Module: lsr
      Version: 0.5.2
  Uploaded by: Peter Parente
  md5sum: 419c9b607e1008a01fecd9822a047b38
    size: 752K
  md5sum: e6f9b23a6cf7c0269c39087543aae96b
    size: 528K



Point release for GNOME 2.19.2.

* Firefox specification. Details about our planned support for Rich Document
  Browsing, Accessible Rich Internet Applications, and Web Application
  Scripting can be found in our LSR Web UI specification working draft at Please send comments to the
  LSR mailing list ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).

* Firefox improvements. Scott Haeger has been hard at working implementing many
  features of the specification already, namely:

  * Automatic mode switching. Switches to the most specific reading mode
    as you navigate. Can be turned off to allow manual switches. Currently
    supports document mode and widget mode (forms and Web applications). Table
    modes coming soon.

  * Element navigation hotkeys. Visited links, unvisited links, paragraphs,
    headings, images, forms, form controls, sections, radio buttons, buttons,
    tables, lists, list items, ARIA landmarks, and many more.

  * Container navigation hotkeys. Skip over container. Go to container.

  * Navigation by relation. Go to a different kind of element. Go to a similar
    kind of element.

  * Navigation by landmark. Uses new W3C ARIA markup to navigate to main
    content, secondary content, navigation, search, notes, content info, and so

  * Document-centric Where am I? Reports current element, read progress through
    document, etc. For example, "heading level 2, Welcome, 1 of 10 in
    document. 4 percent of document read."

  * Settings. Enable or disable automatic mode changes. Configure whether the
    point of regard can easily leave containers (e.g. the document). More
    coming soon. See the spec.

  See the Firefox section of the LSR User Guide at
  for more details. (Keep in mind what is implemented and noted on the wiki
  lags slightly behind the spec.)  

* Improvements to bookmarks. The bookmark feature has been extended to support
  any input device (e.g. bookmarks for Braille buttons), comparison of the
  current point of regard to any bookmarked location, and comparison of any
  bookmarked location to the root of the foreground window.

* Login. Improvements to handling of the gdm login screen.

* SpeechDispatcher updates to work with version 0.6.2.

* BrlTTY updates to work with forthcoming version 3.8.0.

* Improvements to the search dialog. It's now more responsive, closes and opens
  more reliably, and so forth.

* Bug fixes, bug fixes, bug fixes. See for the 
  complete list.


* ar(Djihed Afifi)
* en_GB(David Lodge)
* es(Jorge Gonzalez)
* nb(Kjartan Maraas)
* or(Subhransu Behera)
* pa(A S Alam)
* sv(Daniel Nylander)


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