
 You can use symbolic links as gary bell suggested.

 Another option is that you  replace our default  FileSystem implementation
with the one provided by the "VFS Utils Project", VFS FTPServer Bridge


If I'm not wrong, in one of its operation modes,  you are not restricted to
the user's home directory.

You can always develop your own 'Filesystem' implementation :-)

2011/12/15 Nilesh Apte <nilesh.apt...@gmail.com>

> Hi:
> Can a ftp user access a file from other ftp users' home directory (or sub
> directory)?
> For example,
> 1. UserA has his home directory as /home/UserA
> 2. UserB has his home directory as /home/UserB
> 3. UserA has a file at following folder location,
> */home/UserA/documents/test.**txt*
> 4. When UserB connect to apache ftp server, he will see "/" (which maps to
> /home/UserB) as his root directory.
> 5. Can UserB issue "*GET /home/UserA/documents/test.**txt*" to retrieve
> the file?
> I tried "running ftp server stand alone in 5 minutes" link, and this seems
> to be not supported out of the box.
> I get "550 ... : No such file or directory" error.
> What is the recommended/best way to share files between various ftp users?
> Thanks,
> Nilesh.

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