Hi everyone,

I'm just playing a bit around with F-Star and Kremlin and I seem to be stuck at 
a simple problem. I don't know if I'm missing something obvious or if this 
might be a bug. My code looks like this:
        let main () =
          C.print_string (C.string_of_literal (String.concat ", " (List.Tot.map 
string_of_int [1; 2; 3])));

I expect this code to print `1, 2, 3` but instead I get the following runtime 

        KreMLin abort at ./Main.c:9
        This function was not extracted:
        Failure("Cannot extract string_of_literal applied to a non-literal")

I tried some variations of the above program to see if I can reverse-engineer 
what is going on, but as soon as I introduce `List.Tot.map`, the code breaks. I 
know that there is also `C.Loops.map`, but I don't know if I really need to use 
buffers to make it work. 

Also, I'm generally interested in learning more about Kremlin / Low* / F*. If 
there are any recommended resources or other helpful links, feel free to share 
them with me.

Thank you and best regards,

Pierre Beaucamp
fstar-club mailing list

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