Module: nautilus-actions
      Version: 3.0.7
  Uploaded by: Pierre Wieser
 sha256sum: 4ccc1d5c1b4692cb4e44caf77dd5f8d4791d3092c323f724ef7a0c8739c1e6e6
      size: 13M
 sha256sum: 3642a5e41ed31a143cada15d76821a614401d17805611c7530c2f3e20310bafc
      size: 12M


Version 3.0.7

        Release date 2011-01-19

        General modifications:

                - Configuration now enables silent rules by default.
                - Add a new '' pre-release tool to check for the
                  completeness of header files.
                - Add a new '' tool to make distcheck easier.

        Bug fixes:

                - Fix various mistakes and mispellings reported by Fr 
translation team.
                - Use gettext() to display localized static strings.
                - Initialize translation domain for GOptionContext.
                - Fix localizable strings.
                - Remove deprecated references to the UUID.
                - Setup parent window when displaying a dialog box.

        New and updated translations:

                - cs (Marek Cernocky, Andre Klapper, Petr Kovar)
                - es (Daniel Mustieles)
                - fr (Gérard Baylard, Bruno Brouard, Nicolas Repentin)
                - sl (Matej Urbančič, Andrej Žnidaršič) 

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