Title: FW: [es-solidarity] Initial report on Oct. 12th protests in El Salvador
Hey everyone, check out below what our sisters and brothers were up to last weekend! - Katherine
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From: David Amdur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2004 23:22:07 -0400
To: "David H. Amdur" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [es-solidarity] Initial report on Oct. 12th protests in El Salvador

Hello to everyone,

Here is a quick translation of the initial report of the protests held today in El Salvador on Oct. 12th by the Popular Movement of Resistance Oct 12th (MPR-12), the Network of Citizen Action on Trade and Investment in El Salvador (RED SINTI TECHAN), and the Popular Block. It came in Spanish from national office of the Association of Rural Communities for the Development of El Salvador (CRIPDES), a member of the MPR-12.

These protests are part of a coordinated Mesoamerican wide day of action and protest against the impending Central American Free Trade agreement currently awaiting ratification by Central American and U.S. congresses and the mega development plan Plan-Puebla-Panama

In solidarity,

David Amdur
U.S./El Salvador Sister Cities

The MPR-12 held 3 activities:

1-The blockade of the Colima bridge (on the borders of San Salvador and Chalatenango departments) in which 2,500 members of the regional organizations of CRIPDES: CCR (CRIPDES Chalatenango), UCRES (CRIPDES in the North of San Salvador and La Libertad departments), and PROGRESO (CRIPDES in Suchitoto -Cuscatlan) and people associated with various municipal governments in the department of Chalatenango.

2-The blockade of the coastal highway by the Bridge of Gold (spanning the Lempa River between San Vicente and Usulutan departments) by between 2,500 and 3,000 inhabitants of the Lower Lempa area.

3-A march from the Christ of Peace statue (by the Comalapa highway which runs to the airport) to the Presidential residence that included paralyzing traffic on the Blvd. of Process in which 1,500 to 2,000 people participated. Lorena Martinez, the president of CRIPDES, was interviewed on Channel 12 in front of the Presidential residence and mentioned how sad it was that Salvadoran president Tony Sacca did not have time in his agenda to meet with the marchers. Martinez reiterated that neither the free trade agreements quickly nor the maquillas will bring to El Salvador what is already leaving the country to countries with lower salaries.

4-The Network of Citizen Action on Trade and Investment in El Salvador
took over the Troncal del Norte highway near the municipality of Apopa and were attacked by the Unit for the Maintenance of Order (UMO), the riot squad of the National Civilian Police. There were four women beaten.

5-The Panamerican Highway was taken over by the municipality of San Pedro Perulapan by people who were from the Popular Block (although it can be said that the people were mobilized thanks to their new spirit after being benefited by 20 houses constructed by a CRIPDES project). Reportedly tires were burnt.

6-The Popular Block also took over the Highway of Gold in the municipality of Soyapongo.

7 About 100 male and female university students marched towards the office of ANDA, the Salvadoran water company. (note: location is not given, but would probably be in San Salvador)

Las noticias iniciales de  hoy 12 de Octubre en El Salvador son los  siguientes:

El MPR-12 realizó tres  actividades:

1. Bloqueo de carretera, cerca del puente  Colima en que participaron unos 2,500 del CCR, UCRES, PROGRESO y las alcaldias  de Chalate

2. Bloqueo de la carretera Literal por el puente de  Oro con unos 2,500-3,000 de ambos lados del Bajo Lempa
3. Marcha desde el Cristo de la Paz (carretera a Comalapa) hasta la Casa Presidencial que incluso paralizó trafico en el Bol. de  los Proceres.  Participaron unos 1,500-2,000 personas.  Lorena acaba de ser entrevistada por canal 12 enfrente de la Casa Presidencial lamentando que  el presidente no tenga tiempo en su agenda para reunir con ellos y reiterando que los TLCs pronto ni maquilas van a traer al pais ya que las maquilas se estan  yendo a paises con salarios aun mas bajos.

4. La Red SINTI TECHAN tomó el Troncal del Norte alli por Apopa y fueron reprimidos por la UMO y hay 4 mujeres  golpeadas.

5. La carretera Panamericana fue tomado por San  Pedro Perulapan por una gente que creemos que eran del Bloque Popular (aunque se podria decir que la gente fue mobilizada gracias a sus nuevos animos tras ser  beneficiada por 20 casas por CRIPDES.  Se reporta quema de  llantas.

6. El Bloque Popular tambien tomó la carretera de Oro en Soyapango.

7. Lo/as universitario/as  marcharon hasta  ANDA con unas 100 personas.

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