Hi folks - have you seen the beehive posters?  Extraordinary detailed &
creative political stories about trade. They are requesting assistance for a
poster about the PPP and resistance to it in Central America.  Want
contacts, stories, anything.  Please see below.


----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 4:28 AM
Subject: An invitation to collaborate with las abejas!

> bjorn,
> Hope this letter finds you well and inspired, we've got great news! The
> Beehive Collective is underway the design of new graphics,
> and we would love to have your collaboration! Your perspective would be
> very valuable to the creation of our next illustration, focusing on
> Mesoamerica and the issues connected to Plan Puebla Panama.  Included at
> the end is a copy of the project announcement in both english and spanish,
> if you would like to pass it along to who might be interested...
> One month ago, Bees begun to swarm the region from Puebla, Mexico, to
> Panama to document community resistance to corporate infrastructure
> development projects.  We are faced with the tremendous process of
> understanding how to illustrate these issues, their historical roots and
> potential implications, using accurate and metaphorical representations
> from the immense biodiversity of the region!
> As we focus in on the work of interviews and research at the local level,
> it will be important for us to keep the big picture in mind.  In the
> creation of our previous posters we have consulted with a small group
> of "advisory bees" to make sure our illustrations are accurate and well
> informed.  We would like to know if you are able to collaborate in the
> design of the PPP poster in any capacity possible, because of your
> latin american solidarity, and perspectve for the bigger picture of the
> situation.
> Your collaboration with the Beehive could mean providing feedback about
> issues specific to Mesoamerica, over the next few months as we design the
> poster.  Usually we correspond by email with questions as they come up,
> we´d appreciate any input you might have on these initial questions:
> ***Can you recommend PEOPLE, PLACES or ORGANIZATIONS that might be key to
> visit in Mexico and Central America to collect stories about the PPP,
> especially stories of HOPE and RESISTENCE?
> ***what DETAILS do you think are essential to include in the illustration?
> ***what INSECTS, PLANTS and ANIMALS are unique to this region ... can you
> think of any particular METAPHORS using the natural world to help us
> illustrate the PPP?
> Please let us know if you are able contribute to informing our next anti-
> copyright graphics campaign in any capacity possible.  Your suggestions
> about who to contact in the region are especially useful in the next
> stages of our trip, as we are now heading from guatemala city south, and
> into Honduras over the next week.
> Thank you!
> las abejas de la Colmena
> bzzzz
> -------------------------------------------
> Please pass this communique on to folks who might be interested in
> collaborating with, or supporting this innovative project. Us bees need
> your help with cross-pollinating to make these anti-copyright images
> informed, effective, and well-distributed. gracias!
> _________________________________________________________
> Announcing the beehive's "PLAN PUEBLA PANAMA" GRAPHICS CAMPAIGN!
> _________________________________________________________
> Greetings in solidarity from the Beehive Design Collective! We are pleased
> to report that our swarm in southward flight through Mesoamerica is abuzz
> with activity -gearing up to begin our graphics campaign exposing the Plan
> Puebla Panama-please read on to learn how you can lend collaboration and
> support to help make this campaign a success.
> Wait!? .You aren't familiar with the Beehive's graphics? You can view them
> and read their written narratives at www.beehivecollective.org.
> We are a collectively-run, all-volunteer, non-profit political graphics
> workshop, most widely known for our intricately, and collaboratively,
> illustrated posters that have sought to raise awareness about
> issues such as the Free Trade Area of the Americas and Plan Colombia.
> graphics, which have received international acclaim, expose the
> interconnected effects of globalization on communities and ecosystems, and
> work to illuminate how current realities are part of a long history of
> colonization, exploitation and resource extraction in the Americas.  An
> important aspect of our mission is that all our work is anonymous and
> copyright, for free use as educational tools.
> Building off of the immense success we have had in educating and
> with images as an alternative communication strategy, we are now ready to
> complete the final poster in our corporate globalization trilogy,
> addressing the Plan Puebla Panama (PPP), the massive industrial
> plan that aims to dramatically shape the future of southern Mexico and
> Central America in the interests of multinational corporations. Included
> the plans are a vast array of superhighways, deep-water ports, hydro-
> electric dams, canals, high speed railways, biological corridors, airports
> and maquiladoras (sweat-shops) that clearly serve big buisness and
> consumerism in the Global North, not the direct needs of the people of
> region. The PPP quite literally seeks to pave the way for the agenda of
> This plan is considered a cultural and biological death sentence by the
> people and critters native to its footprint, as well as a dramatic
> acceleration of the colonization for resource extraction that has been
> taking place in the Americas for the past 500 years. The PPP is a dramatic
> regional example of the philosophy of development that favors short-term
> profits over sustainable futures, across the globe.
> Bees have already commenced to swarming from Puebla, Mexico to Panama to
> inform the creation of this next graphic with first-hand information! We
> are using an ongoing and collaborative process to ensure that the
> illustration is designed by the voices of those most affected by the
> threats of the PPP.  We serve as translators of verbal information into
> images that will evolve organically as we travel throughout the region.
