleased to welcome our internationally recognized
experts concerning Free Software from around the world: Carlo Daffara
(Connecta), Simon Phipps (Open Source Initiative), Jeremiah Foster
(Pelagicore), Francesco Siddi (Blender Foundation), Markus Windegger
(SASA), Manuel Stuefer (LUB), Kevin Wellenzohn (LUB), Torsten Grote
(FSFE), Georg Greve (Kolab Systems AG), Italo Vignoli (The Document

In the afternoon workshops will take place. They are held by: Carlo
Piana (Array Law), Simone Aliprandi (SAE), Torsten Grote (FSFE) and Erik
Albers (FSFE).

Registration and participation is free. For logistical reasons we ask
for online registration.
The full program and registration form can be found at the following


Also this year "SFSaward" will be awarded by LUGBZ, the Linux User Group
of Bolzano, to a person who has substantially contributed to the
adoption and distribution of Free Software in South Tyrol.

Simultaneous translation service will be provided in English, German and

We are looking forward to seeing you in South Tyrol!

Kind Regards,
Patrick Ohnewein

Patrick Ohnewein
Free Software & Open Technologies

TIS innovation park
Via Siemens 19 | 39100 Bolzano | Italia
Siemensstraße 19 | 39100 Bozen | Italien
T +39 0471 068161 F +39 0471 068100
patrick.ohnew...@tis.bz.it www.tis.bz.it

Short information regarding use of personal data. According to Section
13 of Italian Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003, we inform you
that we process your personal data in order to fulfil contractual and
fiscal obligations and also to send you information regarding our
services and events. Your personal data are processed with and without
electronic means and by respecting data subjects’ rights, fundamental
freedoms and dignity, particularly with regard to confidentiality,
personal identity and the right to personal data protection. At any time
and without formalities you can write an e-mail to priv...@tis.bz.it in
order to object the processing of your personal data for the purpose of
sending advertising materials and also to exercise the right to access
personal data and other rights referred to in Section 7 of Decree
196/2003. The data controller is TIS - Techno Innovation Alto Adige, via
Siemens n. 19 Bolzano. You can find the complete information on the web
site www.tis.bz.it

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