Hello Matt,

 You can use a custom FTPLet for this. If you search the mailing list
you will find this question asked several times ...
For FTPES only:
   In your custom FTPLet you can hook onLoginStart - this is the
beforeCommand when the command is USER- to make sure that channel is
secured with (session.isSecure() )

For FTP only: never done this but you can hook beforeCommand of AUTH
and forbid the attempt for authentication.

In your FTPLet you would define some variable to specify if  you want
FTPES only, FTP only or normal mode.  This variable can be populated
from the Spring configuration file ... and that's all , I think.

2009/10/20 Matt Schulze <matthew.schu...@onlinebankingsolutions.com>:
> Hello,
> I would like to be able to set up an embedded FTP server in my Spring
> application, but restrict it to either Explicit FTP mode only (Accept no
> commands except AUTH/USER/PASS/PBSZ until the connection is secured) or
> normal FTP mode only (ignore any 'AUTH' commands). If no mode is
> restricted, the server should exhibit normal behavior.
> The current implementation of this behavior has some small changes to
> the FtpServer source to increase the visibility of some variables and
> methods and hooking into CommandFactory and CommandFactoryFactory. Is
> there a way to implement this behavior without modifying the current
> FtpServer source?
> - Matt
> --
> Matthew Schulze

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