> This model, of talking face-to-face with the people most affected by the
> issues at hand, and collecting their stories of struggle, horror, and most
> importantly resistance, and hope, is one the Beehive has found to be
> irreplaceable in coordinating our graphics campaigns in the most informed,
> respectful and responsible way.
> We are already overflowing with inspirational stories! We hope you will
> take a moment visit our daily web journal, with photos, audio, and video
> clips from our journey!
> As in other posters, our intricate pen and ink illustrations use metaphors
> and symbolism of the natural world to tell the story of aggression and
> resistance from an insect's point of view. As a strategy to avoid creating
> allegories with human-centered, stereotypical, gendered, or racially
> imagery, you might have noticed us bees don't draw cartoons of people. We
> instead use meticulously researched images of the flora and the fauna
> specific to the bioregions and communities of the stories represented in
> our work, often spending many hours in botanical libraries during
> production!
> This time our goal is much more difficult, but powerful. illustrating the
> GOOD news!  This innovative endeavor promises to produce not only a two
> sided, six foot poster highlighting the stories of resistance to neo-
> liberalism in the region, but also a variety of media and popular
> resources.  Joining seven Bees from North America (Maine, Toronto,
> Wisconsin, California, Vancouver, Texas and New York), are three
> alternative media activists from Mexico City who are working on production
> of video, radio, as well as documentation of the Beehive's organizing
> model.  Along the way we are talking to those creating and living the
> alternatives to corporate development, including women´s groups,
> organizations, biologists, entomologists, students and [EMAIL PROTECTED]  We
> be crosspollinating their stories with progressive media outlets
> the Americas!
> After completion of the poster in June, the Beehive will continue to
> distribute this trilogy of illustrations as education and mobilization
> tools.  Our next step will be to create a coloring book narrating the
> stories of the three graphics for use as a workbook by both teachers and
> activists.  Bees will distribute and present their narrative picture-
> lectures with these new tools at a number of key convergences this summer,
> including the Mesoamerican Forum in El Salvador, the Social Forum of the
> Americas in Ecuador, and mobilizations throughout the United States,
> including demonstrations at the Republican National Convention in New
> York.  Our educational tour of high schools, colleges and community
> across the U.S. will begin next fall.
> ***Have any inspiring information, good insect metaphors, or mythologies
> that apply to the situation?
> ***Have any contacts in Mexico or Central America whose stories and wisdom
> are essential for illustrating these issues?
> ***What type of graphic materials would aid in the social justice work
> you or your organization are doing?
> *** Know of any media outlets that would like to run stories about the PPP
> or the Beehive's work?
> ***Are you able to donate honey or share funding sources with us?  We
> depend on gathering donations from the grassroots to produce and
> our graphic materials free or sliding scale to fellow activists and
> teachers.
> This is an all-volunteer effort that depends on individual, not
> donations to make it possible! We are repeatedly turned away from grants
> because we mix creativity into political organizing, a bridge which makes
> foundations reluctant to support our work. WE ARE COLLECTING $20 PREORDERs
> Our swarm is wicked anxious to carry forward this inspiring and rewarding
> work to its full potential! Any financial assistance or advocacy towards
> our lust for busyness and utility would surely have our stingers waggin'
> with excitement!
> For more information about the Beehive Collective, to view and download
> images, donate some honey, read tales from our investigative journey, or
> for more detailed info about the PPP, visit our website at
> www.beehivecollective.org.
> Muchas muchas gracias!
> Solidaridad,
> Las abejas del colectivo la colmena
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Les agradecemos puedan difundir este comunicado entre personas interesadas
> en colaborar con este proyecto.  Nosotras las abejas necesitamos polen
> polinizar, para elaborar materiales educativos, sin copyright, bien
> informados, efectivos y bien difundidos.  ¡gracias!
> __________________________________________________________
> la Colmena anuncia su campaña grafica sobre el "PLAN PUEBLA PANAMA"
> __________________________________________________________
> ¡Saludos solidarios!  Estamos felices anunciándoles que un enjambre
> nuestro ha zumbado por Mexico - preparando la campaña grafica relativa al
> Plan Puebla Panama- por favor ¡sigue leyendo para ver cómo puedes apoyar a
> hacer mas exitosa esta campaña...!
> ¡oye, espera! ... ¿no has visto las ilustraciones de la Colmena?  Se
> pueden encontrar, y leer sus narraciones, en la pagina web
> www.beehivecollective.org
> La Colmena es un taller de gráfica política sin fines de lucro, compuesto
> por voluntarios, del estado de Maine en las EEUU.  Somos conocidos por
> nuestras detalladas ilustraciones, creadas colectivamente, con el
> de mejorar el entendimiento de cómo las realidades actuales son parte de
> larga historia  del colonialismo, la explotación, y el saqueo de recursos
> del continente Americano.  Un elemento importante de nuestra meta es
> producir obras anónimas que son distribuidas sin derechos de reproduccion,
> como propiedad pública, para fines educativos.
