Z3 is generally very good at finding properties of machine words, at least
with hand-written SMT2 using QF_BV. However, F* doesn't appear to be
encoding the FStar.UInt*.t types in a suitable way and so even trivial
properties fail to go through:

val xorSelfZero: u:UInt32.t -> Lemma((u ^^ u) = 0ul)
let xorSelfZero u = ()

val andSelf: u:UInt32.t -> Lemma((u &^ u) = u)
let andSelf u = ()  (* fails *)

val andLimit: u:UInt32.t -> mask:UInt32.t -> Lemma((u &^ mask) <=^ mask)
let andLimit u mask = ()  (* fails *)

With shifts, one can make progress by relating the operation to division
and pow2 with nat, but bitwise-and/xor has no such analogue.

I figure that there's probably some trick that I'm missing, however.


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