About Pitivi

Pitivi is a free software non-linear video editor. It is licensed
under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License. Pitivi is
designed to be intuitive video editing software that integrates well
in the GNOME desktop environment. It aims to be "a powerful, flexible
video editor that can appeal to prosumers and professionals."

Tarball releases are provided largely for distributions to build
packages. If you are interested in building Pitivi from source, we
would recommend building from version control.


Released: 2022-06-25

New Features:
 - Object tracking and blurring.
 - Beat detection and snapping clips to detected beats.
 - Title clip text border and shadow.
 - Allow maintaining aspect-ratio when resizing clips.
 - Added Source blending mode.
 - Easier to fade in/out a clip.
 - Playback sound VU meter.
 - Cut clips to paste them at a different position.

https://download.gnome.org/sources/pitivi/2022/pitivi-2022.06.tar.xz (10.8M)
  sha256sum: 533d38e3c6d211c2bd0e95e2b96b0f0833bdf0d5d477ace07df611583506c838

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