> Partiendo del éxito que hemos tenido educando y movilizando con
> de comunicación alternativas, nos estamos preparando para completar
> trilogía sobre la globalización corporativa, que trata del Plan Puebla
> Panama, o PPP.  Estos planes pretenden transformar profundamente el futuro
> de Mesoamerica a favor de los intereses de grandes transnacionales.  El
> incluye una variedad de proyectos de infraestructura como
> puertos, aeropuertos, presas hidroelectricas, ferrocarriles, aeropuertos y
> maquiladoras, que claramente sirven a los grandes empresarios y a su
> cultura del consumo, y no a las necesidades de los pueblos de esta
> region.   El PPP es la carretera del ALCA....
> El Plan Puebla Panamá está considerado en gran parte un sentencio de
> cultural y biológico de los pueblos de Mesoamérica, ademas de ser una
> aceleracion dramatica de la colonizacion para saqueo de recursos que ha
> ocurrido en la Américas durante los utimos 500 años.  El PPP es un
> important ejemplo regional del concepto de desarrollo que favorece a las
> ganacias al corto plazo sobre futuros sostenibles al nivel mundial.
> A partir de febrero, las abejas recorrerán la ruta Puebla - Panamá, para
> asegurarse de que el diseño de la ilustración sea informado por las voces
> de las comunidades y cuente con imágenes de los ecosistemas más afectados
> por los potenciales proyectos de desarrollo.  La creación de las imágenes
> es un proceso de colaboración, en el cual las abejas de la Colmena
> traducimos la información verbal a imágenes, que evolucionan de manera
> orgánica mientras viajamos por la región.  Este proceso de conversar
> cara con las personas más afectadas por los proyectos de la globalización,
> y documentar sus historias de lucha, horror, resistencia, y esperanza, ha
> sido irremplazable para coordinar nuestras campañas de manera más
> responsable y respetuosa.
> Nuestras detalladas ilustraciones de tinta utilizan metaforas y simbolismo
> del mundo de la naturaleza para contar las historias de agresion y
> resistencia desde el punto de vista de un insecto.  Como estrategia para
> evitar crear caricaturas de personas estereotípicas, racistas o sexistas,
> no dibujamos seres humanos.  En vez de eso, dibujamos con imágenes muy
> investigadas, endemicas a las regiones biologicas y comunidades donde
> encontramos los cuentos que representamos en este trabajo, a veces pasamos
> horas en bibliotecas ... ¡durante la producción!
> Esta vez nuestro objetivo es mucho mas dificil, pero a la vez potente:
> ilustrar con buenas noticias.  Esta iniciativa renovadora tendrá como
> producto final no sólo un afiche de 6 pies, ilustrado por ambos lados,
> documentando los cuentos de resistencia frente al neoliberalismo en
> Mesoamerica, sino también una variedad de medios y recursos de educación
> popular: reportajes en audio, video, fotografía y texto sobre las
> afectaciones del Plan y la resistencia popular.  Por toda la ruta vamos a
> estar conversando con la gente que está creando y viviendo las
> al desarrollo corporativo, tales como organizaciones de mujeres, pueblos
> indígenas, jóvenes, campesinos, biólogos y entomólogos.  Vamos a compartir
> sus cuentos con medios de comunicacion de todo el continente.
> Despues de terminar el afiche en julio, la Colmena va a seguir con la
> de distribuir la trilogía de ilustraciones como herramientas para la
> educación y movilización.  Nuestro próximo proyecto será el crear un libro
> para colorear que narra los cuentos de las gráficas, para ser utilizado
> profesores y activistas.  Las Abejas planean hacer talleres con las
> ilustraciones en varios encuentros importantes, como el V Foro Social
> Mesoamericano en julio en El Salvador y el Foro Social de las Americas en
> Quito el mismo mes.  Nuestro trabajo educativo también se enfoca en
> colegios, universidades y centros comunitarios por todo norteamerica.
> ***Estamos buscando información inspiradora, chiquita o grande, metáforas
> con insectos, o mitologias relevantes a la situación.
> ***¿Tiene contactos en México o Centroamérica, cuyos cuentos y sabiduria
> sean esenciales para ilustrar estos temas?
> ***¿Qué tipos de materiales gráficos puedan apoyar le a Ud. en el trabajo
> que su organización está haciendo?
> ***¿Conoce algun medio de comunicación interesados en difundir información
> sobre el trabajo de la Colmena o el Plan Puebla Panamá?
> ***¿Es possible donar miel o compartir fuentes para apoyo finaciero con
> nosotros?  Dependemos de donaciones para poder producir y difundir
> materiales gráficas gratis o a bajo costo a compañeros activistas y
> profesores!
> Muchas muchas gracias!
> Solidaridad,
> Las abejas del colectivo la Colmena
> ---------------------------- 
> the beehive design collective
> www.beehivecollective.org
> 3 elm st machias maine 04654
> 207.255.6737

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