About latexila

LaTeXila is an integrated LaTeX environment for the GNOME desktop. The
idea of LaTeXila is to always deal directly with the LaTeX code, while
simplifying as most as possible the writing of this LaTeX code.

To help the writing of the LaTeX markup, auto-completion is available
as well as menus and toolbars with the principal commands.

New documents are created from templates. There are buttons to
compile, convert and view a document in one click. And projects
containing several .tex files are managed easily.

A side panel contains three components: the document structure to
easily navigate in it; lists of symbols to insert them in a document;
and an integrated file browser.

LaTeXila has also other features like the spell checking, or the
forward and backward search to switch between the .tex and the PDF.


* Use gspell instead of GtkSpell. WARNING: gspell = 0.1.x is required, the 0.2
  or 1.0 version of gspell will most probably be incompatible with gspell 0.1.
* Add default spell checking settings in the preferences dialog.
* Via the Tools menu, the spell checking settings can be changed and are stored
  on a file-by-file basis.
* There is now a spell checker dialog window, to spell check an entire file
  word-by-word. (the “inline” spell checker is still present, where misspelled
  words are highlighted with a red wavy underline).
* Ensure that the personal build tools and the templates are correctly saved.
* Other various small improvements and bug fixes
* Translation updates

https://download.gnome.org/sources/latexila/3.17/latexila-3.17.90.tar.xz (1.03M)
  sha256sum: 8f72cfe7e25b949bd76ab97a4cb74062697ea0ccfb4a6743e9eedcdda42a0932

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