Dear all,

I am new to Fstar and theorem provers.

Is there some way to prove a program which looks like this:

module T

let canWrite (f:string) =
  match f with
    | "demo/tempfile" -> true
    | _ -> false

let _ = assert (forall x. canWrite(String.concat "/" ["temp", x]) = false)

I get:

 (Warning 271) Pattern uses these theory symbols or terms that should
not be in an smt pattern:  Prims.op_Subtraction 1 (see also

... lots of warnings ..., and finally:

T.fst(8,59-8,63): (Error 54) (*?u4*) _ * (*?u5*) _ is not a subtype of
the expected type Prims.string
1 error was reported (see above)

Thank you and regards,
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